Hey Barry,Wow, you must really be in shock that satan promised you the election to brain clot hillary and God had other plans.Do you have an emergency plan B?
>>489003544I love that retards believe this nigger is anything other than a mouthpiece. He makes no fucking decisions and won by being a smooth talking grifter whose only skill is reading a teleprompter.
>>489003544sorry OP it's still NNN (no nigs November, which is also all year). this post appears to have at least 1 nig so I'll have to excuse myself. reminder: No Niggers November (NNN) is all year long. the rules: - consume zero content/media/events if it has even 1 black person. - if a black person happens to show by surprise, even if only for a second, you must immediately abandon whatever context supplied the black person to your best ability.
>>489004302Your first mistake is thinking niggerfaggots are innocent, for some reason. That guy and his husband spent 12 years hating you and having gay sex with Brennan at the CIA(g)A(ay)Things like child transsexuality, that's him!