>65% of Americans are obese>23% of Americans are overweight Tax cuts for the biggest corporations and lower government regulation will only cause the problem to expand. Does Trump even realize what he's doing?
>>489068388Yes we know you faggots will eat none stop and want to gibs more to niggers and spics
>>489068388mass ozempic for amerilards
More fat bitches for me I guess
>>489068388According to my most recent study, we should all turn into fit and buff chads and chadettes within the first two years of the Trump administration.
>>489068388We are going to deport all the spic agricultural workers and replace them with the Gen Z and the nigs and women that work government jobs. So, those fatties get to work out and the cost of food is going to skyrocket due to lost productivity.
>>489069275>More fat bitches for me I guessimagining you suffocating in their folds rn
>>489068388Honestly, the tattoo is more disgusting than the fat.
>>489068388The question here is, do you know what you're talking about? I would speculate that you have no idea what you're talking about.
>>489069818>lost productivity>without beaners>implyingnice try paco
>>489068388>government regulation at all time high >people are fatter than ever Your correlation is bad nigger
>>489069927Have you seen how Gen Z, women, and blacks work?
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