What is the aim of politics?
>>488987925Republicanism is the science of achieving the most happiness for the most people.I assume thats basically politics in general as well?
>>488987925Manage scarcity
>>488987925distribution of control of reproduction and luxury
>>488987925Get the cheese.
to derive the policies according to which people interact so they can function as a group
>>488987925To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women
>>488987925Determine who gets what, within the capacity of an organization backed by armed fighting age men.
Who do the police really work for?
>>488987925To have peaceful disagreements about fundamental topics
>>488987925to pretend that voting matters
>>488987925for the weak, dishonest, and conniving to rule over the strong and honest
>>488987925To maintain a monopoly on violence (i.e. state) for your collective (tribe); for the purpose of maximizing both survival, and the excesses/spoils which are surplus to survival, all whilst minimizing the number of individuals for these means/spoils to be shared amongst.
>>488987925To promote peace.