leftists attack the higher status individuals in their own tribe to climb the dominance hierarchy. and then play the victim, to defend themselves. they are the definition of beta males. evil, chaotic, psychopathic, feminine.right people are more concerned about defending their tribe, and fighting out of tribe people, which naturally lets them climb the dominance hierarchy. They are the definition of alpha males. righteous, just, faithful, masculine.>the left will always be on the wrong side of history.>the left cannot exist without censorship.prove me wrong
>>489098988Pic related is the true face of Conservatism in America and has been for hundreds of years. Conservatives love to claim they're the "masculine/alpha" party but, in reality, they spend most of their time pearl clutching only to inevitably acquiesce to whatever fresh hell the progressive leftists dream up next.
>>489098988>>489099081Both are true. Trump won because he could absorb ideas from the entire political spectrum and channel the will of the people into policy towards several tangible enemies.