Those little bastards will be glued to black screened Library of Babel for their entire lives. I think eventually technology will be used amongst kids as a way of venting their feelings over powerlessness towards their parents so they use the internet to express how they would like to approach reality by holding on to tropes and principles already established by certain factors of the internet they take a liking to which leads to them being emotionally dependent on it and leaves them very useful to minimum wage employers. While this isn't new to anybody here, it's the fact that people are starting to realize this but it hasn't fully soaked in and permeated into society just yet. I don't believe Gen Beta will be more willing to change the foundations of our society than Gen Alpha they are too skibidi toilet for that. What do you think will happen???
>>489069925This picture pisses me off, poor kid never stood a chance
>>489069925Well someone has to work at Wal Mart, what you think? who's gonna check the receipts? Everyone has a purpose.
Gen B will definitely be the superior generation. Zoomers and Alphas were born too early in the digital age.
>>489070094robots are going to take those jobs. much like the industrial revolution made strength irrelevant, so too this one shall make intelligence irrelevant. the only thing that will matter in the future is your character. how likable you are.
>>489069925We have like 14 years of experience with what iPads do to a babies mind. I've seen kids throw themselves on the ground and beat their heads until they get a IPad in their hands. Kids struggle to speak or even conversate longer than 5 seconds because they're learning speech patterns from YouTubers and Tiktokers.
They're gonna be superior beings. >>489070094Everyone needs to work at walmart for at least 5-10 years. >>489070230There have always been spoiled kids.
>>489070194>the only thing that will matter in the future is your character. how likable you are.
>>489070411This isn't spoiled. It's drug addict behavior. With the way they are the best they'll hope for in life is working at Walmart.
You want to know how the universe recreates itself, and you get your answer and graft yourself onto it like a fungus who creates a simbiotic relationship with a tree, and you're STILL not happy.Well, there is no pleasing you.
>>489069925>What will the iPad babies do to society We have a full generation of autistic digital screen addicts that are supposed to enter the real world and contribute. L O L
You think it's bad now? Wait until their children are installing a brain chips, so that their brains can drift with any of a billion narrow compute super intelligences, and the entire concept of: "your body" changes into the eyes, hands and feet of drones, as your physical hands and feet atrophe back to non-existence, like how the tail you used to have pulled into your butt, leaving the bone that muscles used to use to wag it, shrink until the risk of damage by falling on your but returns to zero, but not fully disappearing. Leaving humans with a tailbone, but no tail or muscles to wag it.
>>489070515It's true. You best be working on a gimmick. >>489070753>This isn't spoiled. It's drug addict behavior. Nah.>With the way they are the best they'll hope for in life is working at Walmart.They won't be working. If you think the average kid is entitled now you ain't seen nothing yet!>>489071275Real talk.
>>489069925usher the next iteration of the Old World OrderNWO is a mind control term that makes you think the bad thing hasnt happened already
You know how flatworms were the first to discover that brains are a good thing 2.7 billion years ago when a cell specialized for deciding when to go forward and when to reverse?Yeah, that's happening again. You are the flatworm.
>>489071458They'll be working fake jobs like Walmart worker where you stand around all day doing things a kid with down syndrom could do.
>>489071728Not really. You need a sense of urgency otherwise you got people like me that'll complain they're not cutting the mustard and will swiftly be fired. The days of me carrying a department are dead and buried.
>>489069925Pretty much the same as boomers with their TV and news. The only good generation is the one that was hooked to raw uncensored internet
Fun fact: high tech moguls like Steve Jobs won't let their kids have a tablet AT ALL. They are sent to special schools with *no* computers at all.Makes you think. Unbelievable, but true.