I am a female in my early 20s. I have now lost several female friends for trying to defend men, because they will start demanding men fix themselves and "do better". In response I tell them that I love men, men were always there for me when women rejected me over ideological differences, men created my house and country and the things I enjoy. But they tell me I am just brainwashed and don't have enough life experience to know that a ton of men are actually abusive horrible people who hate me. I already know some are like that and I just don't care because the positives outweigh the negatives, but they can't accept that I am tired of the exclusionary cliquey behavior of women and they stop liking me. What do I do here?
>>488995654tits / gtfo
>>488995654get a husband and make children
when right, sometimes being still is doing something
>>488995654That's nice dear, around here it's customary to post your tits if you want anyone to take you seriously.
do women never stop bitching
>>488995654Same thing. Worst is when they call you a “pick me” and say you’re trying to ‘not be like the other girls,’ when you’re just being genuine. We need our own network.
>>488995654If you want to have a serious discussion about this I suggest posting this on Twitter. 4chan is a shithole.
>>488995654>>488995876Protip, no need to defend men to your braindead friends, we don't care about their opinions and neither should you. Most men have long realized that women will draw their political affiliations from the strongest man in their life and absent that, they will get it from goyslop media. Find a good man, get married, have kids and ignore the haters.
>>488995654> I am a femaleI have a hard time believing this. Assume a man until proven a woman.
>>488995654This post was typed by a man
>>488995654Stop caring what other people think of you. 70% of the population is full blown mentally ill.Most people never learn this lesson their entire life.
>>488995731>tits / gtfo/thread
>>488995654>But they tell me I am just brainwashed and don't have enough life experience to know that a ton of men are actually abusive horrible people who hate me.A ton of people in general are abusive and horrible people. That's not really any kind of argument.
>>488995876>We need our own network.Women are the largest intelligence agency in the world. Every group of women is a qualified CIA splinter cell with it's own tradecraft, safe house network, and ratlinesYou're full of shit
All women should be killed ho-nestly
>>488996202>Factory reset successful
>>488996053I don’t truly care about their opinions but it’s also not a great feeling to be ostracized and isolated because they think you’re being a traitor and whatnot. I can’t risk what little social life I have.
>>488995654>I have now lost several female friends for trying to defend men, because they will start demanding men fix themselves and "do better"Ironic coming from the gender that never mentally becomes an adult and gets a free pass simply for existing.
>>488995654Don't sacrifice your life for The Last Man. The Hollow Men. This was a good copypasta. If you are actually a woman, do not devote yourself to a cause. Devote yourself to a rich man.
>>488995876How? All female-only groups are feminist.
if you want to be right wing as a female and have friends, you need to get married, move to the suburbs and have babies
>>488996401I mean one with like-minded women for support. If they can have their hive-mind, we can have ours.
>>488995654POST TITS
>>488996181That's what I say, but "90% of murderers are men" is always the answer. I tried to bring up the crime rates of blacks once but they said it was due to historical racism and oppression blah blah. So I guess statistics only matter when it comes to shitting on men.
Woman sent to the frontlines in WW3.It's time for herstory.
>>488995654You can't have genuine complex philosophical understanding with normies anon. Especially social women.They are all sheep. Right and wrong is only distinguished by what everyone else thinks. Nothing more complex then that in their minds.
>>488995654>female friendsthey wernt your friends
>>488996658WOULD love to see a mass female FORCED draft. Just to see them get to the point where they realize they don't want equality.
>>488995654Find someone to start a family with. Having girlfriends will never make you as happy as having children would. The same is true for us men.What those women are trying to do is keep you a part of their group so they can continue partying or whatever without having to settle down themselves, and they need your support to do that, so they'll pressure you into doing the same so they won't lose your support. If you found someone who was worth starting a family with, they would probably do everything they could to sabotage it for you. You need to just move on and be true to yourself, to your beliefs and your desires in life.
>>488995654Saying the truth is not compatible with the normie world. Chose your path.
>>488995654They probably call you a pick-me, but you aren't. Men want to protect woman and make them happy, it's a natural thing. My ex-wife abused me and stole money from me, but I still felt the need to please her. We are natural protectors and you are meant to be natural nurturers.I've met women like you. Rare, but they exist, and they are usually fucked up from abuse by other women. All I can say is don't let them change you and that a good man will make you a better mother one day.
>>488995654>What do I do here?duct tape them to a chair and force them to watch this;https://www.bitchute.com/video/McMHNWFPkqqv
>>488996804I suppose you are right. I plan on having a family. But I still would like female friends, because men and women are indeed different, and some of the things I enjoy take a woman's mind to truly understand. It's lonely without someone who naturally gets my instincts. >>488997218I think men and women should love each other. I appreciate men, and the love I feel makes me feel fulfilled and happy, like life is worth it. We should be each other's better halves instead of enemies, but people absolutely refuse.
>>488995654Post tits them the rules
>>488996520No you can't, women aren't cooperative they are only competitive. They congregate in groups to bring each other down.
>>488996053This is good advice. Disregard at your own peril femoids. Cruel world.
I gave up on women. I just ignore them even if every once in awhile one comes along who still seems sane. Not worth the risk. Buckwheat pancakes > loppy pancake tiddies.
>>488995654You sounds like a good person.And those women are likely sluts, who've hooked up with lots of bad men.
>>488995654It sounds like you're more upset over the fact that women don't like you more than you are upset over the fact that your friends hold sexist attitudes towards men. So men have it worse; women most affected.
488995654Your gender and vagina are of no relevance, hole.
>>488995654We men do betterIs the NSA and their all female sexologist degree castSeriously they post all your porn
>>488995654>What do I do here?Show tits with timestamp. After that, do what you want to do, most things in life don't matter anyway. Just don't became a whore and you'll be fine