Why wouldn't he just leave ukraine alone? You all told me in 2022 that Russian invading Ukraine was just fearmongering and now we're on the brink of nuclear war.
>>489030170this is just posturing for better negotiation at the peace treaty table, yeah they might nuke keiv but we are not facing a nuclear war
could've just let leave
NAFO is dead.
>>489030170It's too late now, only THD
>>489030391You're beyond retarded
>>489030856no u
>>489030391Join EU but not NATO? So next time the monkey will bite off another chunk? There will be no peace as long as this schizophrenic commietzarist oligarchic gulaghomo islamofaschist regime continues to exist and poison the ground around and in itself.>>489030170You could have prevented it all, could have listened to General George S. Patton and cleaned the Earth of this filth, once and for all, before it managed to steal nuke tech from you.
>>489030391Why didn't Russia let chechnya and dagestan secede? Why didn't america let the south secede?