Gender is binary for nonwhites. It's a spectrum for whites. Because the white man has no limits to their potential.
>>489006912Will her ass still smell like a blokes? I’m attracted to the pheromones but not sure if male arse stench is as good as a hot girls butt.
>>489007032he has a penis and you're worried about how his ass smells?
>>489007075answer the question you fucking leaf
>>489006912Jews aren't white.
>>489006912Lol, I had a troon in my highschool and the guy was bullied by everyone, including teachers and he hanged himself after the highschool.
>>489006912 blog. rhetorical statement. Tweet screencap
>>489007170yes he still smells like a man
that's a man
>>489006912That's just the expected outcome of destroying your hormones production with steroids.
>>489007270How do you know?
>>489007170your a faggot, theres your answer gay boy.
>>489006912Hot. White boys make the best girls.
>>489007032I'm not sure. I've fugged like 4 ftm trannies and 3 still smelled like women and 1 smelled absolutely horribly disgusting
Well if it smells like a man’s does it still look like it? Or has the hairy brown hole turned into a smooth little pink button? Do hormones affect the actual anal opening, the anus? I’m so close bros, I want to be smothered.
It's two different people. This board is so retarded.
turn himself into a hidious female
>>489007105Hey Doc, why would you care about mental illness when your fellow m8s have sexual relationship with abbos?