Why are millenials the only pozzed generation left?
>>489082876only generation growing up under total leftist dominance
>>489082876Those faggots do not speak for the rest of us.
>>489082876It isn't generational. That is simply your average reddit user.
>>489082876Hey we're not all like that. Many of us were brutally redpilled, though it can take many pills to break the conditioning. I'll concede we are probably the generation with the most bluepilled holdovers.
>>489082876We had the most censorship and diversity is our strength and political correctness was hammered into us everywhere. I never bought into it but I understand why so many millennials are the way they are.
>>489082876>le generational divide psyopas a millennial I get along quite well with gen x, zoomers, and some boomers too. kill yourself shill.
>>489082949No, it’s because we were the last generation who came of age before the internet. Our formative years were pre-9/11. The worst bluepilled tendencies of our generation arise from a misguided belief the world is still fundamentally like it was when we were kids. It’s a delusion that no matter how pozzed things all that really matters is being heckin’ wholesome because America always wins in the end. We are very similar to Boomers in a lot of ways. The younger generations do not share that smug sense of security.