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Seriously, why the fuck do you keep denying climate change? Do you think the scientists are just faking all the climate catastrophes happening all around the world?
2 more weeks
how come its cold as fuck here then retard
you posting about climate change spun up servers all across the globe to send the message.
you are causing global warming. you won't even stop the most easy thing...
expect everyone else to pickup the slack?
fuck you. i'm gonna go burn some tires and motor oil you hypocrite!
i deny everything including genocides and the titanic sinking and the moon landing out of spite. Shouldnt have denied me pussy.
Climate change is natural.

Pollution isn't.
The only fix would be a rapid transition to nuclear power or depopulation.
I deny you exist OP.
the elites don't they keep importing 3rd world retards
I know how your "sell out" of natural resources is changing everything in Brazil you asshole. It's not a climate change, it's a local event. It's not you can surveillance these effects in every country. It's in the industrial mafia countries.
you can only move the goal posts so many times before people lose interest in your game.
my boomer coworkers legitimately believe the government is manipulating the weather
Cuz white Europeans know they did it. If blacks did it, it would be all over the news, but since whites did it, Fox News won’t do shit and they use oil and gas money to keep it hush.
Oh no! Still waiting for the sea levels to rise tho.
It's almost as if it's getting lower because water takes up 10% less space than ice
Because I understand statistics and CO2 hardly correlates with temperature
Learn some stats, you retarded climate alarmists
Deing et al 2017
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Bro I have AC on in November
Climate change is not a real problem. It's a wedge issue that could easily be solved but no one in power wants it to be. Listen: we could build a nuclear reactor, dedicate it to sucking carbon out of the air, and be below preindustrial levels in just a few years. From one reactor.
Why don't we do this? Because it's not really a pressing concern, and because it's convenient to have people scared.
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I am a climate denier. I deny there even is such a thing as "climate"
capturing one ton of carbon dioxide directly from the air using carbon capture technology requires around 2,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh)
There are 950 gigatons of carbon in the air
That's 475000000KWH to remove it all
Average nuclear reactor produces 1 gigawatt (1000000kilowatts)
475 hours of this thing running (20 days).

Now let's say for some reason these numbers are wrong by a factor of 100,000. So it would actually take 550 years. Okay, just build 50 nuclear reactors and be done in 50 years.
be done in 11 years*
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>faking all the catastrophes
Bitch cant even spell her name right, opinion discarded.
Because we don't want to admit that our own carbon usage will cause a global migrant crisis like the world has never seen
Already 1.5 C warmer. Shit is coming early. Everything was supposed to happen in 2100. Right wing Trumpkin dick lickers will deny it while they are in water up to their necks.
It's been disclosured
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How can that be, when The Science says we're already in an ice age?
Peepee poopoo change, get some new lines.
You faggots can't even remember your own doomsday predictions. James Hansen NYC would be under water by 2000. The fucker said oceans would begin to boil. LOL so absurd
And it's all a trend manufactured through adjustments to the historic climate records
You are an idiot if you believe CO2 drives climate
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They've been caught manipulating data for centuries. Remember thr movie An Inconvenient Truth?? These are the people that brought us covid mitigation measures
Look how all bots and glowniggers and shill ignore this when its well known for decades.
this. the titanic never even floated, much less sank
I heard a sweet potato farmer interviewed on national radio the other day doing a Q and A. The host asked about the effects of climate change and the farmer said it would improve conditions if New Zealand got warmer and wetter and the host had to shut it down lol
>Do you think the scientists are just faking all the climate catastrophes happening all around the world?
Climate change "scientists," are about as trustworthy as the, "scientists," who told us the Covid vaxx was safe and effective. There is no science anymore. Everybody is full of shit , everybody is a fraud, trust nobody.
>oh no it's getting hotter!
>Quick, pay more taxes! That'll solve everything
>also you HAVE to stop eating meat, cows fart. Have a bug instead
>Bro why don't you believe the people who were paid to show their research says (X) for socio political purposes?
Remember during covid everyone shut up about climate change for a couple years lmao
Maybe not the most relevant fact on 4chan but some of us are old enough to remember the world was supposed to become a desert incapable of supporting life twice (and an iceball once) in my lifetime.

A lot of these "climate disasters!" are nothing special, they just report them like it's totally unprecedented that places with wild fire seasons have wild fires and ect.
What's natural about it? We've radically changed the composition of the atmosphere.

2 weeks ago.
>Do you think the scientists are just faking all the climate catastrophes happening all around the world?
because it became engrained in politics here. where if you were a democrat you had to believe it and republicans are supposed to deny it.

people stick with their team.
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"climate change" is a hoax to destroy the middle class.

"scientists" are paid to perpetuate the hoax
Climate change is Just Globalism and Satanism denying the Power of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Lord, all the other stuff is lies.
sure there is climate change. the climate is always changing. how much of the change is man made is an open question. probably such a small amount that it is basically nothing. climate change activists are antihuman, it is a death cult, anti civilization.
Unfathomably based

OP is a confirmed faggot. Why did you make the topic?

Scientist say EV will fix hurricanes? Explain science.

Nobody is denying the hurricane. They're saying EVs don't fix it. Only you're convinced, EVs are the best thing to have in hurricanes. Not only do want to drive EVs in hurricanes, and pay more taxes to stop the hurricane, you do anyway your house is destroyed, you want to add how many more people into the hurricane's path?

Do you understand why people deny science?

Yes there are hurricanes. Science won't change that. In fact science is lying on the complete cause. Simple not stupid. If climate change is man made, why is mass immigration the highest in human history? Why are we using more consumption, electricity, and any products related, if consumption causes the supposed weather?

Explain science. What other factors cause our weather. Does our moon? Are we not having the most super Moon's recently. How many these past years? What about our Sun? Conjunctions? Our rotation. True North. Look moving. Look Northern Lights in Texas. Eclipses, more recently?

You're convinced an EV changes it? All the mass immigration fixes it? Increasing consumption more electricity and electric products fixes it?

Because it's the cow's farts? They're causing hurricanes all over Africa. Look all those farting animals. Herds and herds and herds of farting animals are causing global climate change, Africa changes the entire Planet's weather every time an elephant takes a shit.

Or is it your dumb ass? You've just emitted something
You're dealing with angry, scared little children in adult bodies.
Not going to eat the bugs, not going to pay the higher taxes
Your boomers are correct. Cloud seeding is literally an actual real thing that happens that influences weather.
>Seriously, why the fuck do you keep denying climate change?
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Then make India and China de-industrialize, why do you faggots never advocate for that? It's almost like you don't believe your own bullshit
You are a failed experiment.
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the disasters are real but it's not climate change, it's climate control.
glowniggers have control of tech that can create earthquakes and hurricanes, at minimum.
geoengineeringwatch dot org
not my problem
Acid Rain was all the rage in the 80's. It was going to kill all the forests on earth. Then it was proven to be horseshit. Nothing has changed, except for the fact that there are no honest scientists left to prove anything is horseshit.
Who cares when Apophis strikes the earth and most people die?
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the government legitimately believes your boomer coworkers are manipulating the weather
are there really people that still think pumping all that gass, chemicals and whatever into the air will have no effect whatsover?
due to regulations the effect of acid rain has been drasticly reduced
We're returning it back to the original climate by taking all the dead dinos and plants and putting the glorious carbon in their bodies back into the atmosphere. It will get warm and jungly and more plants will grow and animals will get bigger.
This is so fun!
how many days per week do you want to use your refrigerator? if the number is >1 then you too don't believe in man made climate change.
and taxes are the solution instead of i dont know fighting desertification or using nuclear and other resources?
Please find us the stats about how much volcanos spew vs what humans spew.
We'll wait...
>Do you think the scientists are just faking all the climate catastrophes happening all around the world?
What climate catastrophes?
Because science as a whole is compromised, particle physics is nonsense, and aristotle was right.

>denying climate change
Sounds like a cult
It looks even better with sunspot counts added
>aristotle was right.
Yes, democracy is the greatest tyrant of all.
>Seriously, why the fuck do you keep denying climate change?
Because the retards on this board will believe whatever the fuck they're told to believe as long as it comes from rightoid grifters. Welcome to Idiocracy
>t. retard with 0 qualifications in the field who doesn't even understand the cope graphs he posts
shut the fuck up dipshit
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Be sure to tip your local Environmental Tribunal minister for their hard work
>t. retard coming to an imageboard looking for academic referential integrity

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