You can't eliminate the poor, who the fuck is going to do all of the shitty jobs? How are we going to exploit little Timmy's dad if he has is well off enough to tell you to fuck off?
>>489089866op is a huge faggot
>>489089866Smart Germans / Koreans / Ugandans will demean themselves and waste their lives in blue collar jobs more than retarded Poles / Chinks / SudaneseArbeit macht frei, is an inversion and perversion of the natural orderand you know what? the former group will never complain or rise up against it, and that is why the rich are salivating
>>489089866do you not do a shitty job because it's shitty or because the pay isn't high enough?
>>489090709You do the job shitty because you are shitty, but you pretend that your lethargy would be fixed by pay increase as a cope, because you are really just a failure who should be super thankful.