never trust a jew
>>489060456>start out as anti fascist>become a fascisthow does this happen?
>>489060670dumb goy, they're anti fascist in goyim countries and fascist in israel AT THE SAME TIME
>>489060456i dont trust any young non-asian person with round glasses
>>489060889>>489060670Both of you sound like demonrat vatnigger shills. The Jews are allies to the Aryan race, and defenders of global white supremacy. They have stood with us in Ukraine and they have stood with us in the Middle East. Together the two white races - the Aryans and the Jews - tower about shitskin hordes that infest the rest of the planet. The white race must stand together as brothers, for we are few in our numbers, and we have many enemies, but if we work together, then through our intellectual superiority and our faustian spirit, the shitskins and commies, despite their vast numbers will never stand a chance. We are united against the shitskin hordes both by our racial characteristics, but also in our commitment to serve the Lord, the God of Issac, Abraham and Jacob.
>>489061973>vatniggerpajeet detected