is it okay to play video games /pol/? does it help the nation and the people politically? i figured games like crusader kings would be good
I think they're good for you in some cases but you have to avoid the goyslopif they are very mechanically demanding: >Starcraft, Counter Strike, etc..if they have compelling narratives that exercise your imagination in clever ways: >Half Life, The Witcher, Metal Gear Solid, etc..
>>488989808If u think coming on /pol/ and asking about X is okay then your already a lost cause.
>>488990360>but you have to avoid the goyslopthat rules out 99% of games
>>488990770yepbut the 1% is so good it makes up for it
>>488991828what ones are the 1%?
They make people smarter. I think they're a great service to civilization. Ironically? Action games have a stronger effect on intelligence tests than puzzle games.Memorization games are the worst for brain training. Don't drag your brain through games that strain your memorization.Extreme focus on one game is bad, too. Mastering a game may feel awesome, but after a certain point your brain starts hyper-specializing and building in structures that ONLY work with that game. You want to challenge your adaptive potential with a variety of games. The brain-training effect is stronger early on.
>>488989808Just do it in moderation
>>488989808Games are for kids.You should be out there making money or hitting the gym.A grand strategy binge once or twice a year is good though. I don't trust a man who doesn't have to blow off steam by moving soldiers around a map at least once a year.
>>488989808Games are pretty good. Makes your motor skills and tactical thinking better. What's the alternative? Lay on couch and watch the Kardashians? No thanks, i'll much rather play games.
>>488992299Since most people come home and watch tv, video games are better, because at least you may play a game while listening to some informative podcast from some independent creator instead of some propaganda from the hollywood kikes.
>>488989808If nothing else, they help with hand-eye coordination and some elements of critical thinking/decision making for quick action optimization. The Overcooked series is one of the best for this purpose while also being IQ and stress filters for relationships of all kinds.
>>488991887multiplayer: >Starcraft>Counter Strike>Age of Empires>DOTA/League (if you can handle bad teammates and appreciate the skill ceilling) >World of Warcraft/Final Fantasy XIV (if can immerse yourself in the world and make friends like MMOs are supposed to be played)compelling narratives: >Half Life>The Witcher series>Metal Gear Solid (especially if you start with 1 and experience the development of graphical technology as the series progresses - which plays perfectly alongside the storyline. The graphical jump from 1 to 2 is so kino to experience sequentially)>Elden Ring (or any souls game)this is a very normie list but I think it's a good start
>>488992725>Elden Ring (or any souls game)doesnt elden ring have trannies
>>488989808It's no worse than watching tv. Since tv stopped being good after 2003, we play video games instead.
>>488989808>does it help the nation and the people politically?No.
>>488993347a portion of the playerbase is convinced that she is a trannybut like all souls games it is up for debate and leaves room for interpretationI personally don't think they are the same person therefore it isn't a tranny
>>488992494You're supposed to go home and stare at the wall in complete silence, the only acceptable and non-jewified form of leisure time for any /pol/cel or trve Aryan chad.