Apparently psychologists have developed a new show for toddlers that hacks their brains and makes them stop whatever they are doing. It’s like crack for babies.Of course, parents of the internet find it hysterical and post videos of how their kid will stop dead in their tracks and make comments about how their baby can go hours without any food or other interaction just by watching this show called CocoMellon.What kind of predictive programming is this? If you think zoomer iPad brains are bad, this looks like it will be far worse.Video:
They have cocomelon for adults too, they call it las vegas
crazy. im intrigued to know what this intro sounds like, but i dont wanna subject myself to tavistock engineered audio weapons.
>>489017649huh, Spiderman Pregnant Elsa thingy was a true thing then.
>>489017649>wife's sister has a 9-year old>stupid cunt let the kid watch cocomelon until it was 8>kid can't read, can't write, can't do basic addition, favorite color is rainbow, still pisses itselfit literally makes kids pedo targets.
>>489019356This looks like slots for toddlers. I do find it interesting that it even prevents them from becoming hungry. Long term effects are going to be interesting
>>489017649I feel the left side of my face tingle when that is played, wtf is it lol
>>489019746This has to be frying synapses by blasting them with dopamine. Unlike slots that promise the chance of winning money, which is an idea adults understand, toddlers don’t care about that reward potential. Nevertheless, the combination of sounds, flashes, and colors makes it so appealing they can go without food or any other interaction at all just by being placed in front of it? That’s awfully strange.Of course, the soulless, braindead parents think it’s cute and don’t ask any questions.
>>489020713Color is much more stimulating to children than adults. Their brain is wired for accepting all kinds of stimulus to learn, these videos short circuit the mechanism without providing valuable information.It's as if you fed a kid nothing but diet soda. Taste is there but it's gonna starve.