>Florida man
>Florida Man>Abdul
>>489087900>Florida man
>>489088029I mean he was clearly British.
>>489087900are you that swiss pajeet?
>>489088270No, I'm expat Tennessee Man.
>>489087900The secret is simply this:Never plan.FFS, never tell anyone.Just do. Randomly. And when times are chaotic and resources stretched thin.Two weeks ago, for instance. Which I'm assuming is when this incident took place?Good on this madlad for not being a FUCKING RETARD who killed random strangers.
>>489088774>Randomlywell...or maybe I lack all internal consistency? I dunno lol
>>489087900>wanted toIs that the actual charge?
>>489087900That was very Irish of him.
fukken based
>>489087900His names is Tyler Durden
>>489088358Double J made me smile for the first time in a really long time He said "down there at the beach" in reference to Florida When I was a kid, my great grandmother would frequently say "Those boys are down there at the beach" when talking about my cousins working construction in Florida
This is why we need the FBI. You can't just fuck over agents with seniority, nor can you screw over the hard working men and women that are retired and getting pensions. Not a good idea
>>489087900can anyone explain to me in plain English what wall street people even do. and do we need them?
>>489087900Florida Man is probably the most unpredictable guy alive. We find him everywhere, doing everything.
>>489090216They crash the economy on their cocain bender tradings sprees, destroy small businesses and the economy to buy the dip, and perpetuate mass slaughters of civilians under the guise of war to maximize profits.
>>489090216They stimulate the economy
>>489090089This, we can't outsource our domestic terrorism to guys named Abdul. The job of our FBI agents is to do domestic terrorism, and by God they do a great job! Their false-flags and school shootings truly align with American values and I for one am glad my taxpayer dollars are used for them to spread child porn and drugs.
Truly a victimless crime
>>489090216So american business has shifted from selling products to customers and is now about selling stock value to investors. The current American Dream is to build a company, raise its value just high enough then sell the company for six figures to some billionare.The short version is that the system is kiked but the stock market is a casino that allows poors to move into the middle class if they get lucky.
>>489087900It's a muslim, you fucking idiot, not a real man.
>>489090216>what wall street people even do. They decide what you need>and do we need them?Allegedly, yes
>>489090089>>489090412kys glownigger scum