Why do Liberals hate the pro-Palestine movement even more than Conservatives?
>>488997535define liberal
>>488997535They blame them for losing Michigan for Mamala.They are also just annoying af.
>>488997535The coalitions that made up the Democratic Party and Republican Party have completely collapsed in the last election. Stop saying liberal. They’re not liberal anymore. Never really have been.
>seething bongkek someone's angry they lost their golem>>488997535liberals are american jews, anon
>>488997825Democratic Party, mainstream media, centrists, supporters of established capitalism, etcThose black people would not be liberal.Do you think skin color = liberal?>>488997973There is no queer liberation without the liberation of everyone anonFurthermore Israel subjects Palestinians to an intensive surveillance regime, they have a database known as "the facebook of Palestinians" with a file on everyone living in the Occupied Territories, and one of the goals of this is to identify any that are LGBT - for the purpose of blackmailing them into becoming informants.>>488998008That Israeli flag is very unusual at a pro-Palestine eventAnd being a rainbow flag version that is called Pink Washing and most queers hate it except the liberal establishment oneshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinkwashing_(LGBTQ)They hate the banks/weapons contractors/etc putting up pride displays in a way you could never match>>488998220America has one political party: the Business Party.The Business Party has two factions: the Less Extreme (Democrats) and the More Extreme (Republicans)The Republicans have become rightwing radicals and the Democrats have become the Republican-lite conservatives.>>488998363Something I find interesting is how this word has lost all meaning in American discourse.I suppose it is a deliberate tactic, like Newspeak in 1984, if nobody can understand one another and we get frustrated at people meaning different things then we cant exchange information and learn and come to an understanding.
>>488999153Before we can achieve liberation of trans people and minorities and women, we must achieve liberation of the palestinian people who are suffering white colonialism
>>488999218both at the same time because they all have their same root in capitalism
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goodies are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.https://www.gommies.gom/fug/https://www.gommies.gom/starve/GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:https://www.gommies.gom/ohfugme/It is regommend you kill youself so you can avoid starbing lol.Resources:https://www.gommies.gom/ohshid/https://www.gommies.gom/1984/https://www.gommies.gom/guck/https://www.gommies.gom/probaganda/https://www.gommies.gom/XDDDD/https://www.gommies.gom/wheresfood/https://www.gommies.gom/benis/Da sdages of gommunism.>Sdage oneBourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.>Sdade twoWitheringAll beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.>Sdage threeGommunism.No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.>Sdage fourNod real gommunism. Move on to nexd goundry :DDDDDDD
>billar 1? Starb>billar 2, starb>billar 3 : starb>billar 4 - STARB>billar 5 , holodomor and starb>billar 6 : gulag and starb>billar 7 : coup and starb>billar 8 : war and starb>billar 9 : cry and starb>billar 10 : everyone dead>billar 11 : jews >billar 12 : GOMMUNISM SUCCESS
>>488999557>>488999582how many recessions, meltdowns, and crises have we had over the past 44 years whose perpetrators go running to the government clutching their copies and Mises and Rand as they beg for the nanny state to bail them out and then lecture the rest of us about the need for rugged individualism and the dangers of relying on the government?
>>488997535They are to semitic
>>489000472who is 'we'?
>>489000616members of human civilization and western society?