>roasties is in a relationship with a CHAD MECHANIC >roastie friend finds a porno of her bf CHAD MECHANIC >confronts him>CHAD MECHANIC basically tell her she’s insecure and he’s only doing to earn extra money>she breaks up with him>roastie thinks she might regret it
Based woman ngl I would have drawn the line at tattoos
>>489018054Inverse is raising another man's son with a porn star or something. Tldr not my problem if cucks and simps aren't yours
>>489018054Probably a larp post by some well meaning retard trying to show roasties their hypocrisy over doing sex work with Only Fans, witch is a message they won't get.
>>489018170>>489018054Why doesn't Chad mechanic freak out about her watching porn?That's basically cheating!
>>489018257You’re probably right
>>489018054Oh look another reddit screenshot thread for incels to cry about!