Spaniards are ten times whiter than i*alians, I shit you not
>>489087279How ?
>>489087279>>489087349Frenchies aren’t white ethier faggot
>>489087279lol no even Balkanoids are Whiter.
>>489087279What about us
>>489087349>We wuz romans and sheeeiiit
>>489087407The swarthiest people here in France who don't have spanish or italian grandparents look like picrel You can see that he is very " Occitan looking " in his features but our meds will never look like they may be pakistanis
>>489087568Well, the first thing who comes in my mind when I think of Portuguese is this " french " Youtube girl who is of Portuguese descent, look at picrel, it's her with her brother and sisterI appreciate Portuguese bro but sadly I think you're pretty much the same as Italy