How do we solve the simp problem in society?
>>489010137By not paying attention to them and fucking their girls in front of them
Legalize rape
>>489010137prostitution and abortion bans
>>489010137Pathetic.all e whoring online should be illegal. it basically prostitution and exploitation.
>>489010137I will only simp for Goddess Deliria
>>489010137Didn’t the guy later claim this was a joke?
>>489010813Probably to save face after he got clowned into oblivion.> was just a joke hahah
>>489010137Just googled it and it was done as bait. Everything on this board is a lie.
>>489010137wtf i thought the hootis were based
>>489011039Nigger. ANYTHING you see off a screen is probably a lie of some sort. There is literally no reason whatsoever to believe a damn thing you see on a screen, even this post.I for one have a twenty mile rule.If it happens within twenty miles of my current location AND I can see it with my own eyes, ill believe it. Otherwise, everything else is just entertainment.
>>489010813>I'm not the most pathetic "man" you have ever seen! It was just a prank bro!!!Likely story
>>489010137Relax. He will learn his lesson. They all do.
>>489011039Yeah lots of spam threads fizzle out when you look up their source. There is intense spam activity on the board for the last few years. People and/or bots are trying hard to make it too stupid to use
>>489011266Fuck you. /pol/ was never good.
>>489010813He was probably her neighbour or bf. It's unlikely that he flew thousands of miles for her.
>>489011928Text says he is her twitch moderator.
>>489011928This. Bed down your emotions pol and always use logic.
>>489010137I just wanted to see her feet in real life. Is that too much for a man to ask??
>>489010137Kill all simps in self defense.