>brink of ww3>Democrats would never be able to drum up enough support and goys to enlist to die for Israel>Trump wins>MIGAtards enlist in droves to die for their beloved Trump>All the conservacucks die off in war>Demorat reign supreme with their docile populace of goblin shitskins and cucks
>>489061390Never trust a zionist
>>489061390>nuclear war happens>all democrats die because they're almost exclusively in the cities>fascists win.Sounds good to me.
This is now TWICE that the boomers have brought us to the brink of nuclear exchange. When we can just make Logan's Run a reality?
>>489061681Libcucks that fled California bought rural property in other states during the Covid era for cheap.
>>489062334Okay but how many of those are there compared to those that are right-wing and have guns. Even assuming there was a small minority of people who were right-wing, dodged the draft, and owned guns, they'd still easily btfo any left-wing equivalent minus the guns.
>>489061390>MIGAtards enlist in droves to die for their beloved TrumpThat remains to be seen. We’ll just have to wait to find out if the military starts hitting their recruiting quotas. Personally, I have my doubts.
>>489061390>Trump wins>Trump doesnt send people to war>All the libcucks AACKftfy
>>489062970Trump thinks he can end the war in 24 hours by talking to Putin. Do you think his ego will allow Putin to say no? It’s war Russia or Ukraine is annexed. I hope Ukraine gets annexed.
>>489061578Good twist on an old meme.
>>489061390this is reddit as fuck gross
>>489061390>goblin shitskinsDidn't latinos vote overwhelmingly right wing though?
>>489061390>>MIGAtards enlist in drovesOh noMilitary = EnslavementServing = humiliationTrump winning changes nothing.
>>489064210>Do you think his ego will allow Putin to say no?Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014 and escalated his invasion in 2022.From 2016-2020, there was no Russian tampering with Ukraine.Why do you think that was? And what do you think has changed?
>>489066584It was because Trump didn't do much. The status was maintained. What changed is that Trump is an histrionic faggot and now that the matter is on the centre of the schedule, he will not just ... ... quiet it down.Because Trump wants to look good.Biden did this so Trump has to fight Russia or look bad.