Say it with me.
Stop all immigration.
Shtahp awwl mimigashun.Is that close enough?
>>489089007What if we gave them access to various surgeons to lose weight and bolt on big tits and give them to incels to breed? It'd probably be cheaper and the incel problem would be fixed.
>>489089893You're cringe.
>>489089007but without cheap labor, how will Shlomo afford to buy his 10th yacht?
We stop it all.All of it.
>>489089007show bob n vagne
>>489089007Agreed. All non-whites must stop coming and the ones here must be deported.
>>489089007Stop all immigration
>>489089007Just start being prejudiced to all non-Whites.
>>489089007Hey hey! Ho ho! Whitey has got to go!
They leave.We need everyone saying this. ALL over twitter and all over Social media.This either happens or we all start a counter signal.