Cuckpitalists now paint food in their food boxes so it can look more than it actually is because they keep shrinking the quantity lmao >inb4 real capitalism has never been tried
wat? the french fry design began like 10 years ago
>>489084696shrinkiflation bagan after ww2
who cares
>>489084482that's hilarious >>489084696i haven't been there for at least 10 years so i wouldn't know
I prefer Mega Size for my fries
>>489085447I'm a small fry kinda guy. Hits the spot but doesn't take too much time.
>>489084482They looked great when Trump was making them
>>489084482they just gave me a fucking basket full of fries
Garbage thread. It's just shitty.The obnoxiously opinionated, hostile, OP trope is so fucking old and gay.It always leads to absurd nothing.It's over.