Do you think Western militaries are woke?
>>489082714Dumb question
>>489082714What does woke mean now? Effeminate? Weak? Too much beaurocracy? Anti-white/male?
joining the army these days as a straight white guy>ngmiseems like the worst decision you can make these days. i went in back in 2010, terrible idea; i become less patriotic faster than hell!
>>489082858All of those things and more
>>489082714They aren't just woke. They are owned and run by central banking jews and zionists. They are forces that have developed over many decades and generations to deploy their forces to benefit international corporate conglomerates. They have no ability to actually defend the nations they supposedly are charged to protect. They are basically a school yard bully that can't fight and has to rely on picking on smaller kids. Any kid that can fight of the similiar size will devastate their asshole.Any smaller kid that does keep fighting back wins because of endurance and attrition.
>>489082714>technology means physical standards are irrelevantunironically true
>>489083066>gay tranny none other exists; only two genders
>>489082849Nigger AIDS bomb, brutal.
>>489082714To a degree but plenty of the guys seem to be more skitzo than anything based off the thousand hours of footage and interviews I have heard and seen. This guy for example
>>489082714impossible to deny