Why can't we have free healthcare?
>a ER
>>489061835alsothis is what you get for being an uninsured lowly foodstamp nigger
>>489061835Because your fucking fat and im not paying for your heart disease. Kys. I also like seeing doctors on time and specialists when i want. Not 8 months later. Have you tried not being poor or having a job
>>489061835We voted for a orange rodentinstead of Bernie SandersAll of these retarded cucks seethe to this statement
>>489062099If thr US had an under 5% obesity rate healthcare would be so freaking cheap that you could socialize it.
>>489061955>>489062099You're inhumane kikes and you should be gassed immediately.
>>489061835I'm glad I got my child's shit paid for. I would have been screwed if I didn't
>>489061835Why would we waste resources on niggers?>>489062725Obese nigger lmao
>>489061835I'm fine with free healthcare as long as they force people to be healthyI'm tired of seeing fat "people" and paying for their bad habits
>>489062856>an Amerikikes calling someone else fattopkekI guess you would rather your tax money go to Israel so they can burn more babies alive.You basically want to maximize child suffering around the world, a true Christian right there.
>>489061835What are the costs of annual health insurance? is it that expensive that you rather rely on luck of not getting sick\injured and pay these absurd amounts?
>>489063843the person in webms OP has insurance they are just farming fucking rage content from all the broke ass "self employed" niggers that will risk it
>>489061835Because this country is flooded with obese fucks, niggers, and spics. The government already steals more than enough from my paycheck. I’m not paying more to help keep useless eaters alive longer.
>>4890618351 It's never free and we already taxed too much. Also everyone living already subsudy that don't taxes would be the primary recipiant. Nana's stage3 has to wait behind 15 lil diabeto's and their insulin injectors and somewhere deep you know. A nation only prospers almost everyone is at least >90 IQ and working togeather. Theres a whole aristotle/philia that we move furthher and further from every day. It's the as why don't you want use public transit argument
>>489062416Meanwhilethis anon speaks the cold hard facts.
>>489061835because antivaxx retards clogging up hospital beds at the expense of taxpayers is actually based
>>489063843For a single person in good health, getting minimum coverage with high deductibles it's going to be around $1500-$2000 annually. Keep in mind the deductible is probably going to be over $3000, so the average American is pissing away 5-10% of what they take home after taxes to receive no medical service besides maybe an annual GP visit only to prevent owing ridiculous amounts of money in a catastrophe.
>>489061955Nah, food stamp niggers get free healthcare.
>>489061835its not free, and all you end up doing is attracting health care tourists. Fuck the NHS
>>489061835I'd tell you to kill yourself but that's giving medical advice in Canada and I'm not a doctor.
>>489066905That's pretty bad for germany considering we have more obese mexicans and blacks than whites.
How about you don't go to the hospital every time your child bumps their head? A baby aspirin is less than a dollar.
>>489066287Well with that amount of cash I hardly believe anyone will try doing anything to make things better.here I pay for a family of 3 in good health - basic healthcare - 70$ a month, extra insurance (organ transplants, top tier doctors for surgeries, expensive medicine, etc) 90$ a month so it makes up almost 2k$ a year for all of us.
>>489061835We have hundreds of millions of citizens who pay no taxes.
>>489066287I like how the greed of hospitals/doctors never seem to be a part of the healthcare equation.
>>489061835It all says paid in full, meaning his health insurance picked it up. They probably paid a little bit of what was charged and the rest the hospital gets to write off beyond whatever his deductible or copay is. If he had government Healthcare, they would have probably killed her.
>>489066287and you believe doctors are working for free in other countries? we get much more money taken from our salaries, it just never sees our bank account
>>489061835Why can’t doctors work for free?
>>489063843Thanks to Obama you're fined for not having health insurance.
>free >what are taxes
>>489061835Join the military and you can have it. Don't believe the meme. VA care is good.
>>489061835Because medical school isn't free
>>489068652this>>489068735And they would not have to if there was no corruption of mind,body and soul that jews push on all the goyim they control.
>>489061835No such thing as free healthcare. I think what you mean is, why does our healthcare system suck complete ass unless you're a millionaire, in which case it's the best in the world.
>>489061835This isn’t how much it cost. This is how much they were charged. It probably actually cost the hospital a couple of hundred dollars.
>>489061835>showing the amounts billed>intentionally cutting off the amounts owed after insuranceI hate this dishonest bullshit so much. It doesn't matter if they bill you 1 trillion dollars, it's going to get discounted to the contracted rate and then partially paid by the insurance on top of that. Show me how much you were actually expected to pay, not the completely irrelevant billed amount.
>>489061835>Why can't we have free healthcare?Doctors refuse to work without payYou can, however, force everyone to buy insurance... just say it's a tax, so retards will think it's free hahaha lol, so stupid but hey it works!!! X)
>>489069046Israhell has free healthcare.
>>489066970Self btfo
>>489061835>do retarded nigger shit>file a lawsuit>win lots of gibs>Have somebody else pay for the damages you caused to yourselfgee I wonder
>>489061835I do have free healthcare. I have Medicaid. You pay for my healthcare, nigger.
>>489061835>Why can't we have free healthcare?Cuz the jew spends all our money on war
>>489061835Kid probably had a cold.
>>489061835Maybe the government should have spent more of those 36 trillion on health care instead of free housing and food to illegal niggers hmmm?
>>489062416Subsidize Wegovy and you would immediately start saving hundreds of billions.