>Having a college degree doesn't equal intelligence >All it proves is you can do the work Then why did you just do the work pol?
>>489062123They pass everyone who pays, no one fails anymore.
>>489062123"Doing the work" requires time, energy and money. I don't want to use my time, energy and money that way. Shrimple as
That has always been massive cope for not having at least a bachelors degree.
>Go into debt to afford the 4 years of tuition required to get a piece of a paper that says you're qualified>Get permanently walled off from any decent position in your career of choice because companies create fake job listings with unreasonable qualifications that will obviously never get filled, so they can complain to the government that they need more H1B visa jeets to come into the country so they can hire them for much cheaper than you would ever work for, because you expect to earn 100k at the very least for going into debt and wasting 4 years of your time, while immigrants are happy to just send money back to their families, they didn't go into massive debt >Instead you settle for a waiter position at applebees hoping to get enough tips from boomers on retirement to afford rent next month, while gen z boss and a mini makes her "day in the life" video where she gets paid 100k to drink coffee, write emails, and go shopping.Fuck you kike, fed, shill, whatever you are. Just know that I'm not falling for your pulling back on woke and anti white sentiments I know you need me to die for Israel or some other war that you can profit from. But know that if you send draft officers to my door I will kill as many as I can until one of your zogbot pig niggers finally shoots a shot that strikes true where I'll finally dine for eternity with my brothers in valhalla. Fuck you kike I swear on europa and the eternal aryan spirit we will one day exterminate you vermin for good