Women will replace you men with dildos and cats and there's nothing you can do about it. Who needs kids when we've got animals? Enjoy your hand and Nick Fuentes lol
ok but seriously what is wrong with this? Crotch goblins are expensive as hell and there is already to many people on the planet
>>489076024If you consider that only white people are people, then no there aren't many people on the planet relatively.
>>48907592083% of women have children, only 60% of men do, they wont be lonely, you are are a coin flip chnace of being a genetic dead end though
>>489076333Checked, and that's exactly what these morons think, "wow there are so many pajeets and chinks, and imported niggers from Africa, guess I shouldn't support my own family."
>>489076024>Crotch goblinsGo back.
>>489075920>advertising for spic fuentes>anti woman shilling>jewish antinatalismSo you kikes really putting tons of money behind this homosexual eh? No White Nationalist wants to be involed in such an obviously unserious grift. Then when real WN's make critiques of Trump based on the objective reality of his jewish loyalty, you can label us groypers. It's a really stupid ploy and only works so long as you astroturf it with tons of cash. You really don't want White Nationalists mounting a serious challenge to Trump or jewish power so you create some Peter Thiel style gatekeeper. How much do you get paid to spam?