Yeah, it has to go to Israel and Ukra- er Poland and other countries that will funnel it to Ukraine.
>trust me bro, a maga said a retarded thingnot today rabbi
>inb4 Trump accidentally kills the conservative voter base off
>>489080967people on tiktok are not people.
>>489080967>idiocracyAmericans are retarded. What else is new?
All Obama care succeeded in doing was taking a bunch of full time positions and turning them into part time positions because companies dont want to have to pay for insurance
>>489080967 healthcare was 100000000000 times cheaper before turdbomma made everyone pay into fake useless 'insurance' what a gay fag.
>>489080967Republicans are dumb, evil pieces of shit
>>489080967Funny that its always liberals saying that conservatives are freaking out and never actual conservatives freaking out.
>>489080967My insurance tripled because of obamacare forcing me to cover obese deadbeats, tough shit
>>489080967Nobody believes this shit, how many more are you faggots gonna spam here?
>>489080967>treating stage 4 cancerWhat a fuckin waste of time. Make your peace, don't literally torture the poor woman under the guise of hope
>>489080967damn and so soon after all those rural and suburban retards that voted for drumpf found out what tear riffs are. SMDH
>>489081580Why are they not banned, yet I am nit allowed to start new threads?
>>489080967>stage 4 cancerits OGRE
>>489081810>>489081691The real cancer was the Redditors who acked along the way.
>>489080967>One person on tiktok wants the government to continue to make healthcare suck
>>489080967Suck tranny dicks
>>489081691>>489081810if it's colon she has a 13% chance to survive
>>489081514this. At most they find like one cherry-picked nobody. Meanwhile, look at how many examples there are of high-profile liberal politicians who didn't realize that supporting mass immigration would cause mass immigration
>>489080967That Tiktok video sure exist, it's certainly not a scenario they made up in their head
I know a die hard maga supporter who started crying and farting and shitting when he learned that tarrifs mean he wont be able to afford a cellphone. He NEEDS a cellphone. He googled how to change his vote but I told him its too late. Read some theory.
>>489080967No one that is worth a shit has obummercare. Stage 4, just die already.
>>489080967The fuck kind of random cope is this? Trump didn't say shit about niggercare in this election. He already killed the individual mandate when he was potus the first time.
>>489082333If he needs a cellphone why doesn't he have one already and why couldn't he buy a used one
>>489080967Misinformation won.
>>489080967>ObamacareLiterally only good for people working like slaves for less than 20k a year kek
>>489080967Except Obamacare is what drove up the cost of health insurance. Not that he (or you) are old enough to remember that.
>>489080967Fake news as usual.
Insurance cost is rather high in the US. It's like an extra tax that hurt working class.
>>489080967>We need to make a few changes to how Medicare works >HES TAKING AWAY ALL HEALTHCARE!!!!
>>489080967Yeah, that didn't happen.
>>489080967>treating stage 4 cancerliterally ngmi
>>489082333Did everybody clap afterwards, dumb reddit nigger?
>>489082583Misinformation comes from the government and media.
>>489080967ACA is absolute garbage. They do not cover shit and your out of pocket is huge. The cost if healthcare has been outrageous since it passed too. Prior to aca, preexisting had insurance as well, you could get it thru the high risk pools, by law.
>>489082574His screen broke and the store closed because they are going to deport the owner for being brown
It's going to be very funny when MAGA Boomers and NEETs get their social security cut off.
>>489080967Wait so you faggot shills went from “brown whore Kameltoe is totally gonna win!” To “look Trump won but you lose now!” Are yall still getting shekels to shill from their campaign?
>>489082644They will ignore that. My insurance went from $60 to 200 to $60 and the other $140 being subsidized.Leftist never talk about this. It's a scam.
>>489082627The problem is 1.) "uhmmm you have offer a healthcare benefit package for fulltime employees, mhm""okay king nigger then i will simply work no employee more than 38 hours a week, yup"2.) because king nigger mandated you HAVE to have healthcare as a private citizen or face heavy fines (something trump was able to repeal thankfully) demand for healthcare was subsidized and thus insurance providers could charge whatever the fuck they wanted
i just died of stage nein rectal palsy, good going now i have to vote democrat or lose my undead union membership.
>>489083051Can confirm, I was the rectum.
>>489082918yeah, completely. It fucking sucks.
>>489082806It'll be funny when the niggers lose their gibs, chimp out, then get mowed down by the cops.>>489082897Nobody gets paid for this shit except the ones who organize it. It's literally a bunch of discord trannies coping and sneeding 24/7.
>>489080967Trump said he'll repeal it if he can find a better solution, which probably means he'll work out a plan that is the exact same but slightly cheaper (and worse) just so he can slap his name onto it and call it TrumpCare. I'm not too worried about that though, it's probably pretty low on his priority list.
>>489082956>or face heavy finesCaliwali still will (un-Constitutionally) fine you.
>>489083299IIRC dems tanked a couple proposals simply because it would make Trump look good
>>489082806Why bother with memeflags, everyone knows what you are.
>>489080967good. obamacare is a failure. the government has no right to give you healthcare.
>>489080967k keep us postedu lost btw
>>489080967>>"pre-existing conditions"My urologist is so desperate to get rid of me because I'm on Medicaid.
>>489083432Not me
>>489080967The ACA got rid of my $150/month policy that covered fucking everything and the equivalent policy with the ACA was $2,600/month. I was stuck paying $300/month which essentially only covered catastrophic issues and I'd still end up needing to pay nearly $14k before they'd even start covering stuff. The ACA doubled my costs while stopping me from seeking preventative care.The ACA was designed to put healthcare into an actual death spiral so the government could kill off private healthcare. The same way the DoE and no child left behind sabotaged education. If you had insurance, as "insurance", you were fine prior to the ACA, you just couldn't find it if you waited until after you had an issue. Can you imagine totaling a car then, after the fact, paying an auto insurer $150 then requiring them to buy you a new car.
>>489083477Just take a leak after sex. It'll cut down on the UTIs dramatically.
>>489081447Coming out of college and taking my first real management job as a retail manager my job was essentially turning a handful of reliable 40 hour full time wagies into a giant gaggle of continuous turnover part timers who would get between 8 and 26 hours per week and if any of them ever got over 28 hours I had to write a memo justifying it because they were THAT TERRIFIED of having to cover their insurance. In the end it cost them way more in theft from unsatisfied employees, turnover and training, and stores generally being ran far more poorly and less efficiently.
>>489080967There’s not going to be any cuts to it, that’s why he appointed Dr Oz Trump is a NYC democrat, he wanted Medicare for all in the 90’s
>>489081296>not today rabbiWhat did he mean by this?
>>489080967Now for my next trick, I'm going to make all your savings disappear.
>>489083641>$2,600/monthThat is complete insanity.
>>489083641Cars = human lives? Only in capitalist muttmerica
>>489083850Cars are more valuable.
>>489083850I was explaining what insurance is for those who don't get why per-exsting conditions aren't covered.
I hope Trump and his minions cut entitlementsit would be so funny
Oh nooooo, people have to pay for medicine, it costs munnies oh nooooooo boohooo
>>489080967It’s only been two weeks
>>489083412The only thing we can be sure of is Trump's commitment to absolutely destroy any legacy Obama has. A better health plan proposal serves Trump better than a worse one for erasing any fond memories of king nigger.
>>489080967YOU LOST LOL
This has the same energy as>I am a nurse front line worker!!!>I LITERALLY had to work late last night admistering acetaminophen to patients on their death bed.....>so many of them were begging for the vaccine as they took their last breaths, and all i could do was sadly comfort them that it was too late :ooo
>>489080967Lol good. I am glad we tricked them again.
I get insurance through my employer and it's fine what the fuck are you retards struggling with costs doing?
>>489082897The Kamala campaign ended the election season millions in debt. They have less than zero dollars.Naturally, it would not surprise me if they were still paying people to shill.
>>489080967obozocare was designed to destroy insurance companies and bring about socialized medicine.none of this shit works and is all a scam.Most cancer patients shouldn't be treated, they all end up dying in a couple years anyway. If they want to live a little longer they should shell out the money themselves in a free market'd be surprised how inexpensive healthcare can bein a free market system, because free market systems adapt and grow to meet demand and are also better at innovation and there is also competition, which doesn't really exist anymore.
>>489083896And it's a terrible comparison. You can get another car, or a shittier car or even do without in some places.You don't get a new body (yet)
>>489084423We already have FAR too many Humans. Why in the FUCK would we need more?
>>489081223Look at lil Joe standing on a chair like a big boy
>>489080967>have "affordable" care act>leftists still complain daily about expensive health care in americathey need to pick one already
>>489084374>Most cancer patients shouldn't be treated, they all end up dying in a couple years does patients of other kinds of shitcancer is very treatable if found at the beginningalso feel free to decide which issues are worth saving and which isn't
There's a Half dozen+ life insurance companies where you can pay in the ball park of 20 bucks
>>489084374>obozocare was designed to destroy insurance companies and bring about socialized medicine.that's based. fuck you jew
>>489080967>REEEEEEETrump won. Cry wolf all you want because the seethe it implies brings me joy.
>>489084243You didn't do shit nigger lol
>>489084683>socialized medicine is basedI don't think you know what that word means, dumbass.
>>489084643do you honestly think anyone on earth cares waht a brazilian thinks about anything? maybe anal, but that's faggot nigger shit
>>489084674Life insurance isn't health insurance. Niggercare made buying health insurance out of pocket impossible for all but the rich. If you dont have a good plan from your job or some kind of gibs program from the state then you're screwed.
Its true. My MAGA father came to me in tears when Trump appointed RFK. He said he didn't know he was voting against science. If he had known Trump was going to stack his cabinent with science deniers and pedophiles, he said he would have voted for Harris.
>>489080967When we deport all of the taconiggers then our healthcare will be freed up but I am gonna LMAO when the glowniggers have to find a job because Musk is going to terminate them. Ain`t that right glowie?
telling lies to the web like manipulative pedo’s do. ORMeanwhile pic related - an extra 30% on my account. Thanks to big Donk Trump. Money ready to spend.
>>489084643>cancer is very treatable if found at the beginningthat's a good point. if people understood they'd have to pay for the cost of treatment themselves, they would screen for cancer much earlier and more often. Companies would be created to meet this demand for cancer screenings. Companies like this already exist, one is Prenuvo, and they offer a full body mri scan for 2500. this cost could probably be reduced over time. also health insurance is no longer insurance it is just an over regulated government scam. The premiums will rise every year and soon be completely unaffordable and the whole thing will collapse like all democrat welfare schemes.
>>489084374>obozocare was designed to destroy insurance companies and bring about socialized medicine.It was literally written by the insurance companies themselves. It's a law requiring you to have insurance, barring insurers from denying you from purchasing insurance, getting rid of price caps for insurance plans, and fining the absolute shit out of anyone who didn't by a $5500 a month family plan.
>>489085067Have you been in a hospital lately? It's all boomers and spics having babies.
i work part time and pay $20/month for $400/month insurance through nevada healthlink, which is nevada's version of obamacare i guessit's pretty nice but i mean i wouldn't care that much if i lost it. i'm not that selfish. our insurance system is obviously broken even if it benefits some people, at the expense of others.
>>489085140We should have trained dogs that just smell you. This shit is basic at this point.
>>489082333you goddamned fucking idiot
>>489080967Lol obamacare has NOTHING to do with Healthcare you dumb niggers, it was a stealth grab for the IRS to have access to everyone's bank accounts.Lol read the is completely unconstitutional, why is Obamacare a product or service? The Supreme court fucked this up Government cannot make anyone buy a product or service, samething as forcing everyone to buy a gun.
>>489081766are they sitting there together listening to headphones? what the actual fuck
>>489085205The babby beaners gotta go because they parents is illegal alien wetbacks. What people don`t realize is there will be no more gibs for them. Landlords who rent to them will be fined. They are breaking the law.
>>489080967Obamacare?You mean the Obamacare that forced poor people to get health insurance they can't afford or face legal action? That Obamacare?
>>489080967citation needed
>>489084374Cancer is quite treatable though. I had cancer in my ankle when I was in 4th grade and only needed 3 surgeries to take care of it. My mother also had breast and uterus cancer that was found early and taken care of with 2 surgeries and 1 year of chemo.The problem isn't the insurance companies, the problem is subsidizing them and making the rates go up and coverage go down, which has been explained by many anons in this thread.
>>489085602>Landlords who rent to themPLEASE PLEASE PLEASE There are entire areas & towns here in California where it's 90% beans. Almost no English is even spoken. Every house has 6+ cars at it. The streets & lawns are all cars. Everything looks like shit. Kike landlords did this.
>>489080967>this program that makes hospitals and insurance companies lots of money>is healthcarewhy are people so fucking retarded
>>489084499We aren't overpopulated Rabbi.If anything, we have far too many stupid people.The same kind of stupid people that allow your kind relies on.The kind you use as a host to spread filthy parasitic thoughts through manipulation.Like a virus.
>>489084132EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, Doctors, etc are the most callous people in real life who know how to put on a face for the public. Those posts drove me nuts because of how fake they were, no one actually cares about patients and can stick around for any real period of time.>Rule one, take pictures, just blur the face/tattoos before sending them and only do so as an "educational" way. If you cut your dick in half all the EMTs in town have a picture of it a day later and it's accompanied with pictures of a Hydra.>Got someone ODing? Stuff a stress ball in their mouth, push just enough narcan to get them to push the ball out of their mouth, then slam the rest as you dump them in the ER. Illegal but happens all the time.>Have some weird condition? They are telling everyone they know about it, HIPAA doesn't matter if they don't say who they are talking about directly. Yes, they are talking shit about you.>etcI'm still a NREMT, but don't work as one, I just renew every 3 years at this point. I won't say I'm better than them because I truly do not give a fuck either, but at least I'm not fake about it. I'll be the one on-site with someone who's head split open, no brains left in their skull, "Think he's gonna make it?" I still get pics every once in a while from people I knew with the real strange/extreme stuff.
>>489084499White europeans are only 8% of the world population. There are nowhere near enough of us, shlomo. If we thanos snapped all nonwhites, America's population would crater by almost half from 335 mil to only 167 mil.This quite literally cannot be overstated.
>>489080967that sounds like the news media's fault
>>489080967Yes... that Obamacare that Trump got rid of in 2016 when he became president.Wait... he never ended it? Uhmm, what the f*ck?? HE'S PLANNING SOMETHING DEVIOUS
>>489080967Shills are boring these days :/
>>489080967How is that a problem? All you amerilards earn 300k/y. That's enough to treat 10 people from cancer and buy a house a year.
>>489080967What kind of treatment do you get for fourth stage cancer?It's usually end of life care.
>>489088877Checked, but any house here worth having is well over a mil. The nice stuff starts at 10mil+
>>489081346how did people find this post
>>489080967Health care is not a right.Why should I pay for some unhealthy fat fuck’s medical treatment when they never took care of themselves?
>>489080967I see liberals keep posting this on TikTok and they keep posting that Trump supporters keep asking "what is a tariff?" and they allege Trump supporters keep asking "how can I change my vote?"Yet I haven't seen a single video of a Trump supporter saying any of these things and when I ask for them to reshare a video of it, they mass report my comment
>>489080967>stage 4 cancerLike Mom will still be alive by the time any policy change takes effect. 1pbtid. sage
Where's the actual quote or a video of a Trump supporters saying this? Oh, there isn't one. KYS NIGGER.
under the affordable care act, my insurance went up tenfold and covered less
>>489080967Notice how they just say these things but never provide any proof? Where are these supposed videos if Trump voters "breaking down"?
>>489091212Checked, and with the absolute state of social media, you should be able to find endless evidence.
>>489080967No such a thing as a free lunch. As Elon said, to tacle tha national debt americans will have to face momentary hardship
>>489080967trump won.cope and seethe.sage cause op is a faggot
>>489082121you moron the same shit happened when the stupid orange man tried to repeal ACA. Boomers were lining up to bitch about it and he caved obviously
>>489091212This is what I keep saying. Liberals are making all this up to make themselves feel good When the right accused women of shaving their heads, we found countless videos of itThe left accuses Trump voters of something but can't provide proof
>American healthcare>treatmentPick one. I can't trust anyone in Washington with my health. I should at least be able to trust them with national security. Thousands of military-grade orientals coming in through the southern boarder (for some mysterious reason!) is not national security, and while I can somewhat tolerate being worked to the brink of death, I can't tolerate the thought of my family ever knowing what dirt, poverty, war, hunger, looks like. Also, people are underestimating the control individual states have over this. Nobody's going to give up on the Chicago, New York, or LA markets for healthcare, but these are all in states where they go beyond even what Obamacare mandates. Illinois just made fertility treatment, such as IVF, a medical necessity that insurance must cover.