Project 2025 is the evil devious plan to literally ballerina farm all the beautiful strong and independent womyn.
Thats a 10/10 family right there.
>>488998303Black hats get the rope.
>>488998303Pedophilia and incest is common in the Amish community. They don't report it to the police and they make everyone forgive them for the rapes. They keep abusing children their whole lives and nothing substantial ever happens to them. They might be shunned for a month and then back to rapping. The Amish aren't this romanticized image you have in your head.
>>488998303Neat. Now show where that is stated in the project 2025 literature, you disingenuous double nigger.
>>489000013Good morning saar you should go back to rapping as well.
>>488998303>idolizing millionaire larpingthe dude's dad founded JetBlue