>X (twitter) cult is partisan for right>Reddit cult is partisan for left>4chan cult is partisan for alt-rightThis polarization causes each of these platforms to ban/shadow-ban any threads, post, or accounts contrary to their collective beliefCambridge did a study discovering a correlation between people who strongly identify with political groups and being dim-witted: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/08/190829081401.htmSo yeah sure the 4chan cult may be the furthest partisan cult from Zionism in all its forms, but still stupid nonethelessMost of you are stupid and that's the most common reason why people use any platform. Other reasons are indulgence and indulgence has many causes. Pick up a book if you want the stuff you learn to make you successful. If you aren't eventually successful by 25 you're stupid
anyone still using r3ddit is shamefully stupid. its a curated community where admins supress political opinion they disagree with
>>489006899Yeah true and why is it okay to also do the same here to all the boot-lickers? There is no such thing as an entirely open door platform.
>>489006791>4chan is a cultCome on, we are anomalous. We are a region.
The true mark of being stupid is disagreeing with me
Is always invasion of privacyAlways, the whole incel movement is spied guys
>>489006791There's difference between getting piled on vs. getting silenced. Big difference.Also, if you pick up a book, try something that's not been touched by jewish hands - preferably older stock then.
>>489007213you been supressed on here? banned a lot? threads deleted?
>>489007583Sometimes. It depends. The rules are arbitrary even moot didn't care. It's all up to the mods and jannies here. Shadow bans are a real thing. Dead internet to a certain extend as well.
>>489007583They realized they datamined people and therefore the incel movement was bornThey are afraid of thatOnly datamined people will unite around something that makes them look badI proved that with the shatters
>>489006791>4chan cult is partisan for alt-right>/pol/ full of Muslims and Putin's trolls >alt rightI'd say neutral
>>489006791Lmao how bad is it getting for you retards. ...
>>489007848And don't forget to include dumbfuck memeflags