Don't say you weren't warned before the final warning, and the one after that...
If Russia nukes, remember, they gave a final warning. I don't want to see any blubbering or whining on the board OK?
>>488985836>final warninglmao
>>488985772Why does Israel commit war crimes daily despite being called out by the whole world?It's almost as if kikes just can't help themselves from raping and murdering kids. Nobody will ever forget, it's just begun kek
Plz don't nuke us anything but that
>>488985922We give final warnings all the time, always phrased identically. "All options are on the table."
>>488985772Lmao they've moved the goalposts so many fucking times kek
>>488985772Russia will never use nukes because it will be the end of their oligarchy.You could take half of Russia away, have troops on the border of Moscow, as long as you let them keep some semblance of power over the people there, they wont, because that would just be idiotic.Rich people don't want to die.
>Let us invade you and kill you, otherwise we're going to kill youCope and seethe
>>488986064Yeah it would be so awful if Washington DC got nuked.
>>488986343This anon gets it.
>>488985772>Don't say you weren't warnedThere's no point in warning our "leaders" and their horde of brainwashed followers, they are either psychotic or immature. Your sarcasm here is an example of the latter.Nuclear war or not, the western governments (i.e. the jews) have shown no sign of rational behavior.