USA is dominated by low IQ, low income, high crime, welfare states
>>488983546I remember Cenk from MSNBC, and I remember him saying it was "BULLSHIT", to Mr Big Wig FuckFace Earl Blumenhauer (bowtie doofus from OR, recently abandoned ship!) about Democrats agreeing with R's to up the SS age by which Americans could access their own Social Security money.MF was out by the end of the WEEK.And replaced with...*drumrollllll*: AL SHARPTON.
oh look, this thread again
>>488983546I thought you were the party of the downtrodden working man you ignorant retard
>>488983716red states are parasitic
>>488983546Of course there's no source for the statistics. Probably because they base the rankings on nothing more than spending. Also, go back to redd it you faggot
>>488983546>am I out of touch with reality? >no those poor, unhealthy, low education whites in Oklahoma who have it infinately worse than me are out of touch with reality. >I cant beleive those poor people think the econom us bad>I cant believe those people with a bad quality of life think they have it bad in america. >how out of touch they are
>>488983546Blues state bourgeois have stolen the surplus value from Red states for decades. See New York robber barons looting West Virginia. The Red Working classes are done being exploited. They are going to take your shit.
>>488984966Oklahoma doesn't spend shit you fucking ape lol
>>488983546Lmao boston is a shithole idk what he’s talking about
>>488983546it is worse than you realize op
>>488983546Massachusetts is full of fucking retards. >t. Masshole.
>>488989541>>488983546can also confirm>t. fellow massnigger
>>488983546The whole "every county is blue/red" thing feels a little cherrypicked. Oklahoma wasn't Trump's best state by percentage, nor was Massachusetts Harris's.Wyoming was Trump's (71.6% of the vote) best state and Vermont was Harris's (63.8%). Both these states have very low populations and three electoral votes.
>>488983546Maybe we should build some factories so these poor dumb fuckers have something to do to make money.It’ll probably work better than just calling them racist nazis for a decade.But that’s none of my business Kermit.jpeg
>>488983546>5th time this weekAnd it's STILL racist against Native AmericansWhy do you never post racial stats no matter how many times you repost this? Do you think people don't notice the obvious shilling? Do you think you're better than /pol/ for posting the same image every single day and never replying to your own thread to discuss it?
>>488983546So leftoids hate poor people now?