This just makes me like jews more.
>>489043878Yeah, that’s not true. But, roll with what you got I suppose.
>>489043878Never happened.Literally all Jew lies.
>>489044098>jew said thingI don't care.
>>489043878>spend 50 years smearing Columbus as the most evil racist genocidal fuck that ever lived before Hitler>oh yeah he was actually a jewI’m not sure who’s pushing this but it probably won’t work as they expect
dang everyone in history was a big old meanie head. I wish I hadn't voted Trump now
>>489044396>>489044396>>489044396=========================Wait, Christopher Columbus was Jewish? of Jewish Suriname in the Thirteen Colonies (1654-1789) Christopher Columbus A Secret Jew Christopher Columbus Jewish? Jews in Early America, From Inquisition to Freedom by Port Jews Killed all the Animals Columbus was secretly Jewish, new DNA study reveals was a Sephardic Jew from Western Europe, study finds reasons Christopher Columbus was a murderer, tyrant, and scoundrel redpills about jews and the slave trade: redpills about Weimar Germany, WW2 and the holohoax: redpills about jews and the gay and tranny agenda: jew redpills: basic thesis is that the Jews are a criminal people, and the Jews completely control the United States, and the Jews are using the United States as a vehicle to take over the World.- Bobby FischerWorld Chess Champion==========================+ CHRIST IS KING +
>>489043878Weren't these the caribs? The ones he captured and enslaved for being the equivalent of cannibal vikings that ate and enslaved the taino, who he liked?
>>489043878SHUT IT DOWN!!!
>>489043878what is a ***?
>>489043878Stop reposting this, Columbus was a good person and helped to civilize the new world.Only jews hate him
>>489043878/pol/ thought Columbus was based until 5 minutes ago when it was revealed he was Jewish. Says more about /pol/ than it does about Columbus or Jews for that matter.
>>489043878Columbus became the fall guy. He discovered the new lands but was really after a Title because he was just a worthless pleb. Once he did the dirty work of discovery, the nobility came in and took over and trashed him. He got his title but at a severe cost.
>>489044396it's unbelievablebut it happened
>>489043878>make people who haven't discovered metallurgy mine for goldYeah ok lmaoWith what, their bare hands?
columbus was just a navigator that wanted to sail around the world and trade exotic goods. he never wanted to be a colonial governor and wasn't good at it either. have some sympathy for his predicament.
>>489050983you simp for Columbus?
>>489043878based, fuck teepeeniggers
>>489044441I’ve seen that fake quote before except it was worded different because the jews can’t make up their minds
is this supposed to be something negative?
>>489043878Why is this forced meme now but when I wanted to start it near Columbus Day nobody cared. Its weird. Anyway.
Supposedly This guy supposedly did everything on Earth the fucker is only one man
>>489044441Those who beat their swords into ploughshares will plow for those who did not
how many threads are you going to make Chaim?
>>489043878's all bullshit
>>489060171That would explain why they opened many casinos
>>489043878just the latest glownigger psyoptons of morons falling for it, as usual
So he really was a jew lmao.
>>489043878In all fairness he was kind of fucked if he came back empty handed.
>>489050983This. He was based.
>>489068353>NapoleonSomeone which i would not be suprised if the jews try to say he was jewish. He was either a jew the most psychopathic goy.Also this is what you get for trusting muslies who have no reason to trust you.
>>489043878It was the amount of gold that would fill a ‘hawk’s-bell’. These were the bells that falconers put on their trained hawks.
>>489048024The word ‘Carib’ is incorrect. It should be ‘Canib’ as in cannibals. The change was due to poor penmanship in one the sources used by early mapmakers of the area. And no it was the duty of all the locals.
>>489050938Mostly placer deposits in the islands. Not much equipment needed.
>>489066161jew. now give back USA to jews
>>489044396But do they lie about each other?
>>489071372>And no it was the duty of all the locals.What was?