How many people have read the entire Bible?
>>489010271I started it but skipped to the end and it ruined it for me.
I have
Well, not the Apocrypha. I should go ahead and knock that out sometime
I started, realized it's the story of the jews and stopped
>>489010271I did. *spoiler*Jesus dies
>>489010271I did, but next time I'm just going to skip through the numbers( I think) type stuff and lineages because I don't profit in anyway from it. But you have to at least read it through one time so you understand the evolution of our relationship with God through history, to understand what it changes into at the end with Jesus coming etc
>>489010271Too few. I mean actually read it, not thumping on it.You would have less zionist boomers and you would have way less improper use of the OT in particular to justify a lot of stuff.
>>489010271Just relevations. And a book explaining why bible is important. Is it good or something?
>>489010271Which bible is the least kiked according to islam?Is gospel and bible same? What's old testament and new testament? Is there any bible before the times of Paul?t. Read Qur'an twice(ik bible is like 10x Quran in size)
>>489012572Did you realize that before or after jews are mentioned for the first time in kings...In other words I'm saying you read it with a media and societally crafted narrative that it's the book of the jews...By the way, Jew was a slang term for tribe of Judah, everyone that lived in the region wanted to be associated with the line of Kings. So just like anglos today claim some lineage of royalty, you have mixed edomites claiming to be a jew, errantly trying to identify themselves as Judah like the dumb niggers they are. The joke is people like you now believe them that these imposters are of true Israel. This makes you an illiterate nigger because you couldn't see past a social narrative that is fed to you instead of reading in the book how Jesus flat out rebukes them and said they are of Satan.
>>489012647Don't forget the 'rose again' part--which is 100% factual and true. Accept him as your savior. Repent--Sinner--and be saved! The great deceiver has no plans for you. There is life after this life for those that believe in him.
only few books, got so nauseated by how concentratedly jewish it is I was beginning to fear my nose was starting to hook
>>489013393Geneva 1560 is the most based, has a foot note that the pope is the antichrist, it's done in the old English and I love reading itBefore that time in history there was no Bible per say but collections of portions of what the Bible became
>>489010271I listen to it read to me while I rest. It’s very comfy. I can understand it better that way and I get more of it than if I was straining my eyes.
My favorite part so far is when the jews were going to slaughter a city and then got scared and ran like pussies and Joshua said "WTF why were my guys pussies god was supposed to be on MY side" and then found a dude who kept a little statue or jewelery or something from the last city they slaughtered and said "GOD IS MAD AT US BECAUSE OF THIS!" and made everyone stone him to death and then tried to attack the city again (with a far better strategy) and won and murdered all the women and children and then said "oh good god is back on our side fuck that guy who kept a toy what an asshole"
>>489010271I skipped some sections but read most of it. When they start telling you the dimensions of a temple and it's 4-5 pages you tend to gloss over it.
>>489010271I have. It's not really that long, but some parts of the old testament are very dull.
>>489010271I did Then i became atheist
>>489010271If you haven't read the nag hammadi library you have not read the entire bible
>>489015099>Fedora tip
>>489013407>someone mentions it's a jew book written by jews (factual statement)>wall of cope replyERRY TIME
>>489010271attend mass for 3 yearsyou'll hear the entire bible recited
>>489015524No, that's not how it works.
>>489015524Come on, Catholic brother. Even if you go to daily Mass every day, you won’t hear many readings from Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, or the Song of Solomon.
>>489015505No logical refutations >ery time nigger
>>489010271I'm currently reading it from front to back.
>>489010271>How many people have read the entire Bible?I am waiting for 3rd book to come out before starting to read the series
>>489010271Christians will tell you this makes complete sense
>>489016172This verse make complete sense to me. >John 10:27-28>My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:>And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
ive probably read like half of it and heard the rest as a priest assistant not sure what those things are called
>>489010271I assume most people who think it's non-fiction haven't read it cover to cover. Because I have and I don't see how anyone could, and then lie to themselves that it's not at least 90% bullshit.
>>489013862I like the part where James Earl Jones says who begat who for 20 minutes. Everything before and after that sucks.
>>489016172>Drat, foiled by dickblood again!Said the omnicient being
Why is the holy book so jewish and about jews?
>>489010271Although I have never read the entire bible, I have read what other people that did read it wrote about it
>>489016172Notice the lightning from YHWH's hands. That's a Sith power.
RC Sproul's Beginner's Bible Overview1. Genesis: Creation, Fall and covenant in patriarchal history2. Exodus: Hebrew's liberation and formation as people of God3. Joshua: Military conquest of Promised Land4. Judges: Transition from tribal federation to monarchy5. 1 Samuel: Emerging monarchy with Samuel, Saul and David6. 2 Samuel: Reign of David, golden age of Israel7. 1 Kings: Solomon and the division of the kingdom 8. 2 Kings: Fall of Israel and beginnings of the prophets9. Ezra: Return from exile10. Nehemiah: Restoration of Jerusalem11. Amos and Hosea: Examples of Prophets12. Jeremiah: Example of Major Prophet13. Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon: Examples of Wisdom Literature14. Psalms and Proverbs: Examples of Hebrew Poetry15. Gospel of Luke: Life and Teaching of Jesus 16. Acts: History of the early Church17. Ephesians: Introduction to the teaching of Paul18. I Corinthians: Teaching in the life of the Church19. I Peter: Introduction to Peter20. I Timothy: Introduction to Pastoral Epistles21. Hebrews: Theology of Christ22. Romans: Paul's TheologyEnglish Standard Version:'s "Knowing Scripture" (short book on biblical interpretation for the layman):
>>489010271It will take about 6 months to do a full honest read through of the Bible. Then you will realize so many lies and deceptions in our current 'jew' run society.One of the biggest problems with Bibles in English is they use the word 'jew' excessively', which leads to all sorts of confusion with modern jews pretending to be Bible jews.No one called themselves 'jews' back then. There were edominites, pharisees, esau, canaanites, judeans, plus the other 11 tribes.(((Higher powers))) made sure "jew' was put all over modern Bibles.
I've read all I need to know that Jesus Christ, our lord and saviour. Is the biggest thorn in the jEws and LEBBQ+'s side. Pain and damnation be with them.
>>489019833 (You)R.C. Sproul - Knowing Scripture: The Science of Biblical Interpretation Lectures: Audio Bible: KJV (King James Version) and the NASB (New American Standard Bible, a very literal interpretation useful for understanding passages you have trouble with in the ESV or KJV) are also good translations to look into.
>>489019833Just finished reading Daniel a few days ago. Got to have Daniel in there. Nebuchadnezzar's conquest of Jerusalem; his dreams (major eschatology point), his polytheism, then exile, then belief in the one true God and reign of Babylon. Then the story of Belshazzar. The evil bastard that drank from the gobblets from the Temple. The "Writing on the Wall" and his demise. Not even a high level of the book because there is so much in between these stories.
>>489012572It's a mish mash of caananite and other semitic cultures mythologies (old testament) and a semi-fictional biography or a Jewish David Koresh (new testament). Truly bizarre it became so integrated into European society at the cost of our own mythology and influential figures that no-one even knows about now.
I would recommend the Geneva Bible simply because it angered King James, and almost no one is associated with the Church of England. Also, you can be sure that the Tribe hasn't tampered with it.
>>489016926>>489016172Do it.
>Abimelech came and attacked the tower. When he approached the entrance of the tower to set it on fire, a woman threw an upper millstone down on his head and shattered his skull. He quickly called to the young man who carried his weapons, “Draw your sword and kill me, so they will not say, ‘A woman killed him.’” So the young man stabbed him and he died. When the Israelites saw that Abimelech was dead, they went home. (Judges 9:52-55)>Who struck down Abimelech the son of Jerub-Besheth? Didn’t a woman throw an upper millstone (2 Samuel 11:21 (400 years later, published in the most read book in the history of the universe))imagine being this guy
>>489010271I need to buy a good one. I think I take a Luther 1545 one with apocrypha.I only have this one which is the new testament with psalms and the book of proverbs but it was free. I think it's the Luther 1984 version.
>>489021715What a blessing to be able to read Luther's own translation
>>489021905He didn't do everything right. He translated the masoretic text instead of the septuagint.He was just too trustworthy of jews when he translated the old testament. This changed later in life.
>>489021715This app is kino. YouVersion version 9.26. You can "sign" the APK and prevent it from updating to the newer, gayer versions. And you can read it in the dark.
>3 billion of people seriously worship that total Jewish power fantasy novelYeah people are stupid but still
>>489022159I prefer having a physical copy. I prefer not being on a screen when I read a book.
>>489022215And the millions or billions you belong to think rocks became worms then became people...
>>489022032Yes, and our understanding of the Bible has deepened with the discovery of new manuscripts and advancements in biblical scholarship, but Luther is one of the great heroes of the Church.
>>489022261Fair enough. I rip apart books and scan them just to have a digital version.
>>489010271My mom
>>489010271Still haven't read the whole thing. Song of Solomon doesn't contain a lot of history, or advice
>>489022311>Totally pissed that hes making shit upThere is no teaching in Buddhism that says rocks can be resurrected into living thing you zog worshiper
>>489022617>BuddhismSiddharta was a Hindu who abadoned with wife and child to go practice Ultra Hinduism.
>>489022887Abandoned his wife and child*Hinduism.
I also don't see and understand the appeal to this religion or how it spread to begin with. The people must have been illiterate at first or caught by the mysticism of its blood rituals.>>489022617If you're Japanese, congratulations on your country preserving itself from this mind virus.
>>489020400The tribe of Judah won. I don't think it's a big secret or anything. Plus everyone knows the 12 disciples represent 12 tribes and Judas is the betrayer.
>>489022315I think he did good for Germany by establishing a standardized language for the german people which made communication easier.He also made german princes independent from Rome.What I'm also interested in is the samaritan old testament and how it differ from other versions. From what I understand samaritans are an ethnic group that follow the old israelite religion but they don't consider themselves jews and jews also don't call them jews. They also don't have a talmud. The talmud claims that they are babylomian converts but they themselves claim that they are from the northern kingdom and genetics seem to prove that they are the group closest to the ancient israelites.
>>489022159you can also use the sword modules on your PC for compatible software, like BibleTime. Good for side-by-side translations, commentaries, etc.
>>489023038>the samaritan old testament and how it differ from other versions. From what I understand samaritans are an ethnic group that follow the old israelite religion but they don't consider themselves jews and jews also don't call them jews. They also don't have a talmud. The talmud claims that they are babylomian converts but they themselves claim that they are from the northern kingdom and genetics seem to prove that they are the group closest to the ancient israelites.Interesting, I'll have to look into that
>>489023046I think this app is king at side-by-side translations.
>>489023038That sample had palestianian muslims closer to ancient israelites than palestinian christians but this one has the palestinian christians closer to them. Samaritans are still the closest.
>>489023275Yeah, as far as I know it's the only android app, or at least recognized as the best, for using sword modules on android. You can sync the desktop and app so that you can keep your place, and whatever modules you use, on both devices.
>>489023031It isn't. The way most people learn Christianity is through the bible studies and sermons. Then they read and meditate on those materials they are familiar with. As a result the practice of the religion gets better preserved in its' followers then the complete history which is preserved in text. The study format takes a lot of time on one part of a chapter.
Although Korea has not preserved itself like Japan.Korea has around 20%-30% Christians.Their culture could be destroyed by Westernization.
>>489023001>I also don't see and understand the appeal to this religionthe Christian worldview provides hope and makes sense (yes, it does), and better aligns to the human experience compared to the naturalist one>is killing and eating a baby evil?>Christianity: uhhh yeah, are you retarded?>naturalism: "The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference." - Richard Dawkins
>>489010271Probably 100 million people throughout all of history.
>>489023477>Matthew 10:34-35Jesus meant that His immediate purpose would entail conflict even though Messiah would ultimately bring peace (Isaiah. 11; Luke 2:14). People would divide over whether Jesus was the Messiah.Micah 7:6 refers to rebellion that happened during King Ahaz’s reign. It pointed to a greater division in Jesus’ day. In both cases the root of the conflict involved righteousness and unrighteousness.Jesus presented the consequences of His coming as though they were His purpose in coming. He came to bring this kind of conflict only in an indirect sense. By expressing Himself this way Jesus demonstrated His Christological and eschatological awareness. These conditions will prevail before Jesus’ second coming too.
>>489023221They are a small population less than a thousand people. They have a different holy mountain than the jews and they also don't go into a diaspora, they have to stay close to their holy mountain.Half of them live in Israel the other half in Palestine.Many of them suffer from genetic defects through inbreeding.Jews get a bunch of sex slaves from eastern europe and apparently a few of them ended up as wives of samaritan men.Maybe my memory about that topic is wrong but I think I've read that they only accept the five book of moses as their holy book and nothing about the story of king david and how the kingdom was split.Their texts are written in ancient phoenician scrip which the israelites used before they used a version of the aramaic script nowadays known as hebrew script.
>>489015897This, the priest in my parish said the same meme but they mostly have readings of the same books. First reading is from some apostole, second reading is from writings of Paul and then "Evangelium".Never heard book of apocalypse for ex. or many other books from the old testament in the church.
>>489023833A comparison to aramaic and hebrew.The bottom the square script is hebrew.
>>489021523>But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.Abimelech was a pedo.
>>489023480I wouldn't say hope.First, you what do you know of the afterlife?2nd, there's also much to despair, because you are caught between a world of limitless pleasure and limitless pain, Heaven and Hell. You better behave like a good rat for the former.
>>489023441Steep learning curve. But it's cool they have translations that YouVersion is lacking.
>>489010271>You lived a good life anon.>But did you read the special thanks credits at the end? Oh....oh I'm so sorry. Well, hopefully the next soul will have done that
>>489024787I didn't realize that YouVersion wasn't on their software list, but I'm fairly certain that YouVersion is compatible with the sword modules, and you can do the syncing like I said by using something like dropbox, mega or a self-hosted app like syncthing to sync your folders.
>>489024695>you what do you know of the afterlife?that it's gonna be awesome (for me)>You better behave like a good rat for the former.your understanding of Christian soteriology is from cartoons, you should at least read Romans
>>489010271I have.It's the nonsensical natterings of sheep fucking sandniggers. Probably written more by sunstroke than any actual creativity on the part of the jews.
>>489020768For me its the Book of Jó of Job.
>>489023477he actually did bring a sword, because it was a requirement for the jewish messiah prophecybut he jewed the prophecy by just telling the apostles to go buy a sword so he could wave it around for a bit, then threw it away because he was fundamentally an absolute pacifist
>>489025166>it's gonna be awesomeYou're ready to sacrifice the treasures of this world and commit right away for this afterlife, if you are a true believer.Don't you think you should know what you're giving everything up for? other than it is awesome? If you're being promised something, you ought to know all the details before giving in.Heaven could merely be a positive spin on annihilation, for all we know.
>>489010271I have when I was in high school and it's clearly half assed and altered which is why it's hard to understand and interpret
>>489025258The Coen bros (No Country for Old Men) made sort of a modern re-telling of the Book of Job with A Serious Man. A dark comedy.
>>489024894Those are some of the first things I would hope a bible studier would learn. What is damnation? Why is damnation? What is salvation? How do I salvation?
>>489010271My mother asked for a Bible for her birthday.She read it and became antisemitic.
>>489025863Bunyan is great. I love the Puritans so much.
>>489026175Kekked at pcrel.
>>489020869Afternoon Adrian mate.
I read hurlbut's story of the bible, a lot easier to read. And I just got Jordan Peterson's new book, it's got a lot of theology in it. But I think the only books I've read all the way through are genesis, psalms, proverbs and the gospels
10+ times
>>489026380you should try Ecclesiastes todayyou can knock it out in an hour at a comfortable pace
>>489026380Be careful with Peterson's "theology", he's some kind of Jungian gnostic or something. He's more concerned with the symbology of Christ than the reality of Him.
>>489026191enjoy your New Jewrusalem & heavenly abode, my spiritually circumcized friend
Jesus is a person. Never forget that. He has feelings
>>489026619I think I read most of it, but yes I need to review it and finish it all the way. Very wise book >>489026899I guess it's more psychology than theology, but I still think it's good info for when giving an exegesis and teaching people the wisdom of the bible
>>489010271>1pbtidData collection on a basket weaving forum ran by mossad?
>>489026637>>489027384oops replied to wrong post
>>489013407Jewsus was a jew idiot