Why do our ruling elites follow a revivalist medieval rendition of a Roman military cult that worshiped a Persian hermaphroditic solar deity?
>>489088492why not? rather baal?
Mithras and sol invictus are just manifestations of hadrian retargetung Nero into a sun cult.You idiots are all worshiping nero germmanicus
>>489088492same reason the black sun revolves around kronos/saturn, ares/mars, aphrodite/venus, gaea/earth
>>489088667Check out the amount of scaffolding needed for the finishing part, his humongous shlong
all roads lead to one thing, BBCin veneration of Osiris, the altar in which the elites all prostrate before
>>489088492The statue of Liberty is Libertas, not Mithras.
>>489089621Fun fact, Libertas in the Roman depictions wore a Mithraic Phrygian cap. Libertas was the feminine persona of the hermaphroditic god Mithras.
>>489089889>nooooo you can't just kill the sacred bull/king while wearing the phyrgian cap of liberty and worshiping the sun/divine neronis
How can this be happening zorastranian deism bros
>>489089621>>489088492What's the relation to Mithras <> Libertas <> IshtarAlways thought the french masons built it as a symbol for Ishtar to represent the US's modern role (as the new prostitute nation)
>>489090244Ishtar had an eight pointed star. She’s probably not closely related to the Statue of Liberty. Other than that Ishtar also represented a form of amoral liberation, albeit in its feminine iteration, with a strong focus on fornication.
>>489090244Masons in US and France knew the eternal struggle is between the sun/father/king who must die and the eternal moon triple goddess
>>489090244they built what was within their means
>WhyBecause they find it useful.You are trapped in a Prism State - surrounded by frustums in all directions.>frustum>frustrate
Itt hecate wins yet again
It's so fucking over
>>489090826This one is your best point so far but it still isn’t as clear a parallel as the comparison to Mithras in his solar form
I thought it represented this nigga.
>>489090917Mithras like jesus was supposed to square the circle by both slaying the sacred king and being him
>>489090391>7Who is Serapis married to?(And what is her other name?)Who did he replace? ๑ >Serapis’ Star>Dumuzid
>>489088492Hermaphrodite in this context means the duality of Matter/Spirit. We are a spirit entombed in matter and like Mithras we can break out of the stone via obtaining knowledge, not mere belief, of Divinity, and one's immortal nature.
Theres so much crazy shit going on right now but you have to sit around coming up with retarded conspiracy theories to feel something.
>>489091044Tammuz version #108, gotcha>>489091015Lucifer is an archetype that describes any man who lets his pride cloud his judgement and lets his passions lead him to his own fall
>>489091044hecate leads demeter to the truth whether either of them knows it or not
>>489091160So is it him?Or Mithras?Or someone else?What do you think?
>>489088492fake and gay
>>489091160Right. As usual hecate is just there to move the whole thing along so the king can die abd life be reborn
>>489091157nigger were talking about mysterious things not conspiracies
>>489091160If you know Tammuz, you are exhausting this domain. Don’t stay there.Look at Pythagoras.
>>489091242Hecate knows since she can see through the crossroads. Probably doesn't give a fuck though, obviously its all going to cycle around
>>489088492in ancient times, mithras was a religion for soldiers. freemasons ARE NOT soldiers.
>>489091469given how fucking stupid witches today are, i would beg to differ, just a knack for ascertaining the right thing to say to maintain hegemony
>>489088492is this bad?
>>489091485They’re fighting a different sort of war. A war of information and propaganda. A pussy war for kiddie-diddling faggots.
>>489091538Witches today can SENSE the cycle but generally they don't know whats going on
>>489091619that reminds of a pic of the tranny faggot health sec doing some pagan ritual shit i saw yesterday
>>489088492>hermaphroditicAnon are you saying that... She's a confirmed futa??
>>489091604are you a pussy warrior anon
>>489091619To be clear all women for obvious reasons have a kind of baseline understanding of the birth/reborth eternal dynamic. I'd trust a witches' intuition over some random faggot for example
>>489091771are YOU a pussy warrior anon?
>>489091720>She's a confirmed futa??>futa
>>489091803>>489091743Put it this way, to be on the safe side you better not disrespect the moon queen witch god who controls the passing of time and the rebirth of spring. If the sacred king never dies (to be reborn) we're in real trouble
>>489088492why indeed
>>489092027>controlsyou could have just said yes faggot
>>489089003>the rod and the ring will strike
good thread op, bump
Nigga, you is ignant.
>>489091044also, reminder the circle has already been squared
>>489093728Yeah no doubt there maudib
>>489090826if anyone ever wonders what those square blocks are, thats where they hung floral wreaths
>>489095547Oh btw the sphinx is actually anubis, jackal god of the underworld - guardian of the dead.