>serious replies only, pleaseI'm looking for some creative thinkers here. Give me your best ideas. What can Putin do to decisively end Biden's war for Ukraine's natural resources without resorting to WMD? All options are on the table, except the use of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons.
>>489051899Do what great powers always do: attack Poland
>>489051899russia needs to join NATO
>>489051899>What can Putin doThe only real tactic that Putin has is to keep feeding disposable men into the meat grinder, till the West runs out of patience with it. There aren't other options.But he's running out of serviceable armor. And Trump is going to flood the oil markets and take out the last financial leg Russia is standing on.Putin had time on his side with Biden/Harris. That's gone now: Trump has no patience for this shit.So there isn't much Putin can do here.
Remove all his forces from Ukraine, including Crimea, and sue for peace. Admit failure and resign. Allow someone better to take over and begin reparations payment discussion. Agree to have UN forces come into Russia and dismantle all their tactical nuclear weapons, or monitor their sale to China.There is no way Putin can win anymore. Biden was the only thing holding America back, Jan 23rd America goes all the way in. February will see the bloodiest days of the war, Russians will be kicked out by March, and Crimea restored to Ukraine by Easter. Attempts by Putin to use chemical or nuclear weapons has Trump flying in and bombing Moscow directly, since Moscow can't stop America's missiles and Putin can't reason with warhawks like Walz who are ok with people dying.
>>489051899EMP across the entirety of Ukraine, followed by Europe being cutoff from the internet temporarily.
>>489052702That doesn't help Putin. It'd merely trigger Article 5 and put NATO forces directly into Ukraine.
>>489051899>How can he end itwalk over winter Ice to Stockholm. trigger mass migration to Somalia. remove inbreed king of Sweden. Land with Zybr landing boats in Denmark and nuke Greenland and UK. after that USA will not come to EU even for gay vacation any more.
>>489052915How would launching an EMP across Ukraine trigger article 5?
>>489051899Hit the two nuclear power plants in western Ukraine. Not the reactors, just the turbines, transformers, coolant tower, etc. It won't cause a meltdown. They supply over 50% of Ukraine's energy. The drop in voltage will immediately disconnect Ukraine from the rest of the EU, so no energy imports either. Entire Ukraine will go completely dark for months.
>>489053158>How would launching an EMP across Ukraine trigger article 5?because fuck you! USA! USA! USA!!
>>489053158.. bait?
>>489053158>How would launching an EMP across Ukraine trigger article 5?RF energy pulses can't be contained in nice neat areas. If it's big enough to matter, it would hit Germany, Poland, parts of Russia, etc.
>>489053158Because, per what he said, Russia would shut down Europe's internet. Do that and Europeans are just going to go into Ukraine to prevent the next attack on their power grid. There wouldn't be any reason for them not to, as even if Putin were to successfully strike Europe's power grid they'd be able to recover faster if their forces were already mobilized and deployed.
>>489051899he cant and he doesnt want tohe already has the most important regions under control, his goal is to freeze ittrump would let him do it, but bidens rockets are ruining the deal
>>489051899get as defensive as possible, stop offensive, wait until Trump gets in. Then the war will be over
Ukraine commitment is illegitimate in intl terms, both by russia aggression and US rationale of defensive posture ). The US should agree to not sell arms. Russia should agree to UN observation in gained territory. Russia est. conditional agreement with nato to include potential to join nato drills, preparedness against terroristic (not state level actors) threats (every state likes being a state) in Ukraine as potential broad framework. US throws out zelensky, russia moves in russians in donbas and has favorable review by UN for peacekeeping after review. Russia pays to repair gained territory, UN taxes europe for the repair bill on the west side. Basically step on the EU and UN (paris and germany) to meet in the middle.
>>489053710>Ukraine commitmenby who?
>>489051899Putin would have to concede to the demands of NATO and the Warhawks and roll over.Any peace deal is shot out of the sky, the West seemingly needs war as an excuse for a failing financial system. There really aren't any options left if the trend stays the course, to prevent Nuclear war would rely on cooler heads from the US administration, Europe. But at the moment all that's happening is escalation.
>>489053197>It won't cause a meltdown.It doesn't need to. It only has to release radioactive dust into the air to become fallout. Do that and America will go in directly to stop the next Russian strike. Even if America didn't (and in doing so, completely ending America's diplomatic legitimacy), Europe would go in as the radioactive dust cloud hits Germany, Belgium and France.There is no way this works for Putin. He's better off just killing civilians, but mindlessly murdering innocent people will have the west putting in their own air defenses around Kiev and allowing Ukraine to strike Moscow directly. Putin can't keep up momentum here anyway, so a few terror strikes only serve to terrorize people into bombing Russia in revenge.
>>489051899Throw every bomber, fighter missile, artillery shell, tank, everything at Ukraine cities or lines full zerg rush right now He'd lose hundreds of planes and probably 250,000 but it would flatten or burn down cities and shock the soldiers. Then keep pushing at soldiers not at cities all across the line. Tldr Grant meets bomber Harris
>>489053710So a split Germany, which won't work since America and Germany doesn't trust Russia enough to allow that. This option ended in 1989 when the wall fell.
>>489053628Trump's going to keep it going and escalate it. Don't worry "peace talks" are coming then Hillary will be locked up.
if there was they wouldn't be threatening nukes. they didn't go hard enough, fast enough and now ukraine is armed.
>>489051899>(without using nukes)Kill the king jew.There's a reason why he banned elections. he would be voted out and his opponent would be one thar ran on peace with Russia.Just keep killing leaders until they are forced to resume elections.
>>489053992No, not a split germany. Im basically describing structured subsidies. Or, how the john pays the pimp for the whore. So Germany can have a cut rate energy bill when split ukraine control is normalized and we can still pretend eu matters because we will be billing the UN for the impact assessment of repairing supply lines and rest of ukraine. This normalizes economic pronged relations of europe with russia and russia with UN. So were paying for the whore on credit.
>>489054063>Trump's going to keep it going and escalate it.no. he will do as before. close the embassy in Kyiv and go blind on deep state channeling whole shit through EU countries when going savage on BRICS economies.
>>489054262>Kill the king jew.Dnipro and Lviv synagouges.
>>489051899>What can Putin dowait 4 months. then just go for peace while keeping the two original regions he wanted all along. and cremea.Trump will happily sign on it and retire the jew back to israel.
>>489051899By winning.
>>489051899Dunno anons, I think the Russians were the "good guys" in this world all this time...
>>489051899Just pound Kiev with rockets until it doesn’t exist, in the span of a few days.
>>489054536>wait 4 monthsno he cant.
>>489054723you can't. but he can. he has all the time in the world. because he has 10x more population than ukraine.
>>489054723As we speak the crazy warhawks psycho mother fuckers are cooking up potential plans for a false flag nuclear "Incident" to blame on Russia. It's definitely in their gameplan book. The rate of escalation seems to want to provoke a justification for full WW3 before Trump gets in, and still that's not a guarantee that he will resolve it peacefully or wants to despite his rhetoric.
>>489054434>Im basically describing structured subsidies.So Western BDR vs Eastern DDR. A split Ukraine. Germans have already decided they'll get electric cars and pay higher taxes rather than allow Russia to do to Ukrainians what was done to them. People don't forget about Russia's crimes, especially not victims that can remember when the USSR wanted to destroy Germany.
>>489055006You're stupid. Biden already had his meeting with Trump and Walz is already getting the daily intelligence briefing in the white house alongside Austin. Walz supports escalation, and is the largest loudest strongest voice advocating it against Biden's moderation. Trump wants war. Walz wants war. Bolton wants war. Speaker Johnson wants war. Republicans want war. We're getting a war in Ukraine. It will only escalate. There is no plans for an "incident", if there are then it'll be pinned on Biden and Trump will step in to fix it as soon as he takes the oath of office. Biden will just escalate right away and give more and more deferral to Walz as we approach Jan 23rd.
>>489051899Taking a few villages with pro Russians that have families / relateds in Russia and a DMZ like north Korea / south Korea.A 25 years long nono to nato whilst allowed to interchange with the EU. No further exchange with nato or working on nuclear weapons. A international group accepted by Ukraine AND Russia like a mix of the back then KFOR and IAEA.It IS a special miliary situation, indeed. So non conventional ideas and methods should be at the table.
>>489053889Remember after the first week of the war Russia had the outskirts of Kiev surrounded? They did that by just simply bypassing all the Ukie strongholds along the way. I suppose they could do this again using their hidden 100,000 reserve troops waiting up in Belarus, but it would be a risky gamble. The payoff being that it would force AFU troops along the front to pull back towards Kiev which would allow Russia to then move into those abandoned positions while simultaneously attacking them from behind as they're retreating. >>489054262I wouldn't be surprised if it came down to this. Zelensky clearly enjoys being a dictator and Putin knows he would never dare to hold any elections in what's left of Ukraine because the people would toss him and his illegitimate party out in a heartbeat.
>>489053887"terror strikes" are an absolute western propaganda lie. Russia is hitting factories, power stations, etc. Of course Ukraine is building their drone factories in the middle of cities on purpose, so there is collateral damage. Russia isn't stupid, it's not going to waste expensive cruise missiles on residential buildings on purpose.
>>489051899>All options are on the tableFirst we send all Russians back to Russia. This includes all the relatives of their oligarchs, Putlers kids, all of them. Everyone a potential spy and saboteur! Of course, their assets stay in the West, get sold off and the money goes to Ukraine.Why is Russia still connected to the internet? Next to scam and spam coming from there, also shills and propaganda get shoveled like shit. Cut it. Cut all the lines, including landlines and telephone. Same applies to all borders from Finnland down. tear up the roads, new "Iron Fence" and "Wall" but this time on our side, not that some retards tear it down again.RU friendly countries like Hungary? EU-gibs go to Z.E.R.O until voter morale improves.Russians are asian mutts anyway, any mention of Russia being a part of or being partly IN Europe gets wiped from the archives. They are not, they are asian mongrels and should stick to Kim and Xi, nobody cares.
>>489055338>Biden already had his meeting with Trump and Walz is already getting the daily intelligence briefing in the white house alongside Austin.Brandon already switched to UK and EU channels you dumb motherfucker
>>489051899nukes are fake and gay
>>489055072They are both controlled by regulatory bodies (in a manner which generally benefits the aims of each). So no its not east germany if russia has a phased UN monitored withdrawl from donbas where they clean up their mess and normalize relations locally. Nor is it western bdr if ukraine allows NATO contracted UN observers in western ukraine while Russia normalizes conditioned joint ops with NATO to coordinate these in the first place. Russia can control the joint resolution for both of these in the UN with conditioned milestones or economic markers or bilateral conditioned trade by individual countries based on results. It can simply be profitable to EU to normalize. It doesnt matter to us.
>>489055815Russia already bombed several hospitals, a school and residential blocks. We know that Putin lies about it and the slaughter is on Fox News too. You can log into TikTok right now and see the innocent people Russia murders every day. Americans aren't stupid and Trump isn't weak like Biden lol.
>>489055904>First we send all Russians back to Russia.you did already.. have fun Mohamed.
>>489056203Ukraine is literally building military complexes next to schools and hospitals like Palestinians do.https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/ukraine-military-endangering-civilians-locating-forces-residential-areas-new
>>489051899Cause as much damage to Ukranian energy infrastructure as he can before winter fully sets in, freezing populations are much less enthusiastic about warfare.
>>489056203>Russia already bombed several hospitals, a school and residential blocks.this is getting tiresome you fucking brain dead troll shit
Hope all eurangutans ziggers and mutts get wrangled into the meatgrinder.Worthless cannon fodder goyim lets see how you like playing war.
>>489051899>How can he end it (without using nukes)video related
>>489052523Trump, Putin etc are pawns stupid imbecile.
>>489055586Nope. That's not true. "surrounded" is just not true. Let alone that can't be done geographically. But there was these miles long (30 or 70, those one of those, I don't remember) street full of vehicles that all waxed to kiev, supplies, tanks, etc. that got trapped due to not existent backup supply lines and a little still existing airforce plus attacking anti tank forces (tanks and infantry) from the sides.
>>489055904Very funny. You want to send the FAUSTPFAND (the Only reason Russia would NOT glass a country cause their own oligarchs child live there) send back.... Wow. You are a GEEEENIUS.
>>489051899That’s the whole point of nukes, retard. It restores balance. Fuck around, find out.
>>489054262The west will just install some random person to keep the show running.
>>489051899Launch a cyber attack on the United States that destroys our electrical grid and/or communicions for an extended period of time. Use Chinese allies to remotely shut down all electronic chinese goods that the americans use on a daily basis such as cars/phones/batteries that they may have backdoors in. Cripple america from within instead of using hard and loud weapons
>>489051899By doing fucking anything other than saying WE AMS KILL U IF U CROSSING REDS LINE NUMBER THREE HUNDREDING AND THIRTYS FOUR
>>489055904Someone's butthurt about losing their gas. Better get those clay pots and candles ready
>>489052661delusional nafo tranny, do you actually believe what you type or are you just saying it to feel better about hohols losing??
>>489051899Release the Epstein videos and broadcast them on the Clouds above every major city.
>>489051899lol are those niggers running windows 7?
>>489051899there's nothing he can do in ukraine to stop it, outside the ukraine he could sink carriers, destroy satellites, or give serious weapons and training to the Houthis
>>489051899pussy wars
>>489059952>Someone's butthurt about losing their gas. Better get those clay pots and candles readyGas does not concern me, my power bill does. Last years power prices cost me an additional over 2000€For that alone I want to see Moscow and St.Petersburg being turned into nice craters. At least some minor satisfaction for losing my fucking money thanks to that Putler retard. Other inflationary losses not even included.Hey NATO! If you need somebody to reliably push red buttons. Contact me, not only do I not care, I will push buttons joyfully!
>>489051899>I'm looking for creative thinkersno you aren't. why would you be asking how a puppet can win a war that he was instructed to drag on for as long as possible?
>>489051899He doesnt need to do anything. Just wait for Trump to be in office and make a deal.
>>489051899Bomb water plants, power plants and hospitals. Let dehydration and disease do the job. Also bomb train stations, ports and airports to cripple transport.
>>48905189910/5 Chuds. Ruskies, Ruskies everywhere
>>489060544I respect your outside the box thinking, fren. Cui bono?
>>489051899By having a freak off
>>489060479yeah, pushing buttons is how far you weak faggots are willing to go.don't worry, you'll go in the meatgrinder first.
>>489060119Prison island larper.
>>489051899>What can Putin do to decisively end his illegal invasion of Ukraine to steal territory and natural resources.He can stop attacking and murdering Ukrainians and stop stealing their land.
>>489051899I've some excellent ideas, but unfortunately I'm unable to share them here. I can't even use my computer normally anymore.
>illegal invasionYeah, because when you or your Jewish masters do it, it's perfectly legal
>>489063320says the faggot who can't afford a vpn and has to post off a memeflag, kill urself cunt
>>489051899Total ukie death.
>>489051899>How can he end it>serious replies only, pleaseHe can end it by stopping from holding back.They have the capabilities to do SO much more than they have actively used in this special operation, short of using WMDs.If they use nuclear weapons, then they should be fine with bombing the absolute SHIT out of Ukraine.The only reason for nukes - at this point - is for full-on scorched earth campaigns.
>>489060479wow high praise for your irrational hatred so which part of the butthurt belt did you crawl out from? how skilled are you with a plunger?
>>489063491I've heard. That sucks your country's more preoccupied with locking up concerned citizens for voicing their grievances about the government, than locking up actual criminals due to "muh White-guilt industrial complex". We deal with some of that here, but I think those days are finally behind us for the most part. I hope one day, when William becomes King, he shocks the world by bucking the trend and reclaiming his ancient birthright as sole ruler of the land.
>>489056370>amnesty.org>6 articles about Ukrainian violations>160 articles about Russian war crimesUkraine is pretty much forgiven for whatever it has to do to defend itself from murderous foreign invaders
>>489051899>Putin war room.jpgHow is it Ukraine has been able to launch hundreds of successful drone strikes deep in country?
>>489051899Now to stop the ATACMS and Storm Shadow missile deal its easy, Russia should give hypersonic to Houthi, Syria and Lebanon. If the Houthi sink a military ship they'd shit their pants.Otherwise, Russia is winning the war anyway. I'd focus on getting back Kursk before Trump gets in office so Ukranda has zero leverage to negotiate.
>>489051899Checked. Nukes.
>>489051899>serious replies only, pleaseokay here's one, send a dildo explosive to Putler through the mail just so that he can make a stupid shocked face before he pops like a zit
>>489066508Nuking territory next door to you doesn't make sense and is a massive own goal unless you enjoy bathing in the fallout.
>>489051899Either keep grinding away at Ukraine for another 3 years, which would eventually lead to a Russian "win" but will exhaust their ability to fight, or do what FPBP says and widen the war. The first things Russia and Belarus would do if they widen the war would be 1) attack the Baltic states, 2) push Russian and Belarussian troops into Poland to close the Suwalki gap and put pressure on Warsaw, and 3) go on a general offensive in Ukraine and push west as hard as possible in an effort to reach the Carpathian mountains. Here's why they would do these things. 1) Effectively Russia is already in a proxy war with NATO. So attacking the Baltic states would only make official what is already happening. By attacking the Baltic states you pretty much overnight end all military aide to Ukraine since NATO now gears up to fight on NATO soil, which takes immediate priority. While Ukraine won't lose support, they'd be low man on the totem pole for arms and manpower. Use naval and air power to make naval support to the Baltic states very difficult. 2) Second, you open another front in Poland. The border there between Poland and Belarus is already destabilized. They occasionally skirmish. The Poles are already moving troops into the region. Close the gap between Belarus and Kaliningrad and establish a front as close to the Vistula river as you can. Other troops push south towards Krakow, not with the goal of taking the city but of cutting off Ukraine from land routes to Europe. CONTINUED...
>>489051899>>489068151Part 2...3) If NATO troops and materiel are tied up in defending NATO territory, and if you can successfully cut Ukraine off, you push an offensive. Ukraine has a very long and thin defensive line, and Russia keeps grinding them backwards, moving slowly so as to not escalate things. However with that concern no longer valid, you push. Ukrainian lines quickly break and Russian troops move quickly. Once the Ukrainian lines break, there is very little standing between them and the Romanian border. Once they sweep aside Moldova, they will fight for ground in Bessarabia in an attempt to reach the mountains and the mouth of the Danube.Here's why this will work. NATO is woefully unprepared for this. Most countries in the area simply don't have the numbers to counter Russia. Ukraine had A LOT of bodies to throw at the problem but without NATO sending them every weapon they had to spare they'd have been long defeated. Only US air and missile defense assets will be there to stem the tide. If Russia can quickly achieve these modest gains by emptying the arsenal before the US can arrive in force, the war would quickly stalemate, as neither side wants nuclear war. This benefits Russia in that they get the territory they want, and can then grind out a slow war where not much territory changes hands until the US and EU, as well as China, demand an armistice. Russia is cut off from the West, but it changes little in real terms.CONTINUED...
>>489051899>>489068151>>489068247Part 3...Here's why it won't work. Russia has shown that it has piss-poor logistics. It's why they didn;t beat Ukraine in a week. Their forces were at the outskirts of Kharkov and Kiev within days, but with grossly inadequate fuel, food, or ammunition supply chains their attacks all quickly fizzled out. There is little evidence Russia has significantly improved on this front. Executing this plan successfully means they have to do something they're historically and presently not very good at. And unfortunately for them, there aren't enough men they can throw at the problem to overcome it. They will need to be able to sustain an attack on these areas for weeks to months while also having the capability to dig in in places like Romania and Poland, and that would be a long front. There are a few wild cards here. First is Finland. There is no reason Russia needs to attack Finland, and they should not. At least not any more than they have to. They need only to keep Finnish forces in Finland. Second is how Britain and France react. France has been less enthusiastic than Britain in aiding the Ukrainians, and the UK is Ukraine's primary cheerleader. The question is, how would actual participation in a land war in Eastern Europe impact both. France could more readily contribute troops and weapons, and probably will. Britain, however, I believe, would try to stay out of a direct deployment of it's full military. The main reason is that this would bankrupt the country. Outside of London the country is economically degraded. It's on par with America's poorest states. The UK has no war production industry and a serious issue in financial markets would bring the country to its knees economically. CONTINUED...
>>489051899>>489068151>>489068247>>489068319Part 4...Another issue is, what does the US do? Treaty obligations aside, if this happens under Trump, will the US get directly involved? The general public seems disinterested in a serious war in Europe. Republicans and Independents both think the US is too involved already or shouldn't do more than we are right now. Will Trump ride to European NATO's rescue, or tell them to deal with it themselves while selling them arms? Yet another issue is this. Will China take the opportunity to finally invade Taiwan? if so, America's attention will more than likely be on fighting an air and naval war in the Western Pacific than it would be to fight in Europe for the simple fact that America's economic interests are significantly more imperiled in Asia than in Europe. In the end, the best thing Putin can do is also the riskiest thing. If he escalates the war quickly without trying to do too much beyond what's necessary, there's a good chance Russia wins. But a lot depends on how other nations react as well.
I think russia just has to do what it is doing, grind forward. I view the Biden missile strikes as a desperate move to prevent a collapse of the front before Trump takes office. It was apparently used to strike a military supply depot in the Kursk region. If you look at the ISW maps, the Ukranian intrusion into Kursk region is collapsing. Russia is going to advance across the border toward Kiev.This is exactly why Biden just authorized use and supply of antipersonal land mines to ukraine. Ukraine is going to rebuild mine fields to stop a Russian advance.Biden and euros don't give a shit about Ukraine, they just want to be able to blame everything on Trump. It just has to hold together until Jan 20th. What a bunch of fucking idiots for starting this shit.