I don't understand you retards. You spend DECADES warning Americans that pedos, billionaire elites, rapists, criminals, and satanists posing as Christians will take over the government, crash the economy, force us all to live in pods/shitty housing controlled by private equity firms, expand the police state, and control what we can eat. And then you just go and enthusiastically vote for all of that. What the hell is wrong with you?
>>489017517It's kind of fitting that he picked her. Considering this all feels like watching professional wrestling.Hopefully they'll start wearing masks and capes,
>>489017517Republican popular votes didn't even increase. You lost because you didn't vote. You can't possibly blame Trumpers for it. You knew full well what was at stake and didn't vote enough. Either you are not serious about what you're saying or you're lying.
>>489017517You expect me to believe this?
>>489017517Says the party that allowed Nancy Pelosi to hire a transexual aid who was caught hitting on 13 year olds.
>>489017517they are retards who cant fathom the big picture, their little minds are too small to encapsulate it, they can only think in simple 'muh left versus right' terms, so they are like pawns on a chess board.
>>489017517>nominate someone for office>immediately followed by ambiguous sex crime allegationEvery. Single.Time.
>>489018024they are all satanic pedo cultists, there is no good side, they are both evil, why is that so hard for you to understand you lemon
>>489017517I just don't believe anything you shills put out now.There's a reason for that, you know.
>>489018129<- this even.
>>489017517I certainly was t going to vote for a poo female kek
Yes, but now the pedos are republicans, so its ok and based
>>489018043>>489018182wake me up when you finally "beat" russia.
>>489017517Cry more
>>489018182b-b-but the democrats! b-b-b-but the republicans!!!
>>489018304Russia going to nuke the UK, it’s going to be wild
>>489017517Life is too complicated for your brain, just kys
>>489017722>Either you are not serious about what you're saying or you're lying.They're lying about still having control. Dems are just bag holders now.
>>489018368now youre getting it
>>489017517I don't believe that your story is trustworthy, sorry. Please remain humble and don't be annoying or there will be a lineup on the wall.
google "david bixenspan progress" or "david bixenspan brian last" for some interesting stories about the author of that piece
>>489017719here’s a massive redpill - the news cycle steals professional wrestling arcs to rile up crowds>c/o /x/Jericho
>>489018129>He raped me!>When?>I don't remember.>Where did this happen?>I don't remember.>Let the record show all the evidence suggests he raped this hideous looking female!
>>489017517Umm excuse me, chud? Pedphobic conspiracy theory much?
Make Epstein Island Great Again
Yeah it’s hilarious, they spent years being schizos about the satanic pedo cult and then just vote for them lmao
>>489017728Leftys do
>>489018583>>489018247>I don't believe that your story is trustworthyBecause? You believed pizzagate but this is somehow unbelievable when Trump already has several rapists in his cabinet including himself?
>>489017517According to this twitter post according to this article by "David Bixenspan", that McMahon girl is a bad seniorita.
>>489017517>you just go and enthusiastically vote for all of thatwhen did we vote leftist?
>>489018572I keep trying to tell my pops that but he doesn't care, he's hardcore republican and doesn't even know why, except that "them dems are just so damn evil"
>>489018905You don't even know which beliefs I hold, but are willing to guess. Pathetic, but hey, at least you are not 1postID.
>>489017722A lot of young men checked out. Democrats have been waging a war on males, and their only attempt at winning the male vote this time was shame (EG, "Vote for a female president you misogynists!")For a lot of young men, that was enough to get them to not vote Democrat, but they still didn't want to vote Trump, so they just didn't vote.
>>489018905Nigga no one gives a fuck about rape allegations, it's almost 2025 ffs grow up
>>489020589>It's 2025! I'm pro-rape and pedophilia now! Please kys
>>489020066>You don't even know which beliefs I hold, but are willing to guess.And yet you don't deny it. That's all the proof I need.
>>489017722>You can't possibly blame Trumpers for it.Blame for what? What does this schizo response have to do with I said? I'd have the same criticism of Trump voters if Kamala won.