How come people don't get even the very basics of economics?They say stuff like:>government is taking muh money!>government is funded by muh taxes!When the literal opposite is the truth - government is the one issuing money and then injecting it into the economy.Taxes are not used to fund the government, they're used to disincentivize certain behaviors. If government needs more money for public spending they simply can print more, they don't have to ask you for your taxes.Also:>muh public debtFrom your perspective it's a good thing - as it's simply a surplus of the private sector - large public debt means there's a larger piece of cake available for you to acquire.
>>489013279Sorry, I am not buying that.Working people know better what to do with their hard-earned money than government officials.
>>489013279Seriously just ask yourself what the government does for you. And if you come up with an answer that isn't them being self serving, leeching kikes then you are either brown, retarded, or a kike.
>>489013279>Taxes are not used to fund the government, they're used to disincentivize certain behaviors.taxes shouldn't be called taxes if they are to change behaviour.
>"white">darker skinned than some blacksthis woman is a nigger>>489013279It's also a transfer of wealth from the poor to the wealthy.We ordinary people get taxed effectively 50% or more on our earnings, considering we're taxed when we spend it as well. Rich people don't - they're taxed less because their wealth is in a hedge fund or some other tax efficient thing out of reach for most people, with enough growth that it isn't badly affected by money printing.
>>489013279Asks,>How come people don't get even the very basics of economics?Proceeds to demonstrate a complete misunderstanding of basic economics.
>>489013615Roads, public health care, free education.Maintaining water supply.Maintaining power system.Subsidizing farmers so we don't depend on Africa and weather there for our food.And the list goes on...
>>489013279because money generally means wealth, you are overthinking itthey are not talking about the specific system of fiat currency where the government tries to monopolize the medium of exchange so people don't start doing deals under the table and evade its taxes and regulations, money need not come from the government either as my own lust provoking image proves
>>489013736You're probably mistaking money for value.Money =/= value.They're often correlated but not the same.
>>489013279>government is the one issuing moneyliterally not how any of this works, money is created out of thin air by private banks
>>489013279>How come people don't get even the very basics of economics?Don't care, just give me muh gibs. I'll vote blue no-matter who.
>>489013279>If government needs more money for public spending they simply can print more, they don't have to ask you for your taxes.taxes help them offset the economic calculation problem.They are a leftover from the days before central banking but they now also use them to see how much printing they can get away with, although I don't think they do it on purpose. Economics is easy to learn but mainstream economics textbook make it complicated and gay, and in any case people have a hard time studying and the also accepting simple truths.
>>489013821Only within the space allowed by the central bank which is usually controlled by the state.
>>489013738>RoadsIll give you that but the infrastructure could be supported with $5 annually>public health carelol>free educationlol>Maintaining water supplyI have a bill for that>Maintaining power systemI have a bill for that>Subsidizing farmers so we don't depend on Africa and weather there for our food.yeah so much for coming out of wakanda
>>489013279Tell me more about these basic economic principles when there is 200 trillion in private debt and 50 trillion in government debt. Where does the market correct for this? Or is this just basic economics at work?
>>489013279Hey coomer poster, money isn't the big deal, the big deal is the resources, which includes the labour of workers, in the economy. The government prints money so they can have control of resources. But they always use resources in ways that create less value than if the rightful owners of the resources had retained them. So governments are value destroying entities. The private sector, tax payers, they create the value, they create the systems that produce additional resources, and governments consume those resources in a way that aligns to their political agenda, in other words, the goal of making themselves look good, which has no benefit to anyone except for themselves. What is poverty? Lack of resources. What is wealth? Abundant resources. What is government? A gang of thieves which takes the wealth of others in order to perpetuate itself.
>>489013279Taxes are used to pay back financiers.
>>489013279Economics is just opinion.
>>489013279>We dont even need your tax dollars we just take it cause fuck youIs this supposed to alleviate my hatred of government?
>>489013279No government in the world issues or mints any money anymore, it is all useless fiat.
>>489014472It's either government or a private banker issuing his own money.
>>489013279Show your real flag, Sukhdeep, then post link to any town, county, state, province, or federal budget that would support your retarded claims.
A better question would be why don't you understand the basics principles of language?When people say money they usually mean something more like net wealth, so when they say the govt is taking their money what they are trying to say is that the government is siphoning away part of the fruits of their labour to waste it away on pointless bureaucracy and nigger handouts.
>>489013279Tattoos are so fucking disgusting.
Because pretty much every government are a bunch of gay shitcunts and it's barely worth arguing over.
>>489013279>How come people don't get even the very basics of economics?>They say stuff like:>>government is taking muh money!>>government is funded by muh taxes!>When the literal opposite is the truth - government is the one issuing money and then injecting it into the economy.>Taxes are not used to fund the government, they're used to disincentivize certain behaviors.>If government needs more money for public spending they simply can print more, they don't have to ask you for your taxes.>Also:>>muh public debt>From your perspective it's a good thing - as it's simply a surplus of the private sector - large public debt means there's a larger piece of cake available for you to acquire.
Why does a strange knows better what to do with my money than me? Wtf, leave it here I will use it much better.
>>489013584>Sorry, I am not buying that.You don't have to "buy it", what he says doesn't resist the least bit of scrutiny.Observe how 0.0000001 IQ libtards finally 'discovered' indirect taxation for thet tarfiffs, for the first time, because it finally suited them to use their brain.Tariffs is just a different way of saying tax. A tax for imports. And yes, like ALL taxes, are paid by end consumer. No such a thing as "tax the rich" this is not a Scrooge McDuck economy. We're dealing with literal toddler cartoon views of economy.Taxes always become inflation, it always erode purchase power, all taxes are indirect tax for consumers (the people).The only way to avoid paying taxes is going fully off grid... and hide from government (aka land pirates)., if they find you produce fish out of a lake and didn't pay taxes they'll throw you in their dungeon
>>489013279>the government just creates value out of thin air and "injects it into the economy"
>>489013279>Taxes are not used to fund the government, they're used to disincentivize certain behaviorsSo why does it tax work.
>>489013279>government is the one issuing moneyName one country in which this occurs.Protip: You can't, because it doesn't. Your "governments" have NO CONTROL over the private JEWISH central banks that create your currency (backed by nothing).
>>489016151Are you retarded? Tariffs are there to bolster the national economy long term. Short term if they're reversed then yes, it can be seen as a tax. But because we have a retarded system of choosing different jews every 4 years no long term planning is possible. Returning manufacturing and bolstering the national economy would be great for any nation that can instead of feeding china and being fuck by their tiny cocks a nillion times/second.
>>489013891lmao get a load of this goy! kys shill, the state has no control over the central bank, nor do they control how it’s lent out. the government collects your taxes and wastes that money on niggers. the state has absolutely no authority over the central bank. you’re a meme flag shill and you have no proofs.
>>489013279>If government needs more money for public spending they simply can print moreNo, friend. It has to be laundered through the economy or the whole thing collapses.
>>489013279Money is not value. Its a signal of value. Printing money is scam and thievery.Taxes are robbery.If the government is necessary evil then we should keep it small as possible.If the government is unnecessary evil then we should end it.
>>489013279>muh public debt>From your perspective it's a good thing - as it's simply a surplus of the private sector - large public debt means there's a larger piece of cake available for you to acquire.You're the kind of retard that stack lottery tickets thinking its easy money.
>>489013279>Taxes are not used to fund the governmentThen why do governments always claim the direct opposite of this? Why do governments always cry about not getting enough tax revenue whenever they don't have enough money to fund certain projects or programs?In short, you're a lying, disingenuous retard.
>>489013279Just because some fringe group on the internet says something that makes sense to your limited economic knowledge, doesn't make it so.The critical thing missing from your warped and incomplete economic viewpoint is to know the difference between wealth and money. Money can signify wealth, but money itself is not wealth. The wealth that exists in an economy is defined by the goods and services produced in it. Goods and services are wealth. Money is a symbol of that wealth. Once you understand that, you understand how inflation and deflation works. Increase money without changing wealth, and the money has less value because, over time, money in an economy always becomes equal to goods and services in an economy.Now that we know the difference between money and wealth, let's point out that government does NOT generate wealth. It taxes it and takes it from people who do generate wealth. How does it do that? It taxes the symbol, the money.Yes, the government does print the money. But your perception of the government injecting it and being the source of wealth is childish. You are conflating different systems and imagining a magical system that doesn't exist. The government doesn't magic wealth and prosperity into existence by printing money.Government *does* pay its expenses from the wealth of its citizens. It does do that through taxes. It can also do it by printing money, and when it does that, that creates inflation and that is very bad for people because it devalues their money.Government debt is an awful thing for the public. Rather than advance, debt signifies a position of being behind. Debt carries penalties. Currently, around half of all taxes collected are used to pay THE SERVICE, aka interest payments, on the national debt in the US. That means, without the debt, the US could essentially provide 50% more services without any increase in revenue.Government debt is a burden and can eventually crush an economy.
>>489016768Because we live in capitalism.Owning capital makes more money than work.And it is that way by design due neoliberals being elected to run the west.You voted (and keep voting) for this.
>>489013695>with enough growth that it isn't badly affected by money fact the money printing is directly injected into stock buybacks that pump it up more and more
>>489017607-> >>489017760
>>489017200This will never not be funny/disgusting
>>489016906It's a double edged sword.On one hand it favors local economy on account of others things being EVEN MORE expensive, than the heavily taxed and regulated local goods.But in the other hand, it also burdens local good production, because machinery, technology, etc that is mass produced in China, will now cost more. This means fewer investments, fewer infrastructure, and slower growth.Over time, and ONLY because USA is a huge country, they will produce more of everything, and hopefully cheaper. Then USA might see some results, but ONLY because USA is its own continent and they can truly build everything in-house in theory.Also there's the fact China is not playing by the same rules, they skip all regulations and maybe even working conditions, that yt honkies abide by. In this way, tariffs could level the playing field.
>>489017760>>489017842>the government just creates value out of thin air and "injects it into the economy"
>>489013738I'll speak on behalf of Britain;>public health careIs a fucking joke. Waiting times are astronomical unless you're a foreigner. >free educationHalf of public school is just propaganda at this point.>water and powerStill gotta pay for that>subsidizing farmersL M A O>government is the one issuing money and then injecting it into the economy.So that's why my money is worth less and less preventing me from saving up to buy anything that matters.Kill memeflaggers. Behead memeflaggers. Roundhouse kick a memeflagger into the concrete.
>>489018147Stop strawmanning.I didn't say this, you made this up yourself.
>>489018237>government is funded by muh taxes!>When the literal opposite is the truth - government is the one issuing money and then injecting it into the economy.How does the government magically create the valued money which is injected into the economy OP?
>>489013279>From your perspective it's a good thing - as it's simply a surplus of the private sector - large public debt means there's a larger piece of cake available for you to acquire.Either retard or a shill. You're getting priced out of the economy, dumb fucking goy.
>>489018360 I never said money = value.In fact I already said that it isn't above.
>>489015562there is nothing wrong with tattoos
>>489018574Money has value in our society and that is a matter of fact independent of whether or not you personally say it.So once again:>the government just creates value out of thin air and "injects it into the economy"
>>489018693>apples are red>firetrucks are red>therefore apples are firetrucksYou're either deliberately obtuse or simply retarded.I'm not responding to you from now on.
>>489018979>akshually money doesn't have valueIt does.So how does the government magically create value out of thin air and "inject it into the economy" anon?
>>489018579Could overlook OP's, but that bird is a walking advertisement for mental/spiritual illness
>>489018979>government is the one issuing money(you)>the central bank which is usually controlled by the state(you)
>>489013279>Euro flag>Promotes globohomo economics>Incapable of understanding that textbooks and authorities lie and can be wrong about things.Tiresome.
>>489019156By "government" I mean currently governing body.If your central bank happens to be fully controlled by a clique in small hats then they're your real government.
>>489019122no ur just a fag
>>489019360How does the government create the value OP?
>>489019467Gerrofit, she'd be better off without the skin scribbles. Would like, but she could probably do with an exorcism.
>>489019061he ain't gonna answer because socialists are braindead NPCs
>>489013279>government is the one issuing moneyThe government doesn't create money. Private banks issue money on behalf of the government and charge interest for the service. Note that interest payments will require more money printing.Also much of the money printing that causes inflation isn't for government spending. It's from private banks giving loans through fractional reserve, which means ultimately you're paying for the construction of Mr Shekelberg's 20,000th rental unit through increased prices on eggs, bread and ironically rent.
>>489017738You are as fucking retarded as you accuse OP of being.
>>489020054Point out the errors in what he says you fucking leaf.
>>489013279This girl titmogged a fellow model so hard she got implants
>>489013279Who is this? Wew
>>489018048The USA could easily do it full scale, smaller countries does it targeted to support certain interests. It's not rocket science. Why the fuck should we fuck over our economies to support other economies that don't play by the same rules we play by?
>>489018579She's disgusting. Keep her.
>>489019467It's good that they publicly display being mentally ill though. Makes it easier to avoid the bottom of the barrel in society.
>>489013279>government is the one issuing money and then injecting it into the economy.holy retardation batman
>>489021114nicole kopchakher nudes are amazing
>>489021516>>489021615>swede asserts his homosexualityas expected
>>489013279>Complains about people not understanding economics>Doesn't understand economics >FlagGay. Herbs nigga.
>>489021862>having standards enrages and confuses the amerifat
>>489022004post your wife
>>489021615yeah, we know, you and every redditor share this oh so coveted opinion
>>489021862>occult shit, chinky cartoon character, Hannibal LectorBunny boiler tier
>>489013279Need to see her fucked by BBC
>>489013738>roadsStopped reading here
>>489021759didn't find any, good on her for not whoring out
>>489022067>>489022077Keep your mentally ill tatted sluts, why you guys so salty faggots?
>>489022441im sure she only hangs out with with white chads. American niggers get trash white women.also many niggers will be executed in the coming trump administration.
>>489022953>Keep your mentally ill tatted sluts, why you guys so salty faggots?it's cope because in america almost all women have retarded tattoos and it fucking sucks and I hate it here. also: taxation is theft, our governments are at war with their native populations, MMT is a scam, investment banking is a scam, usury should be illegal, debt is almost always a bad thing, and women having rights destroys every country that allows it to happen
>>489013279>From your perspective it's a good thing - as it's simply a surplus of the private sector - large public debt means there's a larger piece of cake available for you to acquireLow debt has it's advantages. There's more room to borrow and get away with it.
>>489013738Fucking muh roadsHoly shit. Can you be more mid normie IQ?Please an hero
>>489023182Don't know if murican women are all tats but I agree with the rest of what you said. Money is quickest made through capital
>>489018579>>489015562None of us are perfect nd I can overlook unobtrusive discrete retardation of small shit here and there.... But almost full body tattoos.Anon, just no, run for your life. You will not have any peace and quiet with that thing unless you can manage to give her daily corrective beatings. Even if you are into that after a point it just becomes a drag.
>>489023182>taxation is theftTechnically incorrect. Taxation is robbery / protection fees by thr/ to the dominant militarized syndicate.Inflation is theft.
>>489013279OP is a kike and his shitty understanding of economics is why the West is going to collapse.
Oh ffs. >muh economyThe junior attracted meme flag is also attracted to muh economy. Who could have guessed. >boobs in the OP.All 3 are a waste of space.
>>489013738>Roads, public health care, free education.In America, the HOA pays for roads because the county doesn't. An ambulance ride costs $10,000, the procedure $100,000. Education is a similar story.>Maintaining water supply.lmao>Maintaining power system.I pay a private company for this.>Subsidizing farmers so we don't depend on Africa and weather there for our food.All of the west's surplus food is shipped to Africa you fucking retard.taxes=weapons sold to israel>And the list goes on...
>>489023602Amerifats, listen to the village rapist, he knows what he's talking about
>>489017760Capital gains are also taxed.
>>489023716stop playing jewish word games>>489023335>Don't know if murican women are all tatsI have zero tatoos and one of the comments I get from girls I date is "that's so rare!"
>>489023878>village rapistTo poor to afford the bribes for such a position...But thanks for picturing me to that level of wealth. Also pls stop your gov from financing globohomo propaganda here. It's like you are the third largest spender for that after America and Germany
>>489019061What a stupid argument. Currency is an intermediary trading good which derives its value from the sovereign guaranteeing its acceptance in their holdings.Its value derives solely from the barrel of a gun and is not inherent.> how does the government magically create value out of thin airThey dont you crayon munching pine gap faggot.Central banks are the sovereign printing the money and they are private companies above your epstein client list of a government.
>>489024231>stop playing jewish word gamesI know, tax is theft is better sounding but I am a bit pedantic. Technically it is robbery since if you do not pay you are under threat of harm. That is robbery, thus a worse crime under our current legal codes. I thought that would be appreciated by fellow semi autists...
>>489019061>>489024258Germanon is right as without precious metal coinage and the usurpation of the mint by central banks money is just a way to more viable account for economical product under a legal frame all of it upheld by the power of state force. Thus inflation being a degradation of the spending/buying power of all other extant money and thus indirect theft of everyone's else's wealth.
>>489024368>I thought that would be appreciated by fellow semi autists...You are correct, I have just taken a new approach to pilpul in all of its forms. As soon as someone starts to play with words or "what do you mean by X?" type stuff, I just shut it down right away. Most of the time it is an attempt to derail the discussion and confuse the audience and participants about what they are even talking about and overall detract from the main points. I understand you were being more technically correct and were not acting in bad faith. I hope you have a nice day!
>>489019360so you just changed the definition of government to suit your argument? good one faggot. go away, you don’t know what you’re talking about and buried yourself with your retarded OP and now you’re meme flagging for (you)s. kys shill, but i know you won’t. you’ll make the exact same thread later and faggot your way around like you do. faggot
>>489024703I understand anon, I habe similar reaction to various terms and syntactic constructs that forces one to mold their thoughts a certain way that I have identified. It's also a bit of bias since I have seen many translation of taxation is theft in Romania, which is 'taxarea e furt', but in Romanian if you can be technically more correct and also keep the alteration with 'taxarea e talharie', which means taxation is robbery. My joke thus coming from the modicum native bias and some linguistics play. Anyway have a wonderful day as well.
>>489013279>Taxes are not used to fund the government, they're used to disincentivize certain behaviors.the income tax is used to disincentivize having an income, I suppose?
>>489013279Taxation is theft, of course some euro does not get that.
guys i really think its the jewsim seriousif we get rid of the jews the world may know peasnovel idea i know, i just have this feeling that its all correctable
>>489025483No shit nigger we have been telling you all for the last 1000 years that its the jews since the expulsions began in Germany.
>>489013279Bio engineered by Yakub to please BBC (Big Beaner cock)
>>489013279Sorry, but your understanding is wrong, it's ok, it happens.You see, the government is like a company, the amount of money getting in needs to be "equal" to the amount getting out. When it doesn't, there is inflation, deflation, or debts. Debts, like you said, are not necessarily bad when the profits from the loan are greater than the interest rate, so if the government builds, let's say, a bridge with the loan: If the loan makes the country grow more then the interest rate of the loan, the loan is a good thing, but if the loan is used to feed niggers that will not contribute to the economy, then it's a bad thing.I'm shit at explaining, but yes, the government needs our taxes.
>>489025771the funny thing is, as mexicans continue to take over America, they will actually begin marrying alot of these women and making castizo kids with them.certainly better than niggers
>>489026234Moving to the Jewnited States asap, i need me an hyperborean princess to breed me kids and let me smell her pink anus
>>489013279>Taxes are not used to fund the government, they're used to disincentivize certain behaviors.This unfortunately happens often, unfortunately it does not result in gallows being built for those who do so.
>>489013279>they're used to disincentivize certain behaviorsLike... Working and making income? And spending? The backbone of any economy? You are retarded.
>>489020256There is too much retardation through this entire thread to salvage. You throw around terms like money value, wealth, debt but you don’t seem to know what any of it really means. > That means, without the debt, the US could essentially provide 50% more services without any increase in revenue.If you understood that our “money” IS debt then you could not say things so stupid as this.The only anon>>489023716 that seems to understand the importance of language specificity when discussing these topics gets called a kike. I’ve tried for a long time to communicate the intricacies of monetary mechanics on this board but there are too many tourists and the influx of zoomer retardation is too high. Tik tok attention spans means no one has the capacity to read a fucking book anymore.
>>489027007Why do you think DEI is so popular?Because currently companies don't care about customers - they make way more money from "investors".Where do those "investors" get money from?Government.It was given to them in the belief they would invest it and make profit funding retirement systems.Again: you voted for this.Well, your parents did.
>>489013279>No arseNo thanks.
>>489013279>i'm going to pretend I'm an economics expert on 4chan!>instant spergout trying to claim 2+2=5 tier bullshitgb2reddit, u/AbolishWork
>>489027454through all the bans, russbro is still doing God's work