Why don't any governments just incentivize births? If birth rate is such a problem that you're willing to import a million niggers, why not try just giving parents $50k per child or something? There are so many things they could do that would incentivize high IQ births.
>>489063811>import brown mutts>pay them dogshit wages>they don't complain>give americans money to have kids>those kids become american citizens that demand fair wages>complain all the fucking timeit's pretty simple when you break it down
>>489063811It's easier to screw over the lower and middle classes
>>489063811They doYou get a benefit for every child you have under the age of 18 here and it adds up to somewhere between 100k-120k in total over the 18 years depending on your income
Because the birth rate is not a problem, Western governments have already solved this problem by importing millions of shitskins. You often talk about the birth rate of Asian countries but we are in the same case, just that Africans make children for us. Western governments don't give a damn about you, you are just an interchangeable resource, an Indian, a Nafri, an African has the same value as you, Western countries are corporations, not countries.
>>489063811IQ must go down in western worldToo hard to control, numbers are fine but annoying as fuck on daily basis.IT was never about race, if whites were dumbest of races, globohom would pay us to rawdog china and africa.
>>489064257That's so low as to be nothing.
>>489063992>oy vey they won't just shut up and slave for me
>>489064820pretty much yes, that's how the government looks at you
>>489063811Because it cheaper to import niggers to maximize profits for multinationals and drop the other costs at the cattle paying taxpayers, they will pay anyways no matter how quality of life drops.
>>489063811Sir that's antisemitic
>>489063811Because you're not their property. A literal slave is provided free healthcare, free housing, free food, free childcare and protection, because he is the slavemaster's property. A wagie is provided as little as he'll accept because he is his own property, and therefore existing only to be exploited by the rich man via "mutually beneficial" arrangements. The system and all the players in it will fundamentally reject, at an instinctual level, the idea of giving legally equivalent players anything at all; they can only care for those deemed legally, explicitly inferior. Yes of course the powerful will loot the treasury themselves but they call that something else, something mutually beneficial, which makes it okay. Rationalizations the whole way down.The migrant who comes over the border is someone the system can exploit that they are simultaneously not responsible for, which makes them superior to natives and preferred. The men at the top are focused on their own, their property, and unless you become their property they won't care for you, and if the nation isn't their property they won't care for it.>But anon it's in their long-term best interest tooSure, rationally, but they're too individualistic. The inertia of the system is that even as a rich man who owns many companies with control greater than most politicians, you still think of yourself as an individual not a representative of the nation or a leader of the people, so you act as an individual. A Bezos is spiritually the same as a boomer in a suburb, just with more toys.
New citizens take 16-25 years to be productive members of society, Ngubu can fail to do his job to standard today.
>>489063811What? Every country does to a degree
>>489063811All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to
>>489063811>25 years to get a productive member of societyvs>fully grown man nowLiterally everything in the world is myopic retards destroying the future for benefits now.
>>489063811Because nobody wants to address the fact that countries that give women rights are going extinct and countries that don't aren't.
>>489063811Well that would cost a shit ton of money, it would be hard to determine if it would actually increase birth rates in any sustainable, long term way and how much money would be given to parents that wanted to have kids anyway, and how much to parents that actually decided to have a kid or more kids due to this measure, related to my second point. Now changing culture and people's views on kids, families and society in general to something more "family friendly" would go a long way, but how to get to that?
it's more efficient to just import nigger cattle who don't question them or their motiveslonger answer: direct financial incentives will never overcome explicit and implicit antinatalism, the atomization of the family unit, the displaced socioeconomic position and perpetual debt of three generations of people, or the impotence of religion and morality before established materialismBirth rates always precipitously drop below replacement through industrialization as women become educated, begin voting, and enter the workforce. The only qualified exception is religious fundamentalist communities like Amish/Mormon/Mennonites
>>489065712If they are hot in HS they will hit the wall like a freight train by 30. I look for the ones that get better by 30+
Because corporations are calling the shots, not elected officials and the corporate answer is to mass import brown slaves. It has more benefits in their world view.
>>489066238Well, and Amish/Mormons avoid it basically by artificially constraining women back into the breeder role. Without an explicit rule that women are not allowed to join the workforce, they generally do and generally the birth rate collapse occurs.This is also well outside the bounds of what any politician or business leader in mainstream society could even consider accomplishing. Those system issues are, in their view, well beyond their ken. They're just playing the game at a high level, they're not outside the game making the rules.
>>489063811Because the kikes that run the roost don’t want anymore white births
>>489063811It's strange governments have military drafts to enslave males so their limbs get ripped off but they never dare to issue a breeding draft for women (in breeding facilities).Inequality much?
>>489063992>>complain all the fucking timenot if you prevent women from working. suddenly complaining would cease. also blacks complain more than anyone else all the time.
>>489063811>Advocate for homosexuals>Advocate for trannyism>Advocate for schools to groom kids into being LGBT>Advocate for female empowerment programs to destroy the nuclear family>Supreme court ruling effectively outlaws abortions in half the country >Open the borders wide and create an epidemic of depression and suicide as people no longer wish to raise families in a dying nationWhy would the government incentivize births when its clear they have been doing everything possible to stop births from happening?
gadhaffi's libya did. 5k per child.but since ww2, the nato nations prefer the wage depression of working women and to import more slavish replacements
>>489063811why would they do that when they can just flood us with third worldershave you been paying attention?
They already do in Korea and it makes no difference. Women being educated prevents them having kids because muh career.
>>489063811learn economics you faggot