in the Indian airlines and say there's a bomb on the plane.Which one of you came up with this ingenious idea?
>>489061809>How to stop Pajeets massive immigration?Leave NATO, leave the EU, leave the UN, kick out globalist (((NGOs))), deport third worlders.
>>489061809Slavs will never be white. True Aryans will never accept you hybridized gooks, nor will we ever regard your faggoty, crypto-satanic Catholic church as truly Christian. You are neither white, nor followers of Christ, but rather demonic non-white subhumans.
>>489062068I agree, we need to deport third worlders. That's why you should go back to India if you hate the West so fucking much. Vatniggers, Wumao shills, and Paleshit simps complain about the West 24/7, but for some reason they all want to move here. If The US, EU, and NATO are so terrible, then why do so many people from non-white countries and communist shitholes all wan to move to the West?
>>489063047>>489063302this shit is hilarious, first shit talking but if there is even a possibility we leave you alone with your problems, then no not like this Polish bros