They're about to tag every citizen in America to find and deport the illegal immigrants.
>>488980757>They're about to tag every citizen in America to find and deport the illegal immigrants.
>>488980757Bro your passport already has a chip and god only knows how long before your Driver's License has one, too.
>>488980757Thats what the vax was, retard.Now theyve got a tag on a bunch of short lived retards like you.
>>488981048You can throw your passport away. You can throw your iPhone away. You can't throw something that is legally bound to your body away.
>>488981170>Thats what the vax was, retard.>Now theyve got a tag on a bunch of short lived retards like you.
>>488981170Guess what, they'll implement this in every country that has an immigration problem. How convenient.
>>488980757deport to where? Maybe Trump can force a law in Nato that states actually have to pick up their people if they illegally cross the border.
>>488981364It doesn't matter. That's not the point. The point is total surveillance.
>>488981364Rwuwanda or just indefinite detention. There are solutions.
>>488981048I don't even know anyone with a passport.
>>488980757No they're not, faggot.
>>488982154USAmerilards with strong opinions about the whole wide world but no knowledge or experience and have never owned a passport? Wow
>>488981217You can cut out your implanted brain chip (albeit with consequences).
>>488981258Have fun unfucking your DNA, pro tip you can't.
>>488982582Yeah, because our country happens to be large enough that you can drive all day and have not even left your own state yet.Unlike Europe, where if you fart too hard you take over another country.
>>488982582Who needs a passport when you live in the biggest and best country on Earth that contains every naturally occurring biome known to man? I could spend my entire life traveling just the US and not even see all of it, why do I need a passport?
>>488980757Cool beans
>>488982622Not unless you want to participate in society. Buy food.
We already have a way of determining if someone belongs in this country. It's called skin color. Anyone claiming any other method of identification is a civ nat and therefore a demon worshipper.
>>488980757The Mark!!
>>488980757Bump.Only the retards will take the chip.Just like the imbeciles who took the jabs.
>>488980757your body, their choice
>>488984588ID card isn't broke, so don't fix it.
>>488980836>>488980757The dentist had one of those when I got a filling.It's in my tooth now
>>488980757They're going to tag everyone, but not to find & deport illegal immigrants. We are cattle now.
>>488981297>create problem>offer insane solution to the problem you created Works every fucking time