I’m calling this operation onions boy we raid a liberal social media platform we spread hate White Supremacy we take over blue sky.
>i sure do dislike histroinic techbros!
>>489083868No one here wants to use X or Bluesky. Stop pretending otherwise.
im 100% less likely to make a bluesky account than a twitter account and i will NEVER make a twitter account.
Pointless and counter-productive to the point of being sabotage to ourselves.
>>489083868Sounds fair to me. I'm in.
>>489083868I support the motion, even though I'm too lazy to take part, so I wish you good luck in finding some people interested in doing it. You can create Bluesky accounts with throaway mails, bye
>>489083868Sage. Nypa.>Create a user account to signal growth in this other platform>>489084083Exactly. And then they'll link this thread to grow and purge. Shit psyop, shit OP. Kys.
>>489083868Why though? That cesspit should be a containment zone like tumblr and reset era