That might be how to get Republican-Fags to finally reject Israel. Constant spam about this is needed.Remember: Yes, the Talmud permits sexual relations with 3-year-old Girls, but it also permits homosexual sex with Boys under 9, according to Maimonides. This is not mentioned nearly enough. The Mishneh also says the child must be murdered if the Jew gets in trouble. This is not mentioned nearly enough.
>>489093721Remember when pol used to do stuff like this:> do...
>>489093721> I hate cunnyYou're a faggot.
>>489097197Yes, you are weird.ALL our ancestors took cunny. Most of the Earth's population still takes cunny. All our elites take cunny.You are a retarded faggot.
>>489093721lol why do you think Republicans support Israel?
>>489097365Ok niggeranimal