The keys were not wrong. The American people were.
>>489054607>it's not me it's youlol lmao even
>>489054712You dont have the faintest idea how to turn the keys!
>>489054607This guy is either the skinniest scrawniest runt everor he buys clothes that are an order of magnitude too big for himThe shirt he wore on the Piers Morgan/Genk broadcast was so big he seemed to be lost inside it
>>489054607Take a big sip of shut up juice!
>>489054607the keys were not wrongthey predicted a trump landslide
>>489054607If he really said that then it still proves the 13 keys is a flawed model. Lichtman now thinks public ignorance is a factor in elections yet his 13 keys doesn't factor for public ignorance.He's trying to make excuses for why his model still works but the excuses are also debunking the model.
>>489054607The real red pill is each time the keys have been "wrong" it was because the election was stolen. Gore won in 2000 and Kamala won in 2024. The election was rigged.
>>489054607Toupees are basically the male equivalent of make-up.
>>48905539313 keys predicts wrong candidate –> 13 keys debunked13 keys predicts wrong candidate –> Lichtman claims public ignorance is a factor in elections –> 13 keys doesn't factor for public ignorance –> 13 keys debunked
>>489057663Sorry I only have the Soviet variant
>>489054607imagine being so delusional you think the short-term and long-term economy are good, and that Kamala has charismahis model was literally right, he's just spineless and wanted to influence the results
>>489054607Why didn't we listen to him? The keys told us exactly who to vote for, and we didn't listen. We defied the keys at our peril, and now consequences will never be the same.
>>489054607You guys don't get it. He had to get this one wrong so that he can be right indefinitely henceforth.
>>489054607isn't he 4'8"?
>>489054607sorry I only have a success rate of 99.99%
My shitty boomer key system works fine as long as the voters dont screw it upI think I would have more respect for someone that simply sulked away in defeat than to turn around and find excuses of why your fucking system failed again
The keys were right Allan was just too booty blasted to assign them to Trump
I dont understand his endgame, like shouldn't his ego tell him that the keys were right but his interpretation of it was wrong? No its the voters! What a retard, should consider moving to Israel.
>>489054607>50 Cenk
He’s a complete con man. But also a neurotic crank who kinda believes his own lies. The media are to blame for shovelling his shit.
He could make the argument that the keys aren't wrong, he just applied then wrong. But he's a fucking retard who swapped religion with his keys
presidential elections are coinflips and often you can kind of figure out which way the coin is leaning by consuming a bit of media/polls in the leadupkeys are meaningless
>>489054607>are my keys so misplaced?>no, its the american public who is wrong.
>>489060231If he does that then he would have to admit the keys are subjective and he says they are not. He doesn't want to admit Nate Silver was right.There is no winning for him because no matter what he says it discredits his methodology.
>>489054607When drumpf shows up to the white house and can't unlock the door because he doesn't have the keys, the whole world will realize lichtman was right.
>>489054607He could save his legacy by saying he called his own keys wrong, but he has pre faith in his personal judgement of the issues than in the system he devised with a Russian physicist based on history
>>489055393The problem with his model is himself. Silver was right, he turned the keys the wrong way. >foreign policy failure Should've been turned >economic keysShould've been turned It was just a bad call, fueled by his own partisan attitudes. His streams leading up to the election were deeply partisan despite his insistence to the contrary.
>>489060879>legacyI literally had no idea who this faggot was until about a month ago
>>489054607His model was literally correct and it would’ve predicted a Trump win if he’d applied it objectively
>>489055595Yeah nobody expected him to double-down on the keys being wrong-yet-right
>>489058314We better repent of our wrong-doing to avoid the wrath of the keys
>>489054607Keyposting is the best meme of the 2024 election season.
>>489060231His “keys” were not right. The mumble of this going around the internet is hilariously stupid and shows how easily people can be conned by snake oil salesmen when they are backed up by the self aggrandising fake authority hypno-imagery of the media.His >13 keys(Note he’s playing upon superstition).are no more “right” than chicken entrails. They are a list of a few points which may or may not have some role to play in elections. May or may not.The rest is all hypno and codswallop. His fucking keys ffs please, give your head a wobble.
He needs a big feather headdress and a couple of snakes on his arms. A skirt made out of banana leaves. And this absolute bonkers crap is what the media happily peddled simply because Professor Bonkers was saying what they wanted to hear. What they wanted US to hear.
I didn’t make this picture to troll him, he made this and posted it, it’s real. This is where we are at with the state of them, you see them reporting here how they - the msm following npc’s - are the most intelligent people and that they know this is the case because they read it, in msm.
>>489059509Uncle Ted was right about academia being oversocialized freaks.
>>489054607I unironically hope he kills himself. It would be the perfect icing on the cake.
>>489054607You know its bad when Cenk blows you the fuck out.
>>489062259The Licht ness monster. Just thought of that.
>>489054792please never stop posting this lmao
>>489060879A thousand times this. The gracious and ultimately face saving thing to do would be to say "I still have faith in the system I devised, but I need to recognize how I let personal bias cloud my judgement. There were keys that I never should have called for Kamala, but I was so swept up in the media firestorm about her that I chose to accept the politicized headlines at face value without stopping to critically consider the state of our nation and the feelings of the American people. I recognize that it was easy for me to fall into this trap because I WANTED to believe it, and I recognize that I need to do a better job about applying my system fairly. I'm going to revisit this last election, and I hope soon that I can release an unbiased accounting of where the keys SHOULD have gone. I know that detractors will say that I'm just doing this to correct myself in hindsight, but I'm hoping that moving forward I can use this as an example of how to more objectively assess elections."If he did that, he would downright earn back a lot of respect from me. Of course, that would require more humility and self awareness than any liberal on the planet has ever possessed, and it's far more likely that he'll just hang himself in shame.
>>489054607One of the keys says that Democrats will continue to win forever because they abort their children, don't have any, or constantly wear protection.How long was this shit show supposed to go? There is a whole generation of Democrats who are 40 and childless. There's more on the way who are castrating themselves.Latinos are going to vote harder right than blacks ever would have. They go to work, hate taxes, and have large families. Even if they didn't start cutting back on gibs for blacks and handing them over to illegal immigrants, this was going to be the case.This isn't a political party. This is a cult of modern day Shakers. They are dying off, not reproducing, expecting Latinos to go along with it, and they are the oldest party in the world.I think they are on their last martingale.That said, it is admirable that they are the party of abortion. And they are this way because they know that when they are in charge, it is far more humane to not be born than it is to live under their rule.
Allan Lichtman (@AllanLichtman) · XX (Twitter) am done with X. I will be deactivating my account soon. The good news is, I’ll be over on Bluesky! You can follow me thereHAHAHAHAHA, the faggot deleted his twitter and ran for the hills when the heat from the roasting got to hot to handle.
>>489054607>kamala supposedly has the same level charisma as trumpwhat could possibly go wrong..
How much did the DNC pay him to post that bullshit is what I wonder.
>>489055393>RACISM AND SEXISM IS WHY THE KEYS ARE WRONGWell gee professor lichtman... if racism and sexism play such a major role in determining the election don't you think you should have a key for that?
>>489060353Imagine getting btfo by Cenk.
>>489060641I bet to this very moment he believes this deep down. Though he'd never admit it.>jew>professor at aMeRiCaN uNiVeRsItY in DC, one of the most liberal institutions in the U.S.>like other anons have said, thinly veiled partisan opinionsFucker wasn't fooling anyone besides gullible idiots. If there's justice he'll croak before again poisoning the well of public opinion with DNC propaganda anymore than it already is
>>489054607Marxism is an intellectual contagion. If this goon didn’t have full blown TDS aids he would take the L and continue to bank of his reputation of being correct most of the time. Instead he had to blame muh racism and muh misogyny like the programmed little cuck he is.
>>489054607Damn, that kike has the most soulless eyesRats on the street have more humanity in them
>>489054792>noooo muh keyz !!!!Kek
>>489054607>Model the past seven elections>Use seven variables to perfectly predict seven outcomesLOOK EVERYBODY I'M A FUCKING GENIUS>Have a 50:50 chance of predicting the eighth outcome correctly, and be crowned Grand Wizard of Sociology Department University of the Universe>crap outVOOTERS ARE TEH SHIT LOL