what if countries and people just stopped using flags all of a sudden?
>>488984269yea wouldn't it be weird if they were all just like>fuck this gay shitindependently but at the same ish time?lmao want to banish flags from the realm?
nobody wants your gay faggot jew open society fuckign nigger
>>488984269Flags is something that predates republics and democracies. We only keep using them because convenience not because they essential for mankind.
>>488984269I'd still hate jews.
>>488984269What would jews do without falseflags?
>>4889842694chan should stop meme flags for 2 weeks to see what happens
>>488984269Fuck kikes
>>488984269lack of an actual flag is jewflagging, by definitionand jewflagging is gay and pedophiliac, by essence