He's only participated in two real, moderated debates, and he was utterly destroyed both times. I thought this guy coached Kamala before her debate? Is this why she lost?
>>489093007I finally saw a video of this guy talking on X and he is legitimately retarded. Do people here say he’s a great debater just as a running joke?
>>489093007Live debates always suck. It's a game of "gotcha!" and sophistry, where the guy whose views align with the audience "wins".
>>489093183shut up anon.Destiny swallows mystery loads outta lauren southerns creampied cooter
>>489093183Like 10 years ago he was an epic reddit tier deboonker wikipedia reader but he's been a lolcow for years
>>489093201>>489093327is he actually retarded?
>>489093007it’s his destiny
>>489093007Because liberal ideology is so fundamentally flawed that any positions are untenable which allows any kike Shapiro to dismantle all arguments and shit on them.
>>489093322Destiny is the poster child for why debates are dumb. He’s good at “winning” but no one ever walks away with any deeper insight or wisdom about anything after hearing him talk.
>>489093007Hes a leftist and thus retarded.
He’s on speed and not retarded. Also uses snakey tactics and ideology, which is great until you run into smart educated people.Then he falls apart. Poor guy needs some t and weights. And better ideas.
destiny gets bodied by smart people with deep knowledge in a particular domain. he can't debate issues relating to criminology, whether institutions are smart enough or correct enough such that their recommendations on some unknown issue give enough credence to a proposition to believe that that proposition is probably true, whether healthcare should be government provided, etc. he'll just give you the boiler plate low-information talking points that all the retarded political pundits ping pong back and forth with each other. there are intelligent people who write articles getting into the nitty gritty of why particular policies are bad, but that's not something destiny can do.he can't really debate any issue to an advanced level. maybe israel/palestine? thanks to vyvanse, but nothing else. he just doesn't know much. also someone tell that retard on the kf thread that destiny has gotten pegged confirmed.>>>/wsg/5726083
>>489093007>>489093742>>489093740He's literally the greatest political debater in history. Show respect.
>>489093007Why do you keep posting pictures of a small homosexual. He puts dicks in his ass.
>>489093404He grinds his teeth #bruxism And he spazzes easy.#Pfizer Someone said its a side effect of Ritalin
>>489093007Snort a line of amphetamines, read the wiki page about the topic, then try and debate someone with actual deeper knowledge on the topic. The "debates" he "wins" are when he's literally set up so he can "win."
>>489093924Watch him get educated by Ryan Dawson
>>489093740He is actually very intelligent I think you just have a low iq. Notice how you keep talking about how he is irrational and yet you don't have a single example. Further evidence of yourkkh0p lack of intellectualism
>>489093670He's a literal who wannabe lolcow. He's worse than me at StarCraft and a total sausage lover. Never want that faggot in one of my games. He sucks and cries about words like nigger or faggot. I'm all free speech so people can say w.e the fuck they want. This fag can not handle that and even if he rage quits he sucks so much you might as well not have him anyway.He is a very toxic creature.