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/cum/-chan Edition

Previous: >>204717031
first for trips edition
Yo this guy ain't one of us he said he'd fuck a sheep
I said I'm not interested in doing it irl.
Oh, Canada....
But I mean if you were a sheep. would you fuck a sheep, if you were another sheep
I'd only fuck white women
You know I can see that this gag is going no where so I'm just going to leave this here
what if aliens came to earth not for resources, not to enslave us and not even to learn more about the universe, and the only reason they came is because they want to have sex. also the aliens aren't hot or sext they don't have boobs or look like women. they just look like monsters. a d they go around abducting humans. but apparently it feels really good or something. i mean they did their research into how to pleasure a human
Like those things from galaxy quest
>Like those things from galaxy quest
Bro chill, you're scaring all the babes
If I were a sheep then yes I would like to fuck other sheep

But I'm not a sheep so I don't want to fuck sheep
you're not fooling anybody
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the hood nigga to tranny pipeline
Buncha sheep fuckers itt
Sheep pussy is goat
ugh I may have eaten too much chilli and french fries
*continues eating*
it has now been over two years since i've had s*x with an adult human female
Your virginity grew back!
ive never had sex yet
It's the Welsh who like to fuck sheep, and I'm not Welsh
>most of the countries with sheep fuckery are/were british colonies
>UK exclusively imports people from countries known for sheep fucking
yeah, okay bud
do NOT reply to mousenonce
i dont
mental how badly i mind broke him
he's fucked in the head
good morning sirs
If I see another god damned Jeet I am going to move to Oklahoma.
going to put up the ol’ c-mas lights after work
Looks like I'm off to spook my MAC address to get a fresh WAN again for no particular reason at all
it is not christmas season until after thanksgiving (american)
200 pushups blog begins now
they have been pushing hard this year
I saw christmas stuff in stores on october 30th
woke crowd gone...sane?
i remember when it snowed on Halloween.
Urgh...gm /cum/mers
Its so esrly
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lots of worthless text
Wales and NZ are known for sheep-fucking, nobody else

I'm not Mousey
>gone sane
meh, I don’t think of november as a “Christmas” month
it never snowed in my hometown
i feel very powerful when a dumb person replies to one of my posts with some nonsense and i don't grace them with a reply
But is it really teeth or just a tooth sized chunk of calculus?
Ok I made it to 72
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This was deleted by user so you don't only post things you want people to see...
The location of the secret piss nettle field
wish mouse nonce would kill himself already and stop shitting up our thread
why not just medic?
any tips on rizzing women?
would a gyal be into my lotus garden, metalworking, and sewing hobbies?
From Middle English fisicien, from Old French fisicïen (“physician”) (modern French physicien (“physicist”)), from fisique (“art of healing”), from Latin physica (“natural science”), from Ancient Greek φυσική ἐπιστήμη (phusikḗ epistḗmē, “knowledge of nature”), from φυσικός (phusikós, “pertaining to nature”). Displaced native Middle English læche, leche, archaic English leech (“physician”). Morphologically physic + -ian.
maybe, i don't think your hobbies matter other than making you seem like a more interesting person when you tell her about it
it literally doesn't matter what you're interests are so long as you're confident and passionate about them when you talk to the woman.
they are all about vibes, not content.
I feel bad for ratpedo being so poor and brain damaged, but he is such a dick
if he weren't such an unlovable, cringey virgin, he would get AIDS and die. so i hope he learns to be lovable
help me i cant install windows 11
it says error
don't even bother because you will always get rejected
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are the bots out of date?
are there people really fucked in the head enough to think like this?
someone explain these posts to me
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I'm studying American today
Hillary told us not to accept a Trump victory
i don't listen to women, buddy
it's a meme that aged poorly
>keeping your car plugged in 24x7
i really dont see the point in electric cars
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does this happen in your country?
>replaced with Hispanics
nothingburger, they always make it sound like it's blacks when their numbers are actually declining
you're objectively wrong bro. literally all of the demographic change is due to increased numbers of hispanics
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Up before the sun every morning in the cold. Trying to make it happen. Fighting to have a life worth living someday soon
becoming more hispanic is bad, retard.
>staring at a road for more than 20 minutes a day
haha nigger
morning bud
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Hispanics are a tiny proportion of the migrants Canada imports
How do we know what will happen in two years?
Projections are based on how many migrants the Canadian gov has announced they plan to import
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until you have it, you will always be a country of subhumans
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At least your population is tiny so 10 million Amerigods could solve the problem. We have 3x your entire population in non-whites at least
but next year hasn't happened yet
What do you not understand about what a projection is, or that governments announce what they plan to do before they do it
what are brainlets so obsessed with this word?
Is it set in stone?
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why do the tv jannies hate fun?
What is an alcohol (H-O) where the oxygen is a radical? Or I think it has 3 radicals
Rabbit mouse
Rabbit mouse
someone sharted all over my stocks
I wanna tell this bitch at work to choke on a dick and die but she's a client and I have to be cordial.
She's Greek too. You should rape her on my behalf.
wtf my post didn't go through...
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uh oh stonky
I think the update button may be broken or something; I just had to fully refresh the page
i feel like having a pointless, time-wasting argument about veganism
there are several essential nutrients which are difficult or impossible to get if you are a vegan
case closed
>based /cum/chan anon
>gets trips as OP
Proof that /cum/chan is the greatest thing to happen to /cum/ recently
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>they have been pushing hard this year
because the economy is shit
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your stance on replacing all meat with cum?
Such as?
i don't feel like having a pointless, time-wasting argument about veganism
vitamin B12, calcium, iron, and zinc. Protein as well can be an issue. When I was in university I had a classmate who was unbelievably reddit and his doctor told him to stop being a vegan because he was so low in iron.
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i'm aware.
business idea: sepuku
>resign from old job because it was composed of toxic lunatics
>find new job across the street, better team, pay is better

Just happened to me this week
the bidenconomy is the strongest in history
Yeah veganism is not to be taken lightly. Vegetarianism and lite vegetarianism are significantly easier and less of a potential health issue
if you actually did it the traditional way that would go kinda hard tbqh. Like imagine some Amerifat weeb travelling to Japan and going to that one shrine to disembowel himself. VGGHH pvre sovl.
It's insane how tired I am but I refuse to take a nap because naps are basically life thieves.
>Vegetarianism and lite vegetarianism are significantly easier and less of a potential health issue
that's what is so dumb about vegans, vegetarianism is easier, achieves all of the same objectives except one and much more acceptable but they have to annoyingly moralfag about it.
just 10 minutes
it will charge you like a battery
Lads why are you dragging us into WW3 ffs :/
They say it's indirectly supporting the meat industry but I think it's reasonable balancing harm reduction towards animals and the health of the individual.
Why do so many people want to cut federal employment

Why do so many people have a problem with federal employment
you gotta ask /deutsch/
It’s still very difficult to impossible to have a healthy diet on lacto-ovo vegetarianism. You’d need to substitute all your meat for stuff like eggs, milk, and cheese. Who wants to actually eat like a dozen eggs a day? Not to mention your macros would be fucked with the amount of fat in lacto-ovo protein options
vegans be like:
>I want to stop the meat and dairy industry
>hmm better go protest at a fast food location to inconvenience minimum wage workers
>protest at a corporate headquarters? no way!
I am convinced they are useful idiots tbqh
It's not hard to get adequate protein if you're getting enough calories and not just eating bread all day. Iron and zinc are more of a concern.
Nah I aint falling for the nap jew. 10 minutes are actually 4 hours.
vigilance, reach, trample
you lack will
How’s it their fault?
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nearly 3 million people work for the feds, if the TSA is any indicator most are useless diversity hires.
they don't provide social value
A lot of federal employees don’t really accomplish anything, despite ample compensation, which is funded through taxation. The presence of a large, useless bureaucracy makes people poorer, and hurts the economy in general, causing American strength to lag on the international stage relative to its potential.
>nooo we need more federal employees to enforce DEI and ship illegals into small towns across the country and troon our kids at a faster rate!
Amusingly, that lunacy is probably being implemented by expensive consultants, while the full-time do-nothings just sit on their ass
works on my machine
*uses wandering emperor*
That’ll take care of that
You're asking the wrong thread, you need to ask /rus/
nuts and beans make it easy
iron isn't generally a concern either given its presence in vegetables, you'd have to eat pretty shitty to be iron deficient
vitamin B12 is the main concern
>>204730744-2 on the stack, tishana's tidebinder
Maybe if you’re a sedentary 4’11 woman. Also, most lacto-ovo vegetarians do eat stuff like pasta as the mainstay of their meals, which is tantamount to eating bread all day.
You guys ever get the urge to go live in the forest?
Beans are still carb-heavy, and what protein they do have is not very bioavailable. Also they’re full of anti-nutrients
How did they start their invasion? I wonder
you ain't white if you neva had this befo'! :100: :100:
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that's a badass lookin monster design right there holy shit i woulda lost my shit over him as a child
The environment in most of Canada is too harsh to make that very appealing or feasible
Have you ever worked for the US federal government or are you repeating headlines? Because I work for the federal government and it sounds like you’re repeating hewdlines
I’m a federal employee and I keep jets in the sky. Is that not necessary? To keep our military working? How many federal employees do you know and what do you do? Musk talked about cutting 75% of the federal workforce. You know how much of our budget that is? 4%. The VAST majority goes to defense and social security

People vote without having any fucking knowledge of what they’re voting for, this has all just convinced me that democracy doesn’t work or to work you need to be at least 30 years old, own land, and have kids to vote
What is social value to you?
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you're retarded
Inuits figured out how to live on ice sheet, you could figure out how to live in the forest
There’s a middle aged lawyer from Alaska who camps out in the middle of nowhere with no tent or sleeping bag and he’s fine
your body builds bacteria which breaks these down
>carb heavy
>not bioavailable
double lmao. The protein in beans and from all sources are broken into their constituent amino acids. Eating a balance diet gets you all 9 of the same amino acids as eating meat or fish or eggs
Yanks be seething
Arcane denial (or any one of the 2-4 interrupts in my hand at any time)

Get azorius’d bitch
how can i as a brazillian get a job as a CIA asset in brazil?
>Have you ever worked for the US federal government or are you repeating headlines?
d-did you not see my flag? I have worked for the Canadian federal government and it was exactly like that thoughbeit. You sound scared you might lose your job lel
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That’s him done
a balanced diet involves animal proteins
Nice argument faggot
i kneel
Based giga boomer
I don’t do anything related to government, but my parents were consultants who painted a pretty dismal picture of the lazy government employees whose job they’d be contracted to do
nobody ever actually liked Kamala, it was all a grift
Wish I could be a DEI hire
>canadian federal government
You aren’t even a real country of course it’s not the fucking same
>losing my job
I do essential work for the DoD I am completely insulated from federal cuts
It is possible to get all 9 essential amino acids in abundance from eating only vegetables and legumes
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That’s why they’re going to run her again next time :)
>polls are only trustworthy when they chime with MY opinion
It’ll be Newsom desu
There’s a big gap between possible and feasible. Just because something is hypothetically possible doesn’t make it anywhere near as easy as eating humanity’s natural diet, meaning most people won’t follow through, and will suffer from malnutrition
you talk like you don't throw away the water you soak your beans in
Consultants are the most useless motherfuckers we have, we have both civil service and contracted mech/materials engi consultants working with us often and half the time they have no fucking clue what they’re doing. They can’t even properly draw a print, just the other day I got a print with a male to male connector at a relay hidden in there, I just know some contractor did that shit

Two sides to every coin, if we contracted out everything we’d have planes falling out of the sky weekly
That stuff's good for watering plants
I use canned beans cause they're easy
>I do essential work for the DoD I am completely insulated from federal cuts
so then why seethe about it? If anything you should be happy you won't have competition.
5'3 and an attitude
Seething that you’re going to get laid off for being useless
i use my leftover banana peals for that, since i don't buy dry beans
All of their candidates suck
>nobody ever actually liked Kamala
This was obvious, they couldn't even astro-turf it.
Perhaps, but I'm going to take the opposite conclusion to the one that you're implying: More presidents need to be charged with crimes.
gen z boss and a mini
Why would I be happy about people losing their jobs with virtually no benefit to our national budget? Something doesn’t have to directly affect me for me to be concerned. 1.5 million people out of work for 4% of the budget is NOT good for the country any way you frame it
American political parties only give you one crack at it, the current guy is an anomaly that won't be repeated for a long time.
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What about after they do their own 1/6 in Jan
new frank green and a sneaky link
>>not bioavailable
>double lmao.
>Vitamin A
Don't many orange fruits and vegetables have that?
>B12, carnitine, taurine
Energy drinks lol
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I'm sorry but the Deep state WILL be purged. They can all work for their own money instead of siphoning tax dollars.
Most vitamins are basically an umbrella term that refers to multiple chemical substances. The Vitamin A that you get from eating beef liver is very different from the vitamin A that you get from a carrot, which is much less bioavailable than the liver stuff
Your failing here is posting on a site populated almost wholly by teenagers, the mentally stunted, and other morally bankrupt sorts.
The average 4chan user operates almost purely off of epicaricacy and kneejerk tribal mentality.
I consulted the magic 8 ball and determined they won't try a Jan 6. just more lazy assassination attempts.
the secret getting fat is eating so fast your body doesn't have time to tell you you're full
i wish i could take a nap. never been able to
bureaucratic waste should be purged
Should I drink
amino acids
eggs, soy, beans, quinoa
fish, nuts, seeds, whole grains
wheat germ, milk, cheese, yogourt, grain
eggs, grains, nuts and seeds
soy, peanuts, mushrooms, grains, vegetables
fish, eggs, lentils, nuts, seeds
soy, beans, legumes
soy, fish, beans and eggs
milk, cheese, yogourt, grain
imagine being a nigger who fails to just eat a mix of these. Anyways not going to listen to amerifats flags on the matter 2/3rds of which are obese
It’s very rare that I can nap either. If I do try to sleep in the daytime because I’m totally exhausted, it just turns into a full night’s sleep at the wrong time, and fucks up my circadian rhythm
>just set an alarm
>turn it off in my sleep
>just more
the shooter was a chud though
I hate the sight of fat people. I hate sitting downstairs a restaurant and being forced to see and hear two giant mutants slobbering over their food like animals disturbing my peace
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>this many glowniggers seething in /cum/ about fed job cuts
really makes one reflect
I gained 40lb in a few months because of alcoholism
Obviously alcohol has a shit ton of calories but it also led to me ordering fast food
he donated to democrats. he's one of yours
So true
shut the fuck up glowjeet
wasn't that someone who had the same name as him
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>both of them made small donations to actBlue
what a coincidence
No, his address listed was the same as his actual
>he thinks federal employee cuts means glowies get fired instead of random redundant office workers and Shayneekwah at the local DMV
it will mean both!
Aren’t DMVs a state responsibility
there's also the satiety of the food. High sugar foods mask the sensation of being full, high fat content delivers the calories
carbs 4 cal per gram
protein 4 cal per gram
fats 9 cal per gram
alcohol 7 cal per gram
I'm probably wired weird but for me alcohol often makes me want to compulsively exercise non stop
Like often when I get drunk I end up going on a twenty mile hike
arent the budget for intelligence agency discretionary and usually funded through bypassing the parliament?
I dont know what Im talking about I only read John Le Carré books
is it better to think of oneself as smart or of others as dumb
>the parliament
We don't have a parliament that's bongs. We have a congress and a senate, but yes you are correct funding for federal agencies is controlled by congress
Hey Mr. Science Guy
Don't spray that aerosol in my eye
Cuz I don't really want to die
I'm the noble rabbit
spent too much time trying to create a spreadsheet containing a balanced vegetable diet using information from nutritionvalue.org
i can't be bothered
it's controlled by congress. they pass a bill annually to allocate funds. if the bill can't get passed the government gets shut down until it's resolved
damn my SSN is on the dark web
yeah they are absolutely seething about this on social media it's hilarious and I hope some of them really do get fired lol
federal employees can't get fired nothing ever happens
you can just eat a plate of 1/4th vegetable or legume, 1/4th grain / carb, 1/4th fruit and 1/4th protein source. As long as you eat a mix of stuff it just werks
why are pistol rounds not pointy like the rifle rounds?
>1/4th protein source
i was trying to avoid any meat in this spreadsheet as
>Left wingers and right wingers united in not understanding how government works at all
This is what the Founding Fathers wanted
soybeans egg fish nuts or seed nigga
There's only so much force a handgun can produce. Dick shapes round are more effective with the velocity produced by a handgun. Pointy rounds wouldn't work
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you were saying?
>eggs fish
bro. you are not reading my posts. stop replying to me
see >>204731950
I've spent over 8 hours of shovelling snow over the last two days. Global warming please hurry up.
damn this vaush guy is really smart
if you had a job, you could afford a snow blower
Did you see that guy's predictions and cope through the night?
He dumb as fuck.
I have a snowblower and a job. Close to 4 hours were with the snowblower.
what the fuck. how did he post an mp4
Trump favorability among 18-29
>Favorable: 57%
>Unfavorable: 37%
What the fuck
Total chud cultural victory
maybe he's a mod
Based if soon to be widespread. Back in my day, you could post .mp4 files with sound on eight channel
why did glowniggers kill channel infinity?
No president will ever touch the glowies
They’ll get a budget increase if anything
I head there's some hotel in NYShit where migrants get dropped in and can live in for free. Is that true? Can I become a migrant and live in a hotel for free? How does that work anyways? The hotel owner was like yeah come in I've got you, or did the government designated the hotel as the free migrant hotel and forced them to do it?
This. Glowies are a government unto themselves.
LOL not with Homme L'Orange on his way in. All this immigrant shit will stop
A one megaton thermonuclear warhead has just detonated over Des Moines, Iowa.
Cutting federal workers is bad because it means Jakwadamarciushaqondo and his bih Snuffallaluphapusiesha are gonna have to spend hours on the phone trying to get in contact with their local EDD office
it wasn't a nuke. it was just me farting
Too based and informative. Not enough retarded schizos, shills, and spam
*L’homme orange
Old age is the end of our journey
It's already too late though. Is NYShitty even gonna be affected? It looks like it's own country almost. Every time I see some random youtube video taking place in NYShit it doesn't look American at all. It looks like a mix of yuropean and mexican.
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just look at what they did to the last guy who tried to touch the glowies
The daily retarded Slav post about America
MP4s work on 4chan now, I dunno why they haven't announced it though

There's a thread on /wsg/ where everyone is posting MP4s
If you’re talking about the same thing, it’s not the hotel owner getting stiffed. The government pays the hotel owner instead of the residents paying for themselves. It’s the taxpayer getting raped.
Nun me diri 'sti cosi, I know what I was trying to say
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just laughed at a family guy clip. it's over
Take a shower, stinky.
So basically if a normal person wants to go to NYShit for some reason, and they just happen to choose this same hotel without knowing they'd be cooked
Shits gonna be so much easier now
first mp4 in /cum/ history
No. Maybe by a /cum/ flag tho
>Take a shower, stinky
Are you gonna call me a poor brown gypsy next?
I shower twice a day, Bulgarians shower twice a week
oh. i have british flags filtered
Nobody cares about your random statistics. You stink. Shower, now.
Can I post any mp4 or does it have to have no sound
>Error: Audio streams are not allowed.
Why are you such a cringe terrible poster? You seem like you’re 18 at most
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What we really need is webp support
Why do you post like you're speaking in front of a mirror?
True dat
got his ass
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Done 'im.
You know NYC shifted like 20 points to the right this year lol
If they want to keep flooding the city with illegals then maybe Republicans can flip it sometime
bought tsm, lmt, and arm
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>Bronx is 9% white

That's kinda insane. Is this even America? If I'm a tourist in the US I'd never want to go to the Bronx. You hear about it a lot in pop culture but it's a place I'd never step foot in. It would be like I'm not in the US.
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Steak burritos tonight
I smiled :)
You obviously have a skewed view of what America is. It's full of people from all over the world, not just anglos
>/cum/ full of political talk
>tranny Janny decides I need a 3 day
Happens in your country?
9% is just right
Yeah? So? It's still America. That's what America is.
wish i was from indiana
NY shifted 12 points right from 2016 lmfao
Just to make it clear, I'm talking about tourism.
What would a young good looking Bulgarian like me do in the hood of 9% aka the Bronx if I go there?
No it's not. That's not how the US was founded and how it's culture was formed.
can't believe how actually ugly AF I am rn
I wish I grew up in Louisiana and spoke Yat. It sounds so cool to me. Unfortunato I was born in Spicifornia
buy some fresh fruit from a guatemalan and then head to yankee stadium
women of /cum/ I have to remind you that posting here entails to a tax of one blowjob and handholding and hugging for every single post you make in /cum/
this is the law
>That's not how the US was founded and how it's culture was formed
That's exactly how it's culture was formed. You're some starry eyed foreigner with a head full of TV shows and movies,, you have no inkling what the real America is. But go ahead and keep watching TV and thinking it's real
I look like quentin tarantino
blacks are really androgynous if you think about it. do black men even grow facial or body hair or have male hairlines?
nigga I look like a negative charisma version of Saddam with a fucked up hairline
They just tested the emergency alert system.
what? young saddam was handsome
I don't watch any TV shows and movies. I get my opinions from history and 4chan. The only TV I own if a CRT I use for retro gaming and watching VHS tapes.
How much for a baseball game ticket?
Getting ready for when things go hot
your president (2)
test Deez nuts
Canada is always hot (TL: snowwy = hot). its doublespeak
>I get my opinions from history and 4chan

LOL That's even worse than TV or movies.
Oh, you poor fool.
You're wrong though. Are you one of them californians by chance?
>And who would think in elementary, hey, id see the penitentiary some day
his favorite movie was the godfather. he loved doritos
im listening to linkin park
How are you gonna tell me I'm wrong when I live in this morherfucker and have my whole life. Who's more likely to be wrong? The eastern European who gets his ideas about America from a bunch of bitter racist incel outcasts or the guy who has lived in the country his whole life and is better adjusted than 99% of the people here?

Keep dreaming, boychik
>How are you gonna tell me I'm wrong when I live in this morherfucker and have my whole life.

Because you're part of the Bronx 81%.
what day of the week is it
I'm not, my family has been here since the 1600s
But believe what you want, Stanislav
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>Because you're part of the Bronx 81%.
im so hungry
So you're happy with being the 9%? You're also talking about this website being bitter racist incel outcasts. Why are you here yourself then?

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