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violence edition

found a cat skull in my backyard
first for cum con sex
Im buying a kia, /cum/
are you a saar, saar?
my first car was a kia soul i miss that car
pick one

mods this post violates US law and is anti constitutional (US website and i have rights)

/^filter him$/i
/^respond to$/i

just saved you looking at the same fake script he posts with himself over and over again, and him posting the same message 500 times a thread
which model?

mods this post violates US law and is anti constitutional (the US mods - under Chinese ownership - are suppressing freedoms)
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stubble. I hate facial hair
no cause im always clean shaven
this was the only correct reaction except not breaking into someone elses house situation
oh dear
kill yourself
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me on the right
ummm that's me
guys facial hair is so coarse it can practically give you a cut
>erm honey i made you some ramen and put a stick of cheese and tub of butter in it for you hm
i need some mac n cheese and my dick sucked
no but seriously i need mac n cheese. but overnight oats probably need heating right so i dont want to use my only pan to cook mac n cheese before doing that. the sodium hydroxide im soaking my bowl in bleached the rice that was in it hehe
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my King
i feel like at a certain point you just shave your head right
need to feed and breed
and eat mac n cheese
(and im all out of feed)

*runs really fast* IK OOK
Mousenonce is a furry faggot
drinking milk
mac and cheese moves on ketchup like lasagne
he's had a gf
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enjoy buddy
i mean yeah but like just aesthetically speaking having a bald head is better than that
I think life without parole is technically more cruel than just getting the death penalty. But it also works out because for the odd chance they're innocent they can be let back out in the wild
i'm about to eat some skrimps
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*hits pipe*
evens i eat spicy chips
odds i drink egg nog
we good?
Nah nigga we not good!
i dont see him posting
holy fuck /v/ is so slow is 4chan finally dead?
nobody ever taught me how to filter on safari on mac
you need to install 4chanx
Buy a Toyota instead retard
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might as well block british flags sitewide
its nothing but porn and gachaposting, or consolewars from one extremely autistic brazillian
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currently downloading msft edge
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you should download some BITCHES, niggaaaaaaa
Not a word
How the fuck do people write 1000 word essays? It's so fucking hard finding citations for every little thing and I never know what to say or how to elaborate on things.
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Should I play InCel first form?
you know, i used to think steely dan was some weird boomercore band but they're not so bad.
just make it up
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i am slightly concerned about this youtuber
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me and who
Hassan said he might sue destiny because twitch is losing advertising
Yeah, I wonder how much the professor will check.
i was wrong about monkeys i think
maybe you and your future kiddo? dont worry, you can be a great dad
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very groovy, ty anon
Writing is easy, especially 1000 words. You only need like 2 citations max on that, if any
i'm aware, i've been watchin destiny (he had an epic reaction to the news)
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the fine colombian
1000 words isn't even the size of an introduction.
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I hate southern California so much.
Like, I get actually upset about it.
Straight up bitter hate over here.
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>I hate southern California so much.
my man
gn mousey :3
Does this sound like Nic Cage to you?
Word based board games are better than doing drugs
don't worry anon we hate you too :3
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>there are some /cum/mers who hate monkes
r/banter tourist here, what's the deal with the brit?
blocking redcoats has improved the quality of this general drastically, but its also just better at night
undiagnosed mental illness
this is kenny vs spenny right
you’re the one canadian anon here that likes that show too
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i’ve just seen them be really evil and mean looking and generally scary but i’m trying to change
for example i’ve stopped insulting people by calling them an orangutan
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Most canadian anons like that show
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i live in tropical paradise surrounded by the best of what life has to offer but you're welcome to go where you feel happier :3
ah, the regular
what are you, 38 y/o?
it's one of my comfort shows
i'm rewatching the first season right now kenny looks like a little baby
i'm 29
Early 30s
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>me sliding out of the wagecage
i look like that but not california and whataburger instead
el gato GORDO, senors jajajajajajajajajajaja
he is so talented
is whataburger good
my shithole state doesn't have it
I need to know if my impression sounds like him, someone answer me
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Just finished this kino.
What did I think of it?
i think it's really good their fries could be a lot better but the burgers and especially the milkshakes are so good
they're open 24 hours so if i'm out late on the weekend that's like a staple of mine
sorry i didn't see hold on
wtf is this real chat?
Got banned from int for suggesting mouse nonce might benefit from professional medical care lol
I'm not creative. I wish I was just doing math and taking multiple choice exams, I'm good at that.

Although, maybe I can save it with the conclusion, I can just sperg out for a while to fill out the word count.
I would name him "Fuzzy Wuzzy"
yeah sort of i could see it
Chill dude it's just a cat
Does it sound too deep? I'm doing his weird throat thing right but I'm not sure about the tone
Mousey, mousey? What's the matter my Mousey friend
wild how badly i mind fucked him
Mousey mouseyyyyyy
the clip is too short for me to definitively say really
not to pry but why are you working on your nicholas cage impersonation
I'm a hard hitter, a go getter
You don't have to be creative. Most of it is the citation, summarization, and relating it back to your thesis.
i'm an american original
I'm a Canadian hero
Mousey! Mousey! Mousey!
I used to be able to do it perfectly but I haven't tried to do it in forever so I was just seeing if I could still do it
I'm happy that I ate pizza and breadsticks today
it's funny when foreigners come here and they are intimately familiar and have a fascination with really mundane humdrum things like driving a car or going to buc-ees or whatever
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>a girl will never look at me like this
why do I wake up in the morning
you still got it anon
i was going to make beef tips and rice but i finished my cottage pie leftovers i forgot i had instead
You don't have to be creative. Simply write your essay like an equation.

Intro: in this essay I will argue that the sky is blue

Body: 3 paragraphs, each one with a separate reason why the sky is blue

Outro: sky is blue cause of above 3 reasons. Then a citation or two

You can be completely wrong on the facts as long as you argue and write well
get a gf nibba
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I need this cybernetic enhancement for maximum shitposting speed
>my wife is pregnant
oh nice. when did you inseminate her?
I just hate writing dude. Everything I have to say can be expressed in one paragraph at most.
One thousand words?! That's nothing. Are you 15 years old?
this is just a video of a court stenographer that's how they type so fast
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me and mousey (i am the one heeming)
stop acknowledging it
i never got a straight answer on what heem means
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Odessa, TX passed a law allowing bounty hunters to now legally film trans people using the toilet, assault and arrested trans people for being in a public bathroom, and then get paid $10k for doing it
How long until they start paying the KKK to do lynchings again?
putting to sleep

Ratpedo wouldnt shut the fuck up and go away so I HEEM'd him into next week
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Tonight's treat
i feel like there's better uses for 10 thousand dollars, teachers get paid practically nothing by school districts
start dating?
Is it bad to put a 160 word quote in the middle of my essay? It feels like that has just done all the heavy lifting for the word count but it feels cheap.
dating apps, bars, clubs, social events, work
Yes, that is too long of a quote. Quotes should really be avoided in general
that sounds good honestly i'd love to try it
I have attempted to meet women at bars on numerous occasions with no luck. Dating apps are even worse
what about the other options? you have to keep trying bud. there's no alternate way out.
It is good. It actually tastes like strawberries and milk, not just sugary milk.
the gf store sillybilly
can i buy it online
went under during the pandemic
Yes, but only in bulk orders of 24. If you want a more reasonable sized purchase then I'd recommend going to a Japanese grocery store.
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goodnight and sweet dreams
maybe next time i'm downtown i'll go on a little quest to find some
good night
The boy deserves to be tormented by his BPD ex.
Do you want a Sprite cranberry?
Fuck it dude, I'll finish this tomorrow. I lose 0.5 points per day that I'm late for the essay and it's past midnight. I'll finish tomorrow when I'm less tired and hopefully the result will be less shit.

Also it was due on the 16th so I'm fighting for a 2.5. Yay! I'm a fuck up.

But after this I'll be caught up, so hopefully I can be less of a fuck up going forward.
they are okay
i like cherry 7up it's a similar kind of thing
I miss sprite remix
kid named finger
get some rest anon
you're on the right track at least so don't feel too bad
I got 600 words done. Honestly if I put in as much effort as I did tonight every day I'd be getting a 4.0 in every class. My issue is that I just don't do the work and then I panic during the deadline.
I haven't been doing this sort of thing very long, I'm not skilled in the art of bullshitting essays yet, but in the words of Chris Chan:

They get paid pretty well for working 9 months of the year. You could make a case for raising the wage for teachers in their first 5-10 years.
selfharmed again after like 7 months clean. im such a retard too old to be doin this shit i hate being autistic and having child emotions forever. i need to get some sleep now being insane is so exhausting.
>next time make the whole paper after the intro a setup to go into your final points

That's what I'm doing. The setup is mostly done, might throw a few more references in depending on how my final points go.
dont do that spinny :( we love you
go to bed, what's done is done
it sucks because it makes you feel like you're in control and it brings relief but it's not worth it
hope things get better for you soon buddy
niggas really be struggling to write 1000 words and wonder why theyre flunking sophomore english

is 29 too old for a nigga to have a loft bed?
no, live your best life
I never really learned how to do it. I can chug out 600 words no issue but I feel like I've said everything after that. It's not like the professors teach you how.
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has anyone had success in learning another language using the int guide? i did one thing and it seems legit
You're supposed to learn to write an essay in high school before you have professors
I have nothing meaningful to say, just memes
You'll be able to bust these out once you understand the structure of an essay. I was writing weekly 4 page abstracts my senior year.
how did you make it to college without being able to write a basic report
Maybe he's one of those affirmative action guys
They were never 1000 words long.
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yah they were more, you literal retard. What were you writing, 2 pages worth?
No I was just home schooled. We were part of a homeschooling co-op and a lot of the kids from that are doing fine, so maybe I'm just dumb.

I swear I'm good at math though.
You know this guy is just doing the "200 word essay due in 3 months" meme, right?
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No dude I'm actually just shit at writing.
mind control is such a boring tag
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>jason got homeschooled, is gay and retarded
>this guy is homeschooled and cant even write a 3 page essay
why would anyone go to college in modern times what a scam
because employers want to see you got a degree
>inb4 hurr durr my dad set me up in a trade and Im making 60k starting
Who's jason? I only know brian.
I want cushy office job.
That's one page, anon.
Because it's fun and you get the bonus of a degree on your resume (as if that matters anymore).
I was homeschooled too, but I can write an essay with my eyes closed. Honestly seeing how awful most purple are at writing was a shocking revelation. Glad I'm done being a TA
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It's not in Times New Roman 12 point double spaced.

Really at the end of the day I'm just bad at school, I have been since first grade. And not bad at understanding that material, bad at managing time. I'll goof off for hours and try to make up for it in the last minute. But I'm hoping to fix that, I need to if I'm gonna get a good job.

Also here's my IQ to prove I'm not retarded.
Community college is not fun.
Stop goofing off and go to the library.
to work out
I wish I had the consoomer mindset that could be happy with buying new things.
You're just a lazy ass. Then you get upset because you were lazy and then frustrated cause you didn't do the easy one page report you should have finished last week.

The curse of vidya probably
same but i use my money on experiences instead of things, it's more fulfilling
shut up asshole
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dont let that asshole put you down
I should add though that I've done very well at the jobs I've had. It's mainly just school I have an issue with. I think the main issue is that when I'm at work I'm in a work state of mind but most of my school is done on my computer and the computer is full of infinite distractions.
I guarantee I'm right
Find a way to reward yourself after finishing an assignment. Do it in the library if you can't stay off the screens
>Find a way to reward yourself after finishing an assignment.

That's what my therapist says.
It works for many people. When I was a TA the prof put me in charge of making sure this one brilliant, lazy fucker passed. I learned all sorts of cajoling to get that fucker his grade
>the prof put me in charge of making sure this one brilliant, lazy fucker passed.
Did he have rich parents?
gonna look for some new web browser games to play together here since scribble game might be getting a little old
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Do you like uno? I play uno with the boys a lot
it's the eighteenth, so the missus put up the christmas things. i'm not sure what did it, either the nativity scene or the picture of our cat that died, but i feel very weepy and vulnerable. i only got up to poop, not to feel anything haha
that's a good idea
it'll be okay fella
gonna watch the second bourne movie
I liked the series, 1st one still the best tho
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me and who
oh that poor thing
give him a wet wipe now
Some people unironically live in Saskatchewan
saskatch these nuts
jesus christ, RETARD number one and RETARD number two ova here
who wants to get raped?
have you guys ever played board game online
it's really strange
are you a strong dommy mommy (peanits optional)
Can I pretend to be a girl during
well i've never done it before, so okay. oh, you said raped, *clears throat*
no! no! nooo!
good night
Anyone ever had an accidental sexual experience?

>Be at a pool party my church youth group is having
>Its over
>Me and my two friends are standing outside a room waiting to be picked up.
>The door isn't fully shut, and there's a mirror on the floor
>At a certain angle you can see the girl changing's pussy
>all of us saw it

I was like 14

>At the beach
>My moms friend gets hit by a wave and both her tits flop out
>she knows I saw them and says sorry
>I deny it
>She says she knows i saw them and laughs it off, says its ok to admit it

Unfortunately she was fat and ugly. I was like 12
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Goodnight, I saved this image.
I also saved pic-related the other night.
Some black girl at work told me today that there's aliens living among humans under the ocean, and that bigfoot is an alien
>aliens living among humans under the ocean
This is based and redpilled
>bigfoot is an alien
This is where it becomes schizo-tier
Then another black girl said credit cards were invented in africa
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turn on the sweat machine
none beards are shit and i hate shaving all the time
One retard is eating the bowl. One retard is walking in food.
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I only have a beard to cover my weak chin
scared to move. blanket is perfectly tucked under my feet, and it's not a whole lot longer than i am.
if your feet get exposed the monster under your bed will bite them
The monster is me, btw
wish i was a cute girl from a rich family
Just shat.
Me 2 we could be lesbeans
Chipotle getting creative with their ingredients
my ears are ringing. making it hard to sleep
She is correct. Tell her that.
I will try that on new game+
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