Is it just me, or does anyone else find this... motto they've recently adopted somewhat problematic, given the recent usage of phrasings such as "your..., my/our..."?Besides, how true is this statement? Is DDG really as private as they claim?
>>103218328>ooh goy of course your searches are safe and privatemaybe if they had an independent privacy audit company come in and audit their systems to put on display for the world to see it might help but i'm still gonna have a hard time believing it
>>103218418wrong image
>>103218328>Is DDG really as private as they claim?You tell me after looking at the owners previois business which sold private user data en mass. But I assume Brave and Opera GX are also private just like Apple and Microsoft of course.
>>103218642>>103218328>>103218430>>103218418Owner being a Jew is in itself a heuristic of sorts.But if that's not enough, they had plenty of pants shitting occurrences by now both in censorship and privacy department. It's just a shittier google while google is a shittier version of itself, which also vindicates a saying:>what Jews didn't ruin Indians surely will
>>103218328>does anyone else find this... problematicywnbaw
>>103218328I use it through 4get
>>103218328>problematicGo back to r*ddit or Twitter, scum
>>103218430u just needed his face
>>103218328its based