none that look good
>>103221579they are black aren't they ?
>>103221567Like legitimate women who were born biologically female (ie no cock and balls)? Hard to say really since they come and go due to their obvious limitations. Like the DEI shit can shoehorn them in but eventually reality starts to seep in and convenient layoffs ensue.
>>103221567define working
>>103221582no, worse, Asian.
>>103221582those are not smart enough for the field>>103221589that would be a good thing
>>103221567Do you have some power fucking involving that cute bitch asshole?
>>103221589What KIND of asian?
>>103221589She's from Japsterdam you cretin.
can you stop posting this sharty shit here?
>>103221582Worse, they have penises
>>103221567'zellig wnbag
>>103223094trvth nvke
>>103221567Our marketing department is 100% women and HR/administrative work is 80%. IT support is 100% men, R&D about 80%.
>>103223255>>103223094B*lgian posters. Do not engage.
>>103221567my wife>mfw I introduced her to the field
>>103221567This gives me the weirdest boner.
>>103221589why do you capitalize asian? you do understand that chinks and jeets are both asiatic right? They're not different, they're both scamming cheating low IQ insects.
>>103226403anon that's racist
>>103226478I-I'm so sorry anon. Please forgive me.