>transmission doesn't load/seed even with a good ratio>ktorrent simply refuses to open for some reason>qbittorrent has had a fuck huge memory leak for years that the devs ignoreI'm literally going to fucking kill myself right now. What the fuck? I thought freetards love free stuff, why can't you make a fucking functioning torrent client?
I use aria2 with a web interface, it's okay
>>103214067>qbittorrent has had a fuck huge memory leak for years that the devs ignorepicrel has been up for daysin the past i've had it up for over week and never have i seen it go above 280MB
>>103214451i want to add that my buffer and cache settings are way over the default, memory utilization at stock settings is even lower
>>103214067Use Deluge
>>103214451Which theme are you using anon?
>huge memory leaknot noticeable to the point where i still use it without issues. grow up
>>103214595GruvboxColors with a few tweaks in qBittorrent you can't see because System Monitor is blocking the torrent namesi changed the font color to match my global theme
>>103214643>grow up
>>103214695picrelmost importantly it improved readablility
>>103214451>t. mad qbittorrent devAlready saw the same faggot in this thread >>103167873
>>103215088god forbid i post in another torrent client thread
>>103214067>has had a fuck huge memory leak for years that the devs ignoreNigger my seedbox has been up for months what the fuck are you smoking?
some of my torrents are over 200 in ratio on transmission but I guess transmission doesn't work and OP isn't a faggot
Why does every torrent have barely any seeders nowadays?
>>103215935storage is so cheap and connections so fucking fast it's inexcusable to hit and run anything nowadays
>>103216269not for turdworlders
>>103216308Not even for amerifats.
>>103214067Works on my machine
Deluge. It has been flawless for last 10+ years
>transmission doesn't load/seed even with a good ratio
>>103218145I use Deluge on linux because there isnt anything better.
>>103214067I use what my seedbox has installed
>>103214842looks pretty nice to be frank
>>103218816>the 30 year old booba
>>103214067no memory leak on my system
>"your network connectivity changes when you change programs"Sorry, doesn't work like that. All that is happening is some of your Bittorrent clients or your router has a broken upnp implementation -> open up your port manually.
>>103214067None of those statements are true.